Source code for pyretis.engines.lammps

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""This module defines the class for interfacing LAMMPS.

Important classes defined here

LAMMPSEngine (:py:class:`.LAMMPSEngine`)
    The class responsible for interfacing with LAMMPS.

import logging
import os
import shlex
import numpy as np
from pyretis.core.common import counter
from pyretis.engines.external import ExternalMDEngine
from pyretis.inout.fileio import FileIO
from pyretis.inout.settings import look_for_input_files
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

# Let us define the LAMMPS commands PyRETIS will make use of:

# 1) The commands related to the order parameter.
# This first command is to ensure that the order parameter is
# calculated also for cases where we do not run any MD steps. This
# can for instance be when we are generating velocities:
ORDER_HACK = """run 0 every 1 "print '{}' file {} screen no" # :-)"""
# The parameter is here the variables to print.
# The next command is outputting the order parameter:
ORDER_FIX = 'fix order_output all print {} "{}" append {} screen no'
# The parameters are: frequency, variables to print and the file name.

# 2) The commands related to thermodynamic output:
# Define a thermo style for LAMMPS:
THERMO_STYLE = 'thermo_style custom step temp press pe ke etotal'

# 3) The commands related to trajectory output and intput:
TRAJ_DUMP = 'dump {} all custom {} {} id {}'
# The three parameters are here: dump-id, frequency, output file name
# and the format for what to print. What to print depends on the number
# dimensions we consider and this is defined below:
    1: 'x vx ix',
    2: 'x y vx vy ix iy',
    3: 'x y z vx vy vz ix iy iz',
# Modify the format for the output by increasing the number of digits
# used for positions and velocities:
TRAJ_FMT = 'dump_modify {} format {} %23.16g'
# The parameter is here the dump-id and the column to apply it to.
# Add a command to undump the trajectory
TRAJ_UNDUMP = 'undump traj_pyretis'
# We also need to read in trajectories and/or snapshots:
READ_DUMP = 'read_dump {} {} {} box yes'
# The parameters are: the filename and the index in that file.
# The next command will read in LAMMPS restart files:
READ_RESTART = 'read_restart {}'
# The parameter is here the file name.

# 4) The commands for generating velocities:
GENERATE_VEL = 'velocity all create ${SET_TEMP} ${VEL_SEED} dist gaussian'
# The parameters are here the temperature and the random seed, which
# are actually set elsewhere in the LAMMPS input script.
# The next command sets the seed to use:
GENERATE_VEL_SEED = 'variable VEL_SEED equal {}'
# The parameter is here the seed to use.

# 5) The commands for stopping a simulation based on the order parameter
# and the given interface positions:
INTERFACE_RIGHT_FIX = 'fix op_stop_right all halt {} v_op_1 > {}'
# The parameters are here the frequency and the right interface.
INTERFACE_LEFT_FIX = 'fix op_stop_left all halt {} v_op_1 < {}'
# The parameters are here the frequency and the left interface.

# 6) The commands for rescaling energies if this is requested:
    'variable ke_rescale equal "v_SET_ENERGY - pe"',
    'variable alpha equal "sqrt(v_ke_rescale / ke)"',
# Here we need different commands, depending on the number
# of dimensions we are simulating. These are hard-coded below:
    3: [
        'variable vx atom "v_alpha * vx"',
        'variable vy atom "v_alpha * vy"',
        'variable vz atom "v_alpha * vz"',
        'velocity all set v_vx v_vy v_vz',
    2: [
        'variable vx atom "v_alpha * vx"',
        'variable vy atom "v_alpha * vy"',
        'velocity all set v_vx v_vy 0.0',
    1: [
        'variable vx atom "v_alpha * vx"',
        'velocity all set v_vx 0.0 0.0',

# 7) Commands for reversing velocities:
# First the command for reversing:
VEL_REV = 'variable        v{0} atom -v{0}'
# The argument is here to dimension to apply this to, e.g. "x".
# Then, the command to actually set the velocities.
VEL_SET = 'velocity        all set {} {} {}'
# The arguments are the velocities to set, either v_vx, v_vy, v_vz
# or "NULL".

[docs]def read_lammps_log(filename): """Read some info from a LAMMPS log file. In particular, this method is used to read the thermodynamic output from a simulation (e.g. potential and kinetic energies). Parameters ---------- filename : string The path to the LAMMPS log file. Returns ------- out : dict A dict containing the data we found in the file. """ energy_keys = [] energy_data = {} read_energy = False with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as logfile: for lines in logfile: if lines.startswith('Step'): # Assume that this is the start of the thermo output. energy_keys = [i.strip() for i in lines.strip().split()] for key in energy_keys: # Note: This will discard the previously read # thermodynamic data. This is because we only want # to read the final section of thermodynamic data, # which, by construction of the LAMMPS input file, # correspond to the output of the MD run. energy_data[key] = [] read_energy = True continue if lines.startswith('Loop time'): # Assume this marks the end of the thermo output. read_energy = False energy_keys = [] continue if read_energy and energy_keys: # Assume that we are reading energies. try: data = [float(i) for i in lines.strip().split()] except ValueError: # Some text has snuck into the thermo output, # ignore it: continue for key, value in zip(energy_keys, data): if key == 'Step': energy_data[key].append(int(value)) else: energy_data[key].append(value) for key, val in energy_data.items(): energy_data[key] = np.array(val) out = {'energy': energy_data} return out
[docs]def read_lammps_input(filename): """Read a LAMMPS input file. This will read in a LAMMPS input file and can be used to read the value of particular settings, for instance the time step. Parameters ---------- filename : string The path to the LAMMPS input file. Returns ------- out : list of tuples The settings found in the LAMMPS input file. The tuples are on the form `(keyword, setting)`. """ settings = [] with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as infile: for lines in infile: current_line, _, _ = lines.strip().partition('#') split = current_line.split() if split: keyword, setting = split[0], split[1:] settings.append((keyword, ' '.join(setting))) return settings
[docs]def add_to_lammps_input(infile, outfile, to_add): """Add PyRETIS specific settings to an input file for LAMMPS. This method will append settings needed by PyRETIS to an input file for LAMMPS. Parameters ---------- infile : string Path to a file which contains the LAMMPS settings. outfile : string Path to the file we should create. to_add : list of strings The settings to add for PyRETIS. """ if os.path.isfile(outfile): logger.debug( '"%s" exists and will be overwritten by PyRETIS.', outfile ) with open(infile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as indata: data = with open(outfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as output: output.write(data) output.write('\n'.join(to_add))
[docs]def _add_order_fix(settings): """Add the fix for printing the order parameter for LAMMPS.""" lines = [] if 'order-fix' in settings: logger.debug('Adding fix for order parameter to LAMMPS input.') lines.append('# Order parameter fix:') for line in settings['order-fix']: lines.append(line) return lines
[docs]def _add_traj_dump(settings): """Add the dump commands for storing the LAMMPS trajectory.""" lines = [ '# PyRETIS trajectory settings:', '# PyRETIS requested the following trajectory output:', ] lines.append( TRAJ_DUMP.format( 'traj_pyretis', settings['subcycles'], settings['traj'], TRAJ_OUT[settings['dimension']], ) ) # Format for positions: idx = 0 for i in range(int(settings['dimension'])): idx = i + 2 lines.append(TRAJ_FMT.format('traj_pyretis', idx)) # Format for velocities: for i in range(int(settings['dimension'])): lines.append(TRAJ_FMT.format('traj_pyretis', idx + 1 + i)) return lines
[docs]def _add_stopping_condition(settings): """Add the interface stopping condition to the LAMMPS input.""" lines = [] if 'interfaces' in settings: lines.append('# Stopping condition fix:') lines.append( INTERFACE_RIGHT_FIX.format( settings['subcycles'], settings['interfaces'][-1], ) ) if abs(settings['interfaces'][0]) != float('inf'): lines.append( INTERFACE_LEFT_FIX.format( settings['subcycles'], settings['interfaces'][0], ) ) return lines
[docs]def _add_generate_vel(settings): """Add generation of velocities to the LAMMPS input.""" lines = [] if 'generate_vel' in settings: seed = settings['generate_vel'].get('seed', 1) lines.append('# PyRETIS requested random velocities') lines.append(GENERATE_VEL_SEED.format(seed)) lines.append(GENERATE_VEL) lines.append('run 0') if settings['generate_vel'].get('rescale', None): for i in RESCALE_ENERGY: lines.append(i) for i in RESCALE_DIM[settings['dimension']]: lines.append(i) return lines
[docs]def create_lammps_md_input(system, infile, outfile, settings): """Create MD input file for LAMMPS. We will here write to a new file, by appending text to the given template. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system contains the current particle state, and this determines the initial configuration and if we are to modify velocities in some way (e.g. reversing them before running or drawing new ones). infile : string Path to a file which contains the LAMMPS settings. settings : dict The settings we are going to use for creating the LAMMPS file. Returns ------- out : list of strings The LAMMPS commands written to the output file. """ new_lines = ['', '# Added by PyRETIS:', ''] # Add reading of initial configuration: config = system_to_lammps( system, settings['reverse_velocities'], settings['dimension'] ) if config: new_lines += config # Update the thermo output from LAMMPS: new_lines.append('# PyRETIS requested the following thermo output:') new_lines.append(THERMO_STYLE) new_lines.append(f'thermo {settings["subcycles"]}') # Add randomization of velocities, if requested: new_lines += _add_generate_vel(settings) # Add storing of the LAMMPS trajectory: new_lines += _add_traj_dump(settings) # Add order parameter calculation: new_lines += _add_order_fix(settings) # Add stopping condition(s): new_lines += _add_stopping_condition(settings) # Add the number of steps to run: new_lines.append('# Requested steps by PyRETIS:') new_lines.append(f'run {settings["steps_subcycles"]}') # Add "clean-up" to the LAMMPS file: new_lines.append('# PyRETIS clean up:') new_lines.append(TRAJ_UNDUMP) add_to_lammps_input(infile, outfile, new_lines) return new_lines
[docs]def system_to_lammps(system, reverse_velocities, dimension): """Convert a LAMMPS system into LAMMPS commands for loading it. This method will convert a system created by LAMMPS into LAMMPS commands, so that LAMMPS can read the given snapshot and use it. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system we are converting. reverse_velocities : boolean True if the velocities in the system are to be reversed. dimension : integer The number of dimensions used in the LAMMPS simulation. Returns ------- out : list of strings The commands needed by LAMMPS to read the configuration. """ config = system.particles.get_pos() lammps = [] if config[0].endswith('.restart') and config[1] == 0: # Assume that this is a LAMMPS restart file. lammps.append('# PyRETIS requested a LAMMPS restart file:') lammps.append(READ_RESTART.format(config[0])) elif config[0].endswith('.data') and config[1] == 0: # Assume that this is a LAMMPS data file AND that there # is already a line in the LAMMPS input file reading this # file. The motivation behind this is that we define this # file type to be the initial configuration and that data files # will never be used for something else. lammps.append(f'# PyRETIS requested the LAMMPS data file: {config[0]}') else: # Assume that this is a LAMMPS trajectory. lammps.append('# PyRETIS requested the following snapshot:') lammps.append( READ_DUMP.format(config[0], config[1], TRAJ_OUT[dimension]) ) lammps.append('# Reset time step:') lammps.append('reset_timestep 0') if reverse_velocities: # We add commands for reversing the velocities: lammps.append('# PyRETIS requested reversing of velocities:') vel = ['NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL'] for i, dim in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z'][:dimension]): lammps.append(VEL_REV.format(dim)) vel[i] = f'v_v{dim}' lammps.append(VEL_SET.format(*vel)) lammps.append('run 0') return lammps
[docs]class LAMMPSEngine(ExternalMDEngine): """ A class for interfacing LAMMPS. Attributes ---------- lmp : string The command for executing LAMMPS input_path : string The directory where the input files are stored. input_files : dict of strings The names of the input files. """ needs_order = False
[docs] def __init__(self, lmp, input_path, subcycles, extra_files=None): """Set up the LAMMPS engine. Parameters ---------- lmp : string The LAMMPS executable. input_path : string The absolute path to where the input files are stored. subcycles : integer The frequency of output of data by LAMMPS. extra_files : list of strings, optional Additional files needed to run the LAMMPS simulation. """ # Note: We set time step to zero for now. This will be updated # to the correct value when the timestep has been read from # the input script: super().__init__('LAMMPS Engine', 0.0, subcycles) self.lmp = lmp self.input_path = os.path.abspath(input_path) # Define the files we require: input_files = { 'conf': '', 'template': '', # The template file for LAMMPS. 'order': '', # Definition of the order parameter. } # The user may choose to structure the LAMMPS input into # several files. This is something we will not try to figure # out, and we assume that the user knows what he/she is doing. # We assume that these extra files will also be present and # stored in the given input path. Now, we look for such files: self.input_files = look_for_input_files( self.input_path, input_files, ) self.run_files = { 'conf': self.input_files['conf'], 'order': self.input_files['order'], } if extra_files is not None: extra = look_for_input_files( self.input_path, {f'file-{i}': val for i, val in enumerate(extra_files)} ) for key, val in extra.items(): self.run_files[key] = val # Read the LAMMPS input file: self.settings = { 'dimension': 3, 'timestep': 0.0 } for (key, val) in read_lammps_input(self.input_files['template']): self.settings[key] = val # Also set the timestep explicitly in case it is needed: self.timestep = self.settings['timestep']
[docs] def _make_order_fix(self, ordername): """Create a LAMMPS fix for the order parameter. Note that we here make LAMMPS also output for step zero. """ order_settings = read_lammps_input( os.path.join(self.input_path, self.input_files['order']) ) ops = ['$(step)'] for key, val in order_settings: if key == 'variable': ops.append(f'${{{val.strip().split()[0]}}}') txt = [ ORDER_HACK.format(' '.join(ops), ordername), ORDER_FIX.format(self.subcycles, ' '.join(ops), ordername), ] return txt
[docs] def add_input_files(self, dirname): """Add required input files to a given directory. Parameters ---------- dirname : string The path to the directory where we want to add the files. """ for _, filepathi in self.run_files.items(): basename = os.path.basename(filepathi) dest = os.path.join(dirname, basename) if not os.path.isfile(dest): logger.debug('Adding input file "%s" to "%s"', basename, dirname) self._copyfile(filepathi, dest)
[docs] def read_order_parameters(self, ordername): """Read order parameters as calculated by LAMMPS. We assume here that these can be found in the current execute directory in a file named `ordername`, and further that they contain the step number in the first column, followed by the order parameters in following columns. """ orderfile = os.path.join(self.exe_dir, ordername) order = np.loadtxt(orderfile, ndmin=2) # Removing the first column, as this is not an order parameter, # but the step number in the simulation. The usage of deleting # along axis=1 is the motivation for forcing ndim=2 above. order = np.delete(order, 0, 1) return order
[docs] def read_energies(self, name): """Read energies obtained in a LAMMPS run. Here, we assume that the energies can be found in a log file in the current execute directory. """ logfile = os.path.join(self.exe_dir, f'{name}.log') data = read_lammps_log(logfile) return data['energy']
[docs] def _propagate_from(self, name, path, ensemble, msg_file, reverse=False): # pragma: no cover """ Propagate with LAMMPS from the current system configuration. Parameters ---------- name : string A name to use for the trajectory we are generating. path : object like :py:class:`.PathBase` This is the path we use to fill in phase-space points. ensemble: dict It contains: * `system`: object like :py:class:`.System` The system object gives the initial state. * `order_function`: object like :py:class:`.OrderParameter` The object used for calculating the order parameter. * `interfaces`: list of floats These interfaces define the stopping criterion. msg_file : object like :py:class:`.FileIO` An object we use for writing out messages that are useful for inspecting the status of the current propagation. reverse : boolean, optional If True, the system will be propagated backward in time. Returns ------- success : boolean This is True if we generated an acceptable path. status : string A text description of the current status of the propagation. """ return
[docs] def step(self, system, name): # pragma: no cover """Perform a single step with LAMMPS. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system we are integrating. name : string To name the output files from the LAMMPS step. Returns ------- out : string The name of the output configuration, obtained after completing the step. """ return
def _extract_frame(self, traj_file, idx, out_file): # pragma: no cover return @staticmethod def _read_configuration(filename): # pragma: no cover return
[docs] def _reverse_velocities(self, filename, outfile): # pragma: no cover """Reverse the velocities for a given configuration.""" return
[docs] def modify_velocities(self, ensemble, vel_settings): """Modify velocities.""" dek = None system = ensemble['system'] kin_old = system.particles.ekin rgen = ensemble['rgen'] kin_new = None if vel_settings.get('aimless', False): logger.debug('Modifying velocities with LAMMPS.') name = 'generate_vel' if rgen: seed = rgen.random_integers(1, 2147483647 - 2) # Note: `random_integers` is inclusive for both # numbers. We don't like to have > 2**31 - 1 as a # possibility. For some reason, LAMMPS might also # die/hang for a seed equal to 2**31 - 1, so this is # why 2 is subtracted here, resulting in the range: # [1, 2147483646] else: seed = 1 settings = { 'steps_subcycles': 0, 'reverse_velocities': False, 'generate_vel': { 'seed': seed, 'rescale': vel_settings.get('rescale_energy', vel_settings.get('rescale')) }, } self.run_lammps(system, settings, name) kin_new = system.particles.ekin if kin_old is None: dek = float('inf') else: dek = kin_new - kin_old return dek, kin_new raise ValueError( 'LAMMPS only support the aimless velocity modification.' )
[docs] def run_lammps(self, system, settings, name): """Execute LAMMPS. This method will handle input files, run LAMMPS and return some data after the run. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system defines the initial state we are using. settings : dict This dict contains settings for creating the LAMMPS input file. name : string This string is used as a base name for some of the LAMMPS input scripts and output files. Returns ------- out[0] : numpy.array The order parameters obtained during the run. out[1] : dict of numpy.arrays The energies, each dictionary key corresponds to a specific energy term. out[2] : string The name of the trajectory created by LAMMPS in this run. """ logger.debug('Adding input files for LAMMPS.') self.add_input_files(self.exe_dir) # Name the trajectory output: settings['traj'] = os.path.join(self.exe_dir, f'{name}.lammpstrj') settings['order'] = f'order_{name}.txt' # Add the subcycles & timestep settings: settings['subcycles'] = self.subcycles settings['timestep'] = self.timestep settings['dimension'] = int(self.settings['dimension']) # Add the order-fix: settings['order-fix'] = self._make_order_fix(settings['order']) # Name the input script for LAMMPS: input_file = f'{name}.in' script_file = os.path.join(self.exe_dir, input_file) # Create the input file we will use or running LAMMPS: create_lammps_md_input( system, self.input_files['template'], script_file, settings, ) cmd = shlex.split(self.lmp) cmd_arguments = [ '-in', input_file, '-l', f'{name}.log', '-screen', f'{name}.screen' ] cmd.extend(cmd_arguments) logger.debug('Executing LAMMPS "%s".', name) self.execute_command(cmd, cwd=self.exe_dir) logger.debug('Reading LAMMPS order parameters & energies after run.') order = self.read_order_parameters(settings['order']) energy = self.read_energies(name) # Set the state of the system to the last point: system.order = order[-1] system.particles.ekin = energy['KinEng'][-1] system.particles.vpot = energy['PotEng'][-1] system.particles.set_pos( (settings['traj'], settings['steps_subcycles']) ) return order, energy, settings['traj']
[docs] def integrate(self, system, steps): # order_function=None, thermo='full'): """Propagate several integration steps with LAMMPS.""" logger.debug('Integrating with LAMMPS.') # Add settings for this run: settings = { 'steps_subcycles': steps * self.subcycles, 'reverse_velocities': system.particles.get_vel(), } # Execute LAMMPS: self.run_lammps(system, settings, 'pyretis_md')
[docs] def propagate(self, path, ensemble, reverse=False): """ Propagate the equations of motion with the external code. Parameters ---------- path : object like :py:class:`.PathBase` This is the path we use to fill in phase-space points. We are here not returning a new path - this since we want to delegate the creation of the path to the method that is running `propagate`. ensemble: dict It contains: * `system`: object like :py:class:`.System` The system object gives the initial state for the integration. The initial state is stored and the system is reset to the initial state when the integration is done. * `order_function`: object like :py:class:`.OrderParameter` The object used for calculating the order parameter. * `interfaces`: list of floats These interfaces define the stopping criterion. reverse : boolean, optional If True, the system will be propagated backward in time. Returns ------- success : boolean This is True if we generated an acceptable path. status : string A text description of the current status of the propagation. """ initial_state = ensemble['system'] interfaces = ensemble['interfaces'] logger.debug('Running propagate with: "%s"', self.description) prefix = str(counter()) if reverse: logger.debug('Running backward in time.') name = prefix + '_trajB' else: logger.debug('Running forward in time.') name = prefix + '_trajF' logger.debug('Trajectory name: "%s"', name) # Also create a message file for inspecting progress: msg_file_name = os.path.join(self.exe_dir, f'msg-{name}.txt') logger.debug('Writing propagation progress to: %s', msg_file_name) msg_file = FileIO(msg_file_name, 'w', None, backup=False) msg_file.write(f'# Preparing propagation with {self.description}') msg_file.write(f'# Trajectory label: {name}') system = initial_state.copy() logger.debug('Initial state: %s', system) # For storing LAMMPS settings: settings = { 'steps_subcycles': path.maxlen * self.subcycles, 'interfaces': interfaces, 'reverse_velocities': reverse != system.particles.vel_rev, } if settings['reverse_velocities']: logger.debug('Reversing velocities in initial config.') system.particles.set_vel(reverse) # Propagate from the current point: msg_file.write(f'# Interfaces: {interfaces}') msg_file.write(f'# Running LAMMPS in folder: {self.exe_dir}') order, energy, traj = self.run_lammps(system, settings, name) msg_file.write('# Done running LAMMPS, adding points to path.') for i, orderi in enumerate(order): phase_point = system.copy() phase_point.order = orderi phase_point.particles.ekin = energy['KinEng'][i] phase_point.particles.vpot = energy['PotEng'][i] phase_point.particles.set_pos((traj, i * self.subcycles)) phase_point.particles.set_vel(reverse) status, success, stop, _ = self.add_to_path( path, phase_point, interfaces[0], interfaces[-1] ) if stop: break msg_file.write('# Propagation with LAMMPS all done.') msg_file.close() return success, status
[docs] def dump_phasepoint(self, phasepoint, deffnm='conf'): """Dump a phase point to a new file. Note ---- We do not reverse the velocities here. """ settings = {'steps_subcycles': 0, 'reverse_velocities': False} self.run_lammps(phasepoint, settings, deffnm)
[docs] def calculate_order(self, ensemble): """Return the last seen order parameter.""" return ensemble['system'].order