Source code for pyretis.engines.external

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""Definition of external engines.

This module defines the base class for external MD engines.

Important classes defined here

ExternalMDEngine (:py:class:`.ExternalMDEngine`)
    The base class for external engines which defines the
    interface to external programs.

from abc import abstractmethod
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import shutil
from pyretis.core.common import counter
from pyretis.inout import print_to_screen
from pyretis.inout.fileio import FileIO
from pyretis.engines.engine import EngineBase
from pyretis.inout.formats.cp2k import read_cp2k_box
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

__all__ = ['ExternalMDEngine']

[docs]class ExternalMDEngine(EngineBase): """ Base class for interfacing external MD engines. This class defines the interface to external programs. The interface will define how we interact with the external programs, how we write input files for them and read output files from them. New engines should inherit from this class and implement the following methods: * :py:meth:`ExternalMDEngine.step` A method for performing a MD step with the external engine. Note that the MD step can consist of a number of subcycles. * :py:meth:`ExternalMDEngine._read_configuration` For reading output (configurations) from the external engine. This is used for calculating the order parameter(s). * :py:meth:`ExternalMDEngine._reverse_velocities` For reversing velocities in a snapshot. This method will typically make use of the method :py:meth:`ExternalMDEngine._read_configuration`. * :py:meth:`ExternalMDEngine._extract_frame` For extracting a single frame from a trajectory. * :py:meth:`ExternalMDEngine._propagate_from` The method for propagating the equations of motion using the external engine. * :py:meth:`ExternalMDEngine.modify_velocities` The method used for generating random velocities for shooting points. Note that this method is defined in :py:meth:`EngineBase.modify_velocities`. Attributes ---------- description : string A string with a description of the external engine. This can, for instance, be what program we are interfacing with. This is used for outputting information to the user. timestep : float The time step used for the external engine. subcycles : integer The number of steps the external step is composed of. That is: each external step is really composed of ``subcycles`` number of iterations. """ engine_type = 'external'
[docs] def __init__(self, description, timestep, subcycles): """ Set up the external engine. Here we just set up some common properties which are useful for the execution. Parameters ---------- description : string A string with a description of the external engine. This can, for instance, be what program we are interfacing with. This is used for outputting information to the user. timestep : float The time step used in the simulation. subcycles : integer The number of sub-cycles each external integration step is composed of. """ super().__init__(description) self.timestep = timestep self.subcycles = subcycles self.ext = 'xyz' self.input_files = {}
[docs] def integration_step(self, ensemble): """ Perform a single time step of the integration. For external engines, it does not make much sense to run single steps unless we absolutely have to. We therefore just fail here. I.e. the external engines are not intended for performing pure MD simulations. If it's absolutely needed, there is a :py:meth:`self.step()` method which can be used, for instance in the initialisation. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` A system to run the integration step on. """ msg = 'External engine does **NOT** support "integration_step()"!' logger.error(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs] @abstractmethod def step(self, system, name): """Perform a single step with the external engine. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system we are integrating. name : string To name the output files from the external engine. Returns ------- out : string The name of the output configuration, obtained after completing the step. """ return
[docs] @abstractmethod def _read_configuration(self, filename): """Read output configuration from external software. Parameters ---------- filename : string The file to open and read a configuration from. Returns ------- out[0] : numpy.array The dimensions of the simulation box. out[1] : numpy.array The positions found in the given filename. out[2] : numpy.array The velocities found in the given filename. """ return
[docs] @abstractmethod def _reverse_velocities(self, filename, outfile): """Reverse velocities in a given snapshot. Parameters ---------- filename : string Input file with velocities. outfile : string File to write with reversed velocities. """ return
[docs] @staticmethod def _modify_input(sourcefile, outputfile, settings, delim='='): """ Modify input file for external software. Here we assume that the input file has a syntax consisting of ``keyword = setting``. We will only replace settings for the keywords we find in the file that is also inside the ``settings`` dictionary. Parameters ---------- sourcefile : string The path of the file to use for creating the output. outputfile : string The path of the file to write. settings : dict A dictionary with settings to write. delim : string, optional The delimiter used for separation keywords from settings. """ reg = re.compile(fr'(.*?){delim}') written = set() with open(sourcefile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as infile, \ open(outputfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile: for line in infile: to_write = line key = reg.match(line) if key: keyword = ''.join([, delim]) keyword_strip = if keyword_strip in settings: to_write = f'{keyword} {settings[keyword_strip]}\n' written.add(keyword_strip) outfile.write(to_write) # Add settings not yet written: for key, value in settings.items(): if key not in written: outfile.write(f'{key} {delim} {value}\n')
[docs] @staticmethod def _read_input_settings(sourcefile, delim='='): """ Read input settings for simulation input files. Here we assume that the input file has a syntax consisting of ``keyword = setting``, where ``=`` can be any string given in the input parameter ``delim``. Parameters ---------- sourcefile : string The path of the file to use for creating the output. delim : string, optional The delimiter used for separation keywords from settings. Returns ------- settings : dict of strings The settings found in the file. Note ---- Important: We are here assuming that there will *ONLY* be one keyword per line. """ reg = re.compile(fr'(.*?){delim}') settings = {} with open(sourcefile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as infile: for line in infile: key = reg.match(line) if key: keyword_strip = settings[keyword_strip] = line.split(delim)[1].strip() return settings
[docs] def execute_command(self, cmd, cwd=None, inputs=None): """ Execute an external command for the engine. We are here executing a command and then waiting until it finishes. The standard out and standard error are piped to files during the execution and can be inspected if the command fails. This method returns the return code of the issued command. Parameters ---------- cmd : list of strings The command to execute. cwd : string or None, optional The current working directory to set for the command. inputs : bytes or None, optional Additional inputs to give to the command. These are not arguments but more akin to keystrokes etc. that the external command may take. Returns ------- out : int The return code of the issued command. """ cmd2 = ' '.join(cmd) logger.debug('Executing: %s', cmd2) if inputs is not None: logger.debug('With input: %s', inputs) out_name = 'stdout.txt' err_name = 'stderr.txt' if cwd: out_name = os.path.join(cwd, out_name) err_name = os.path.join(cwd, err_name) return_code = None with open(out_name, 'wb') as fout, open(err_name, 'wb') as ferr: exe = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=fout, stderr=ferr, shell=False, cwd=cwd ) exe.communicate(input=inputs) # Note: communicate will wait until process terminates. return_code = exe.returncode if return_code != 0: logger.error('Execution of external program (%s) failed!', self.description) logger.error('Attempted command: %s', cmd2) logger.error('Execution directory: %s', cwd) if inputs is not None: logger.error('Input to external program was: %s', inputs) logger.error('Return code from external program: %i', return_code) logger.error('STDOUT, see file: %s', out_name) logger.error('STDERR, see file: %s', err_name) msg = (f'Execution of external program ({self.description}) ' f'failed with command:\n {cmd2}.\n' f'Return code: {return_code}') raise RuntimeError(msg) if return_code is not None and return_code == 0: self._removefile(out_name) self._removefile(err_name) return return_code
[docs] @staticmethod def _movefile(source, dest): """Move file from source to destination.""" logger.debug('Moving: %s -> %s', source, dest) shutil.move(source, dest)
[docs] @staticmethod def _copyfile(source, dest): """Copy file from source to destination.""" logger.debug('Copy: %s -> %s', source, dest) shutil.copyfile(source, dest)
[docs] @staticmethod def _removefile(filename): """Remove a given file if it exist.""" try: os.remove(filename) logger.debug('Removing: %s', filename) except OSError: logger.debug('Could not remove: %s', filename)
[docs] def _remove_files(self, dirname, files): """Remove files from a directory. Parameters ---------- dirname : string Where we are removing. files : list of strings A list with files to remove. """ for i in files: self._removefile(os.path.join(dirname, i))
[docs] def clean_up(self): """Will remove all files from the current directory.""" dirname = self.exe_dir logger.debug('Running engine clean-up in "%s"', dirname) files = [ for item in os.scandir(dirname) if item.is_file()] self._remove_files(dirname, files)
[docs] def calculate_order(self, ensemble, xyz=None, vel=None, box=None): """ Calculate order parameter from configuration in a file. Note, if ``xyz``, ``vel`` or ``box`` are given, we will **NOT** read positions, velocity and box information from the current configuration file. Parameters ---------- ensemble : dict It contains: * `system` : object like :py:class:`.System` This is the system that contains the particles we are investigating * `order_function` : object like :py:class:`.OrderParameter` The object used for calculating the order parameter. xyz : numpy.array, optional The positions to use, in case we have already read them somewhere else. We will then not attempt to read them again. vel : numpy.array, optional The velocities to use, in case we already have read them. box : numpy.array, optional The current box vectors, in case we already have read them. Returns ------- out : list of floats The calculated order parameter(s). """ # Convert system into an internal representation: system = ensemble['system'] order_function = ensemble['order_function'] if any((xyz is None, vel is None, box is None)): out = self._read_configuration(system.particles.config[0]) box = out[0] xyz = out[1] vel = out[2] system.particles.pos = xyz if system.particles.vel_rev: if vel is not None: system.particles.vel = -1.0 * vel else: system.particles.vel = vel if box is None and self.input_files.get('template', False): # CP2K specific box initiation: box, _ = read_cp2k_box(ensemble['engine'].input_files['template']) system.update_box(box) return order_function.calculate(system)
[docs] def kick_across_middle(self, ensemble, middle, tis_settings): """ Force a phase point across the middle interface. This is accomplished by repeatedly kicking the phase point so that it crosses the middle interface. Parameters ---------- ensemble: dict It contains: * `system`: object like :py:class:`.System` This is the system that contains the particles we are investigating. * `order_function`: object like :py:class:`.OrderParameter` The object used for calculating the order parameter. * `rgen`: object like :py:class:`.RandomGenerator` This is the random generator that will be used. middle : float This is the value for the middle interface. tis_settings : dict This dictionary contains settings for TIS. Explicitly used here: * `zero_momentum`: boolean, determines if the momentum is zeroed. * `rescale_energy`: boolean, determines if energy is re-scaled. Returns ------- out[0] : object like :py:class:`.System` The phase-point just before the crossing the interface. out[1] : object like :py:class:`.System` The phase-point just after crossing the interface. Note ---- This function will update the input system state. """ system = ensemble['system'].copy()'Kicking with external integrator: %s', self.description) # We search for crossing with the middle interface and do this # by sequentially kicking the initial phase point # Let's get the starting point: initial_file = self.dump_frame(system) # Create a "previous file" for storing the state before a new kick: prev_file = os.path.join( self.exe_dir, f'p_{os.path.basename(initial_file)}' ) msg_file_name = os.path.join(self.exe_dir, 'msg-kick.txt') msg_file = FileIO(msg_file_name, 'w', None, backup=False) msg_file.write(f'Kick initiation for {self.description}') self._copyfile(initial_file, prev_file) # Update so that we use the prev_file: ensemble['system'].particles.set_pos((prev_file, None, None))'Searching for crossing with: %9.6g', middle) print_to_screen(f'Searching for crossing with: {middle}') print_to_screen(f'Writing progress to: {msg_file_name}') while True: msg_file.write('New kick:') # Do kick from current state: msg_file.write('\tModify velocities...') vel_settings = {'sigma_v': None, 'aimless': True, 'momentum': False, 'rescale': None} self.modify_velocities(ensemble, vel_settings) # Update order parameter in case it's velocity dependent: curr = self.calculate_order(ensemble)[0] msg_file.write(f'\tAfter kick: {curr}') previous = ensemble['system'].copy() previous.order = [curr] # Update system by integrating forward: msg_file.write('\tIntegrate forward...') conf = self.step(ensemble['system'], 'kicked') curr_file = os.path.join(self.exe_dir, conf) # Compare previous order parameter and the new one: prev = curr curr = self.calculate_order(ensemble)[0] txt = f'{prev} -> {curr} | {middle}' msg_file.write(f'\t{txt}') if (prev <= middle < curr) or (curr < middle <= prev):'Crossed middle interface: %s', txt) msg_file.write('\tCrossed middle interface!') # Middle interface was crossed, just stop the loop. self._copyfile(curr_file, prev_file) # Update file name after moving: system.particles.set_pos((prev_file, None, None)) break if (prev <= curr < middle) or (middle < curr <= prev): # Getting closer, keep the new point: logger.debug('Getting closer to middle: %s', txt) msg_file.write( '\tGetting closer to middle, keeping new point.' ) self._movefile(curr_file, prev_file) # Update file name after moving: ensemble['system'].particles.set_pos((prev_file, None, None)) else: # We did not get closer, fall back to previous point: logger.debug('Did not get closer to middle: %s', txt) msg_file.write( '\tDid not get closer, fall back to previous point.' ) ensemble['system'] = previous.copy() curr = previous.order self._removefile(curr_file) msg_file.flush() msg_file.close() self._removefile(msg_file_name) return previous, system
[docs] @abstractmethod def _extract_frame(self, traj_file, idx, out_file): """Extract a frame from a trajectory file. Parameters ---------- traj_file : string The trajectory file to open. idx : integer The frame number we look for. out_file : string The file to dump to. """ return
[docs] def propagate(self, path, ensemble, reverse=False): """ Propagate the equations of motion with the external code. This method will explicitly do the common set-up, before calling more specialised code for doing the actual propagation. Parameters ---------- path : object like :py:class:`.PathBase` This is the path we use to fill in phase-space points. We are here not returning a new path - this since we want to delegate the creation of the path to the method that is running `propagate`. ensemble: dict It contains: * `system` : object like :py:class:`.System` The system object gives the initial state for the integration. The initial state is stored and the system is reset to the initial state when the integration is done. * `order_function` : object like :py:class:`.OrderParameter` The object used for calculating the order parameter. * `interfaces` : list of floats These interfaces define the stopping criterion. reverse : boolean, optional If True, the system will be propagated backward in time. Returns ------- success : boolean This is True if we generated an acceptable path. status : string A text description of the current status of the propagation. """ logger.debug('Running propagate with: "%s"', self.description) prefix = str(counter()) if ensemble.get('path_ensemble', False): prefix = ensemble['path_ensemble'].ensemble_name_simple + '_' \ + prefix if reverse: logger.debug('Running backward in time.') name = prefix + '_trajB' else: logger.debug('Running forward in time.') name = prefix + '_trajF' logger.debug('Trajectory name: "%s"', name) # Also create a message file for inspecting progress: msg_file_name = os.path.join(self.exe_dir, f'msg-{name}.txt') logger.debug('Writing propagation progress to: %s', msg_file_name) msg_file = FileIO(msg_file_name, 'w', None, backup=False) msg_file.write(f'# Preparing propagation with {self.description}') msg_file.write(f'# Trajectory label: {name}') initial_state = ensemble['system'].copy() system = ensemble['system'] initial_file = self.dump_frame(system, deffnm=prefix + '_conf') msg_file.write(f'# Initial file: {initial_file}') logger.debug('Initial state: %s', system) if reverse != system.particles.vel_rev: logger.debug('Reversing velocities in initial config.') msg_file.write('# Reversing velocities') basepath = os.path.dirname(initial_file) localfile = os.path.basename(initial_file) initial_conf = os.path.join(basepath, f'r_{localfile}') self._reverse_velocities(initial_file, initial_conf) else: initial_conf = initial_file msg_file.write(f'# Initial config: {initial_conf}') # Update system to point to the configuration file: system.particles.set_pos((initial_conf, None)) system.particles.set_vel(reverse) # Propagate from this point: msg_file.write(f'# Interfaces: {ensemble["interfaces"]}') success, status = self._propagate_from( name, path, ensemble, msg_file, reverse=reverse ) # Reset to initial state: ensemble['system'] = initial_state msg_file.close() return success, status
[docs] @abstractmethod def _propagate_from(self, name, path, ensemble, msg_file, reverse=False): """ Run the actual propagation using the specific engine. This method is called after :py:meth:`.propagate`. And we assume that the necessary preparations before the actual propagation (e.g. dumping of the configuration etc.) is handled in that method. Parameters ---------- name : string A name to use for the trajectory we are generating. path : object like :py:class:`.PathBase` This is the path we use to fill in phase-space points. ensemble: dict It contains: * `system` : object like :py:class:`.System` The system object gives the initial state for the integration. The initial state is stored and the system is reset to the initial state when the integration is done. * `order_function` : object like :py:class:`.OrderParameter` The object used for calculating the order parameter. * `interfaces` : list of floats These interfaces define the stopping criterion. msg_file : object like :py:class:`.FileIO` An object we use for writing out messages that are useful for inspecting the status of the current propagation. reverse : boolean, optional If True, the system will be propagated backward in time. Returns ------- success : boolean This is True if we generated an acceptable path. status : string A text description of the current status of the propagation. """ return
[docs] def _name_output(self, basename): """ Create a file name for the output file. This method is used when we dump a configuration to add the correct extension for GROMACS (either gro or g96). Parameters ---------- basename : string The base name to give to the file. Returns ------- out : string A file name with an extension. """ out_file = f'{basename}.{self.ext}' return os.path.join(self.exe_dir, out_file)
[docs] def dump_config(self, config, deffnm='conf'): """Extract configuration frame from a system if needed. Parameters ---------- config : tuple The configuration given as (filename, index). deffnm : string, optional The base name for the file we dump to. Returns ------- out : string The file name we dumped to. If we did not in fact dump, this is because the system contains a single frame and we can use it directly. Then we return simply this file name. Note ---- If the velocities should be reversed, this is handled elsewhere. """ pos_file, idx = config out_file = os.path.join(self.exe_dir, self._name_output(deffnm)) if idx is None: if pos_file != out_file: self._copyfile(pos_file, out_file) else: logger.debug('Config: %s', (config, )) self._extract_frame(pos_file, idx, out_file) return out_file
[docs] def dump_frame(self, system, deffnm='conf'): """Just dump the frame from a system object.""" return self.dump_config(system.particles.config, deffnm=deffnm)
[docs] def dump_phasepoint(self, phasepoint, deffnm='conf'): """Just dump the frame from a system object.""" pos_file = self.dump_config(phasepoint.particles.get_pos(), deffnm=deffnm) phasepoint.particles.set_pos((pos_file, None))