.. _api-doc: ##################### The |pyretis| library ##################### This is the documentation for the |pyretis| library and usage of the application programming interface (API). An overview of the main classes and routines are given in the :ref:`introduction to the library ` in the :ref:`user guide `. It might also be a good idea to have a look at the :ref:`developer guide ` before making changes or reading through the API :ref:`docs `. The |pyretis| package ===================== The |pyretis| library contains methods and classes that handle the different parts of simulations. These are further grouped into sub-packages: * :ref:`pyretis.analysis ` for analysing the output from simulations. * :ref:`pyretis.core ` with the core functions for the different methods. * :ref:`pyretis.engines ` for integrating the equations of motion and for interfacing external MD software. * :ref:`pyretis.forcefield ` for defining force fields to use in simulations. * :ref:`pyretis.initiation ` with functions for initiation of path sampling simulations. * :ref:`pyretis.inout ` for handling the input and output to |pyretis|. * :ref:`pyretis.orderparameter ` for defining order parameters. * :ref:`pyretis.setup ` for creating the main objects. * :ref:`pyretis.simulation ` for running predefined simulations. * :ref:`pyretis.testing ` with functions which are used in connection with testing. * :ref:`pyretis.tools ` for performing some simple tasks useful for setting up simulations. * :ref:`pyretis.pyvisa ` for visualizing and analysing the simulation outputs. The |pyretis| library can be imported by: .. code-block:: python import pyretis print(pyretis.__version__) Or you can just import specific functions and classes from the sub-packages: .. literalinclude:: /_static/api/box_example.py :language: python :lines: 5-18 The usage of these sub-packages are described in the following: Contents: The |pyretis| sub-packages ------------------------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 pyretis.analysis pyretis.core pyretis.engines pyretis.forcefield pyretis.inout pyretis.initiation pyretis.orderparameter pyretis.setup pyretis.simulation pyretis.testing pyretis.tools pyretis.pyvisa In addition |pyretis| has the following submodules: List of submodules ------------------ There are also some submodules with information about |pyretis|. These are: * :ref:`pyretis.info ` * :ref:`pyretis.version ` .. _api-info: pyretis.info module ................... .. automodule:: pyretis.info :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. _api-version: pyretis.version module ...................... .. automodule:: pyretis.version :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: |pyretis| executables --------------------- The main |pyretis| executables can be found in: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 pyretis.bin