Source code for pyretis.engines.internal

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""Definition of numerical MD integrators.

These integrators are representations of engines for performing
molecular dynamics. Typically they will propagate Newtons
equations of motion in time numerically.

Important classes defined here

MDEngine (:py:class:`.MDEngine`)
    Base class for internal MDEngines.

RandomWalk (:py:class:`.RandomWalk`)
    A Random Walk integrator.

Verlet (:py:class:`.Verlet`)
    A Verlet MD integrator.

VelocityVerlet (:py:class:`.VelocityVerlet`)
    A Velocity Verlet MD integrator.

Langevin (:py:class:`.Langevin`)
    A Langevin MD integrator.
import logging
import numpy as np
from pyretis.core.random_gen import create_random_generator
from pyretis.core.particlefunctions import (calculate_kinetic_energy,
from pyretis.engines.engine import EngineBase

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

__all__ = ['MDEngine', 'RandomWalk', 'Verlet', 'VelocityVerlet', 'Langevin']

[docs]class MDEngine(EngineBase): """Base class for internal MD integrators. This class defines an internal MD integrator. This class of integrators work with the positions and velocities of the system object directly. Further, we make use of the system object in order to update forces etc. Attributes ---------- timestep : float Time step for the integration. description : string Description of the MD integrator. dynamics : str A short string to represent the type of dynamics produced by the integrator (NVE, NVT, stochastic, ...). """ engine_type = 'internal'
[docs] def __init__(self, timestep, description, dynamics=None): """Set up the integrator. Parameters ---------- timestep : float The time step for the integrator in internal units. description : string A short description of the integrator. dynamics : string or None, optional Description of the kind of dynamics the integrator does. """ super().__init__(description) self.timestep = timestep self.dynamics = dynamics
[docs] def integration_step(self, _): """Perform a single time step of the integration. Parameters ---------- - : place holder Returns ------- out : None Does not return anything, in derived classes it will typically update the given `System`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def select_thermo_function(self, thermo='full'): """Select function for calculating thermodynamic properties. Parameters ---------- thermo : string, or None, optional String which selects the kind of thermodynamic output. Returns ------- thermo_func : callable or None The function matching the requested thermodynamic output. """ thermo_func = None if thermo is not None: if thermo not in ('full', 'path'): logger.debug( 'Unknown thermo "%s" requested: Using "path"!', thermo, ) thermo = 'path' logger.debug('Thermo output for %s.integrate(): "%s"', self.__class__.__name__, thermo) if thermo == 'full': thermo_func = calculate_thermo elif thermo == 'path': thermo_func = calculate_thermo_path return thermo_func
[docs] def integrate(self, ensemble, steps, thermo='full'): """Perform several integration steps. This method will perform several integration steps, but it will also calculate order parameter(s) if requested and energy terms. Parameters ---------- ensemble: dict It contains: * `system` : object like :py:class:`.System` The system we are integrating. * `order_function` : object like :py:class:`.OrderParameter` An order function can be specified if we want to calculate the order parameter along with the simulation. steps : integer The number of steps we are going to perform. Note that we do not integrate on the first step (e.g. step 0) but we do obtain the other properties. This is to output the starting configuration. thermo : string, optional Select the thermodynamic properties we are to calculate. Yields ------ results : dict The result of a MD step. This contains the state of the system and also the order parameter(s) (if calculated) and the thermodynamic quantities (if calculated). """ thermo_func = self.select_thermo_function(thermo=thermo) system = ensemble['system'] order_function = ensemble.get('order_function') system.potential_and_force() for i in range(steps): if i == 0: pass else: self.integration_step(system) results = {'system': system} if order_function is not None: results['order'] = self.calculate_order(ensemble) if thermo_func: results['thermo'] = thermo_func(system) yield results
[docs] def invert_dt(self): """Invert the time step for the integration. Returns ------- out : boolean True if the time step is positive, False otherwise. """ self.timestep *= -1.0 return self.timestep > 0.0
[docs] def propagate(self, path, ensemble, reverse=False): """Generate a path by integrating until a criterion is met. This function will generate a path by calling the function specifying the integration step repeatedly. The integration is carried out until the order parameter has passed the specified interfaces or if we have integrated for more than a specified maximum number of steps. The given system defines the initial state and the system is reset to its initial state when this method is done. Parameters ---------- path : object like :py:class:`.PathBase` This is the path we use to fill in phase-space points. We are here not returning a new path, this since we want to delegate the creation of the path (type) to the method that is running `propagate`. ensemble: dict It contains: * `system` : object like :py:class:`.System` The system object gives the initial state for the integration. The initial state is stored and the system is reset to the initial state when the integration is done. * `order_function` : object like :py:class:`.OrderParameter` An order function can be specified if we want to calculate the order parameter along with the simulation. * `interfaces` : list of floats These interfaces define the stopping criterion. reverse : boolean, optional If True, the system will be propagated backward in time. Returns ------- success : boolean This is True if we generated an acceptable path. status : string A text description of the current status of the propagation. """ status = 'Propagate w/internal engine' logger.debug(status) success = False # Copy the system, so that we can propagate without altering it: system = ensemble['system'] system.potential_and_force() # Make sure forces are set. left, _, right = ensemble['interfaces'] for i in range(path.maxlen): system.order = self.calculate_order(ensemble) ekin = calculate_kinetic_energy(system.particles)[0] system.particles.ekin = ekin status, success, stop, _ = self.add_to_path(path, system.copy(), left, right) if stop: logger.debug('Stopping propagate at step: %i ', i) break if reverse: system.particles.vel *= -1.0 self.integration_step(system) system.particles.vel *= -1.0 else: self.integration_step(system) logger.debug('Propagate done: "%s" (success: %s)', status, success) return success, status
[docs] @staticmethod def modify_velocities(ensemble, vel_settings): """Modify the velocities of the current state. This method will modify the velocities of a time slice. And it is part of the integrator since it, conceptually, fits here: we are acting on the system and modifying it. Parameters ---------- ensemble : dict It contains: * `system : object like :py:class:`.System` This is the system that contains the particles we are investigating * `rgen` : object like :py:class:`.RandomGenerator` This is the random generator that will be used. vel_settings: dict. It contains all the info for the velocity: * `sigma_v` : numpy.array, optional These values can be used to set a standard deviation (one for each particle) for the generated velocities. * `aimless` : boolean, optional Determines if we should do aimless shooting or not. * `momentum` : boolean, optional If True, we reset the linear momentum to zero after generating. * `rescale or rescale_energy` : float, optional In some NVE simulations, we may wish to re-scale the energy to a fixed value. If `rescale` is a float > 0, we will re-scale the energy (after modification of the velocities) to match the given float. Returns ------- dek : float The change in the kinetic energy. kin_new : float The new kinetic energy. """ rgen = ensemble['rgen'] system = ensemble['system'] rescale = vel_settings.get('rescale_energy', vel_settings.get('rescale')) particles = system.particles if rescale is not None and rescale is not False: if rescale > 0: kin_old = rescale - particles.vpot do_rescale = True else: logger.warning('Ignored re-scale 6.2%f < 0.0.', rescale) return 0.0, calculate_kinetic_energy(particles)[0] else: kin_old = calculate_kinetic_energy(particles)[0] do_rescale = False if vel_settings.get('aimless', False): vel, _ = rgen.draw_maxwellian_velocities(system) particles.vel = vel else: # Soft velocity change, from a Gaussian distribution: dvel, _ = rgen.draw_maxwellian_velocities( system, sigma_v=vel_settings['sigma_v']) particles.vel = particles.vel + dvel if vel_settings.get('momentum', False): reset_momentum(particles) if do_rescale: system.rescale_velocities(rescale) kin_new = calculate_kinetic_energy(particles)[0] dek = kin_new - kin_old return dek, kin_new
[docs] def __call__(self, system): """To allow calling `MDEngine(system)`. Here, we are just calling `self.integration_step(system)`. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system we are integrating. Returns ------- out : None Does not return anything, but will update the particles. """ return self.integration_step(system)
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_order(ensemble, xyz=None, vel=None, box=None): """Return the order parameter. This method is just to help to calculate the order parameter in cases where only the engine can do it. Parameters ---------- ensemble : dict It contains: * `system` : object like :py:class:`.System` This is the system that contains the particles we are investigating * `order_function` : object like :py:class:`.OrderParameter` The object used for calculating the order parameter. xyz : numpy.array, optional The positions to use. Typically for internal engines, this is not needed. It is included here as it can be used for testing and also to be compatible with the generic function defined by the parent. vel : numpy.array, optional The velocities to use. box : numpy.array, optional The current box vectors. Returns ------- out : list of floats The calculated order parameter(s). """ system = ensemble['system'] order_function = ensemble['order_function'] if any((xyz is None, vel is None, box is None)): return order_function.calculate(system) system.particles.pos = xyz system.particles.vel = vel return order_function.calculate(system)
[docs] def kick_across_middle(self, ensemble, middle, tis_settings): """Force a phase point across the middle interface. This is accomplished by repeatedly kicking the phase point so that it crosses the middle interface. Parameters ---------- ensemble : dict It contains: * `system` : object like :py:class:`.System` This is the system that contains the particles we are investigating * `order_function` : object like :py:class:`.OrderParameter` The object used for calculating the order parameter. * `rgen` : object like :py:class:`.RandomGenerator` This is the random generator that will be used. middle : float This is the value for the middle interface. tis_settings : dict This dictionary contains settings for TIS. Explicitly used here: * `zero_momentum`: boolean, determines if the momentum is zeroed. * `rescale_energy`: boolean, determines if energy is re-scaled. Returns ------- out[0] : object like :py:class:`.System` The phase-point just before the interface. out[1] : object like :py:class:`.System` The phase-point just after the interface. Note ---- This function will update the system state. """ # We search for crossing with the middle interface and do this # by sequentially kicking the initial phase point: system = ensemble['system'] previous = system.copy() system.potential_and_force() # Make sure forces are set. curr = self.calculate_order(ensemble)[0]'Kicking from: %9.6f', curr) while True: # Save current state: previous = system.copy() # Modify velocities: self.modify_velocities( ensemble, {'sigma_v': None, 'aimless': True, 'momentum': tis_settings['zero_momentum'], 'rescale': tis_settings['rescale_energy']}) # Update order parameter in case it is velocity dependent: curr = self.calculate_order(ensemble)[0] previous.order = curr # Store modified velocities: previous.particles.set_vel(system.particles.get_vel()) # Integrate forward one step: self.integration_step(system) # Compare previous order parameter and the new one: prev = curr curr = self.calculate_order(ensemble)[0] if curr == middle: # By construction we want two points, one left and one # right of the interface, and these two points should # be connected by a MD step. If we hit exactly on the # interface we just fall back: system.particles = previous.particles.copy() curr = previous.order else: if (prev <= middle < curr) or (curr < middle <= prev): # Middle interface was crossed, just stop the loop.'Crossing found: %9.6f %9.6f ', prev, curr) break if (prev <= curr < middle) or (middle < curr <= prev): # We are getting closer, keep the new point. pass else: # We did not get closer, fall back to previous point. system.particles = previous.particles.copy() curr = previous.order system.order = curr return previous, system
[docs] def dump_phasepoint(self, phasepoint, deffnm=None): """For compatibility with external integrators.""" return
[docs] def clean_up(self): """Clean up after using the engine. Currently, this is only included for compatibility with external integrators. """ return
[docs]class Verlet(MDEngine): """The Verlet MD integrator. This class defines the Verlet MD integrator. Attributes ---------- half_idt : float Half of the inverse time step: `0.5 / timestep`. timestepsq : float Squared time step: `timestep**2`. previous_pos : numpy.array Stores the previous positions of the particles. """
[docs] def __init__(self, timestep): """Set up the Verlet MD integrator. Parameters ---------- timestep : float The time step in internal units. """ super().__init__(timestep, 'Verlet MD integrator', dynamics='NVE') self.half_idt = 0.5 / self.timestep self.timestepsq = self.timestep**2 self.previous_pos = None
[docs] def set_initial_positions(self, particles): """Get initial positions for the Verlet integration. Parameters ---------- particles : object like :py:class:`.Particles` The initial configuration. Positions and velocities are required. """ self.previous_pos = particles.pos - particles.vel * self.timestep
[docs] def integration_step(self, system): """Perform one Verlet integration step. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system to integrate/act on. Assumed to have a particle list in ``system.particles``. Returns ------- out : None Does not return anything, but alters the state of the given system. """ particles = system.particles acc = particles.force * particles.imass pos = 2.0 * particles.pos - self.previous_pos + acc * self.timestepsq particles.vel = (pos - self.previous_pos) * self.half_idt self.previous_pos, particles.pos = particles.pos, pos system.potential_and_force()
[docs] def restart_info(self): """Return restart info. The restart info for the engine Verlet. Returns ------- info : dict, Contains all the updated simulation settings and counters. """ info = super().restart_info() info['class'] = 'Verlet' for attr, value in self.__dict__.items(): info[attr] = value return info
[docs] def load_restart_info(self, info): """Load restart information. Parameters ---------- info : dict The dictionary with the restart information, should be similar to the dict produced by :py:func:`.restart_info`. """ super().load_restart_info(info) self.timestep = info.get('timestep') self.half_idt = info.get('half_idt') self.timestepsq = info.get('timestepsq') self.previous_pos = info.get('previous_pos')
[docs]class RandomWalk(MDEngine): """A Random Walker integrator. This class defines a Random walker integrator. Attributes ---------- timestep : float The length of the step. """
[docs] def __init__(self, timestep, rgen=None, seed=0): """Set up the Random walker integrator. Parameters ---------- timestep : float The time step in internal units. rgen : string, optional This string can be used to pick a particular random generator, which is useful for testing. seed : integer, optional A seed for the random generator. """ super().__init__(timestep, 'Random Walker integrator', dynamics='NoNe') rgen_settings = {'seed': seed, 'rgen': rgen} self.rgen = create_random_generator(rgen_settings)
[docs] def integration_step(self, system): """Random Walker integration, one time step. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system to integrate/act on. Assumed to have a particle list in ``system.particles``. Returns ------- out : None Does not return anything, but alters the state of the given `system`. """ particles = system.particles particles.vel, _ = self.rgen.draw_maxwellian_velocities(system) particles.pos += self.timestep * particles.vel
[docs]class VelocityVerlet(MDEngine): """The Velocity Verlet MD integrator. This class defines the Velocity Verlet integrator. Attributes ---------- half_timestep : float Half of the timestep. """
[docs] def __init__(self, timestep): """Set up the Velocity Verlet integrator. Parameters ---------- timestep : float The time step in internal units. """ super().__init__(timestep, 'Velocity Verlet MD integrator', dynamics='NVE') self.half_timestep = self.timestep * 0.5
[docs] def integration_step(self, system): """Velocity Verlet integration, one time step. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system to integrate/act on. Assumed to have a particle list in ``system.particles``. Returns ------- out : None Does not return anything, but alters the state of the given `system`. """ particles = system.particles imass = particles.imass particles.vel += self.half_timestep * particles.force * imass particles.pos += self.timestep * particles.vel system.potential_and_force() particles.vel += self.half_timestep * particles.force * imass
[docs] def restart_info(self): """Return some restart info. The restart info for the engine VelocityVerlet. Returns ------- info : dict, Contains all the updated simulation settings and counters. """ info = super().restart_info() info['class'] = 'VelocityVerlet' for attr, value in self.__dict__.items(): info[attr] = value return info
[docs] def load_restart_info(self, info): """Load restart information. Parameters ---------- info : dict The dictionary with the restart information, should be similar to the dict produced by :py:func:`.restart_info`. """ super().load_restart_info(info) self.timestep = info.get('timestep') self.half_timestep = info.get('half_timestep') self.dynamics = info.get('dynamics')
[docs]class Langevin(MDEngine): """The Langevin MD integrator. This class defines a Langevin integrator. Attributes ---------- rgen : object like :py:class:`.RandomGenerator` This is the class that handles the generation of random numbers. gamma : float The friction parameter. high_friction : boolean Determines if we are in the high friction limit and should do the over-damped version. init_params : boolean If true, we will initiate parameters for the Langevin integrator when `integrate_step` is invoked. param_high : dict This contains the parameters for the high friction limit. Here we integrate the equations of motion according to: ``r(t + dt) = r(t) + dt * f(t)/m*gamma + dr``. The items in the dict are: * `sigma` : float standard deviation for the positions, used when drawing dr. * `bddt` : numpy.array Equal to ``dt*gamma/masses``, since the masses is a numpy.array this will have the same shape. param_iner : dict This dict contains the parameters for the non-high friction limit where we integrate the equations of motion according to: ``r(t + dt) = r(t) + c1 * dt * v(t) + c2*dt*dt*a(t) + dr`` and ``v(r + dt) = c0 * v(t) + (c1-c2)*dt*a(t) + c2*dt*a(t+dt) + dv``. The dict contains: * `c0` : float Corresponds to ``c0`` in the equation above. * `a1` : float Corresponds to ``c1*dt`` in the equation above. * `a2` : numpy.array Corresponds to ``c2*dt*dt/mass`` in the equation above. Here we divide by the masses in order to use the forces rather than the acceleration. Since the masses might be different for different particles, this will result in a numpy.array with shape equal to the shape of the masses. * `b1` : numpy.array Corresponds to ``(c1-c2)*dt/mass`` in the equation above. Here we also divide by the masses, resulting in a numpy.array. * `b2` : numpy.array Corresponds to ``c2*dt/mass`` in the equation above. Here we also divide by the masses, resulting in a numpy.array. * `mean` : numpy.array (2,) The means for the bivariate Gaussian distribution. * `cov` : numpy.array (2,2) This array contains the covariance for the bivariate Gaussian distribution. `param_iner['mean']` and `param_iner['cov']` are used as parameters when drawing ``dr`` and ``dv`` from the bivariate distribution. Note ---- Currently, we are using a multi-normal distribution from numpy. Consider replacing this one as it seems somewhat slow. """
[docs] def __init__(self, timestep, gamma, rgen=None, seed=0, high_friction=False): """Set up the Langevin integrator. Actually, it is very convenient to set some variables for the different particles. However, to have a uniform initialisation for the different integrators, we postpone this. This initialisation can be done later by calling explicitly the function `self._init_parameters(system)` or it will be called the first time `self.integration_step` is invoked. Parameters ---------- timestep : float The time step in internal units. gamma : float The gamma parameter for the Langevin integrator. rgen : string, optional This string can be used to pick a particular random generator, which is useful for testing. seed : integer, optional A seed for the random generator. high_friction : boolean, optional Determines if we are in the high_friction limit and should do the over-damped version. """ super().__init__(timestep, 'Langevin MD integrator', dynamics='stochastic') self.gamma = gamma self.high_friction = high_friction rgen_settings = {'seed': seed, 'rgen': rgen} self.rgen = create_random_generator(rgen_settings) self.param_high = {'sigma': None, 'bddt': None} self.param_iner = {'c0': None, 'a1': None, 'a2': None, 'b1': None, 'b2': None, 'mean': None, 'cov': None} self.init_params = True
[docs] def _init_parameters(self, system): """Extra initialisation of the Langevin integrator. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system to integrate/act on. Assumed to have a particle list in ``system.particles``. Returns ------- out : None Does not return anything, but updates ``self.param``. """ beta = system.temperature['beta'] imasses = system.particles.imass if self.high_friction: self.param_high['sigma'] = np.sqrt(2.0 * self.timestep * imasses/(beta * self.gamma)) self.param_high['bddt'] = self.timestep * imasses / self.gamma else: gammadt = self.gamma * self.timestep exp_gdt = np.exp(-gammadt) if self.gamma > 0.0: c_0 = exp_gdt c_1 = (1.0 - c_0) / gammadt c_2 = (1.0 - c_1) / gammadt else: raise ValueError( 'Langevin: Found gamma = {:6.2f} < 0.'.format(self.gamma) ) self.param_iner['c0'] = c_0 self.param_iner['a1'] = c_1 * self.timestep self.param_iner['a2'] = c_2 * self.timestep**2 * imasses self.param_iner['b1'] = (c_1 - c_2) * self.timestep * imasses self.param_iner['b2'] = c_2 * self.timestep * imasses self.param_iner['mean'] = [] self.param_iner['cov'] = [] self.param_iner['cho'] = [] for imass in imasses: sig_ri2 = ((self.timestep * imass[0] / (beta * self.gamma)) * (2. - (3. - 4.*exp_gdt + exp_gdt**2) / gammadt)) sig_vi2 = (1.0 - exp_gdt**2) * imass[0] / beta cov_rvi = (imass[0]/(beta * self.gamma)) * (1.0 - exp_gdt)**2 cov_matrix = np.array([[sig_ri2, cov_rvi], [cov_rvi, sig_vi2]]) self.param_iner['cov'].append(cov_matrix) self.param_iner['cho'].append(np.linalg.cholesky(cov_matrix)) self.param_iner['mean'].append(np.zeros(2))
[docs] def integration_step(self, system): """Langevin integration, one time step. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system to integrate/act on. Assumed to have a particle list in ``system.particles``. Returns ------- out : None Does not return anything, but alters the state of the given system. """ if self.init_params: self._init_parameters(system) self.init_params = False if self.high_friction: return self.integration_step_overdamped(system) return self.integration_step_inertia(system)
[docs] def integration_step_overdamped(self, system): """Over damped Langevin integration, one time step. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system to integrate/act on. Assumed to have a particle list in ``system.particles``. Returns ------- out : None Does not return anything, but alters the state of the given `system`. """ system.force() # update forces particles = system.particles rands = self.rgen.normal(loc=0.0, scale=self.param_high['sigma'], size=particles.vel.shape) particles.pos += self.param_high['bddt'] * particles.force + rands particles.vel = rands system.potential()
[docs] def integration_step_inertia(self, system): """Langevin integration, one time step. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system to integrate/act on. Assumed to have a particle list in ``system.particles``. Returns ------- out : None Does not return anything, but alters the state of the given `system`. """ particles = system.particles pos_rand = np.zeros(particles.pos.shape) vel_rand = np.zeros(particles.vel.shape) if self.gamma > 0.0: mean, cov = self.param_iner['mean'], self.param_iner['cov'] cho = self.param_iner['cho'] for i, (meani, covi, choi) in enumerate(zip(mean, cov, cho)): randxv = self.rgen.multivariate_normal(meani, covi, cho=choi, size=system.get_dim()) pos_rand[i] = randxv[:, 0] vel_rand[i] = randxv[:, 1] particles.pos += (self.param_iner['a1'] * particles.vel + self.param_iner['a2'] * particles.force + pos_rand) vel2 = (self.param_iner['c0'] * particles.vel + self.param_iner['b1'] * particles.force + vel_rand) system.force() # Update forces. particles.vel = vel2 + self.param_iner['b2'] * particles.force system.potential()
[docs] def restart_info(self): """Return restart info. The restart info for the engine Langevin. Returns ------- info : dict Contains all the updated simulation settings and counters. """ info = super().restart_info() info['class'] = 'Langevin' for attr, value in self.__dict__.items(): if attr == 'rgen': info[attr] = value.get_state() else: info[attr] = value return info
[docs] def load_restart_info(self, info): """Load restart information. Parameters ---------- info : dict The dictionary with the restart information, should be similar to the dict produced by :py:func:`.restart_info`. """ super().load_restart_info(info) self.timestep = info.get('timestep') self.dynamics = info.get('dynamics') self.gamma = info.get('gamma') self.high_friction = info.get('high_friction') self.param_high = info.get('param_high') self.param_iner = info.get('param_iner') self.init_params = info.get('init_params') if 'rgen' in info: self.rgen = create_random_generator(info['rgen'])