.. _about-index: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: license.rst ############### About |pyretis| ############### |pyretis| is a `Python `_ library for **rare event molecular simulations** with emphasis on methods based on :ref:`transition interface sampling ` and :ref:`replica exchange transition interface sampling `. The papers describing the |pyretis| program can be found here: ``_ (|pyretis| 1, 2017), here: ``_ (|pyretis| 2, 2019). and here: ``_ (|pyretis| 3, 2024). The work on |pyretis| was initiated by `Titus van Erp `_ and is used in the research and teaching activities in the `theoretical chemistry `_ group at the `Norwegian University of Science and Technology `_. |pyretis| is open source and is released under a :ref:`GNU Lesser General Public license v2.1+ `. If you are interested in contributing to the |pyretis| project, please have a look at the :ref:`developer guide ` and visit our git repository ``_. The current |pyretis| version is |version|. For an overview of the official |pyretis| releases, please visit our git repository: ``_. Since version 2.4, |pyretis| includes |pyvisa|, a program created to facilitate post-processing and data analysis. The |pyretis| team ------------------ **Head authors & project leaders:** * `Titus van Erp `__ * `Enrico Riccardi `_ **Core Developers:** * `Daniel Tianhou Zhang `_ * `Wouter Vervust `_ **Contributors:** * `An Ghysels `_ **Former Developers:** * `Ola Aarøen `_ * `Sander Roet `_ * `Anders Lervik `_ * `Henrik Kiær `_ * `Anastasia Maslechko `_ * `Sudi Jawahery `_ * `Raffaela Cabriolu `_ **Acknowledgments:** * Oda Dahlen * Christopher Daub * Mahmoud Moqadam * César A. Urbina-Blanco * Jocelyne Vreede * Magnus Heskestad Waage | To cite us: ----------- When using |pyretis|, or one of our libraries, please cite us! **Software papers:** * `PyRETIS 3, 2024 `_ * `PyRETIS 2, 2019 `_ * `PyRETIS 1, 2017 `_ **Theory papers from our group:** * `REPPTIS `_ * `Wire Fencing `_ * `Stone Skipping & Web Throwing `_ * `RETIS `_ * `TIS `_ * `Permeability calculation `_