# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""Histogram functions for data analysis.
This module defines some simple functions for histograms.
Important methods defined here
histogram (:py:func:`.histogram`)
Create a histogram from given data.
match_all_histograms (:py:func:`.match_all_histograms`)
Function to match histograms, for instance from an umbrella
sampling simulation.
histogram_and_avg (:py:func:`.histogram_and_avg`)
Create a histogram and return bins, midpoints and simple statistics.
import numpy as np
__all__ = ['histogram', 'match_all_histograms',
[docs]def histogram(data, bins=10, limits=(-1, 1), density=False,
"""Create a histogram of the given data.
data : numpy.array
The data for making the histogram.
bins : int, optional
The number of bins to divide the data into.
limits : tuple/list, optional
The max/min values to consider.
density : boolean, optional
If True the histogram will be normalized.
weights : numpy.array, optional
Weighting factors for data.
hist : numpy.array
The binned counts.
bins : numpy.array
The edges of the bins.
bin_mid : numpy.array
The midpoint of the bins.
hist, bins = np.histogram(data, bins=bins, range=limits,
density=density, weights=weights)
bin_mid = 0.5 * (bins[1:] + bins[:-1])
return hist, bins, bin_mid
[docs]def histogram_and_avg(data, bins, density=True, weights=None):
"""Create histogram an return bins, midpoints and simple statistics.
The simple statistics include the mean value and the standard
deviation. The return structure is useful for plotting routines.
The midpoints returned are the midpoints of the bins.
data : either 1D numpy.array or 2D numpy.array
This is the data to create the histogram from.
The eventual second dimension contains the weights.
bins : int
The number of bins to use for the histogram.
density : boolean, optional
If `density` is true, the histogram will be normalized.
weights : numpy.array, optional
Weighting factors for data. Not used if data contains them.
out[0] : numpy.array
The histogram (frequency) values.
out[1] : numpy.array
The midpoints for the bins.
out[2] : tuple of floats
These are some simple statistics, `out[2][0]` is the average
`out[2][1]` is the standard deviation.
local_data = data if len(data.shape) == 1 else data[:, 0]
local_weights = weights if len(data.shape) == 1 else data[:, 1]
hist, _, bin_mid = histogram(data, bins=bins,
limits=(data.min(), data.max()),
average = np.average(local_data, weights=local_weights)
st_dev = np.sqrt(np.average((local_data-average)**2,
return hist, bin_mid, (average, st_dev)
[docs]def _match_histograms(histo1, histo2, bin_x, overlap):
"""Match two histograms given an overlapping region.
The matching is done so that the integral of the overlapping regions
of the two histograms are equal.
histo1 : numpy.array
The first histogram.
histo2 : numpy.array
The second histogram, this is the histogram that will be scaled.
bin_x : numpy.array
This is the bin mid-points of the histograms. Note that we
assume here that `histo1` and `histo2` are obtained using the
same number of bins and limits.
overlap : object like list, tuple or numpy.array
This is the overlapping region.
out[0] : numpy.array
A scaled version of second input histogram `histo2`.
out[1] : float
The calculated scale factor.
int1, int2 = 0.0, 0.0
for histi, histj, bin_xi in zip(histo1, histo2, bin_x):
if overlap[0] <= bin_xi < overlap[1]:
int1 += histi
int2 += histj
if int2 == 0.0:
scale_factor = 1.0
scale_factor = int1 / int2
return histo2 * scale_factor, scale_factor
[docs]def match_all_histograms(histograms, umbrellas):
"""Match several histograms from an umbrella sampling.
histograms : list of numpy.arrays
The histograms to match.
umbrellas : list of lists
The umbrella windows used in the computation.
histograms_s : list of numpy.arrays
The scaled histograms.
scale_factor : list of floats
The scale factors.
matched_count : numpy.array
Count for overall matched histogram (an "averaged" histogram).
histograms_s, scale_factor = [histograms[0][0]], [1.0]
bin_x = histograms[0][2]
for i in range(len(umbrellas) - 1):
limits = (umbrellas[i+1][0], umbrellas[i][1])
matched, scale = _match_histograms(histograms_s[-1],
histograms[i+1][0], bin_x, limits)
# merge histograms:
matched_count = []
for i, bin_xi in enumerate(bin_x):
hist = 0.0 # histogram value at bin_xi
norm = 0.0
for k, umb in enumerate(umbrellas):
if umb[0] <= bin_xi < umb[1]:
hist += histograms_s[k][i]
norm += 1.0
if norm > 0.0:
hist /= norm
return histograms_s, scale_factor, np.array(matched_count)