Source code for pyretis.inout.settings

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""This module handles parsing of input settings.

This module defines the file format for PyRETIS input files.

Important methods defined here

parse_settings_file (:py:func:`.parse_settings_file`)
    Method for parsing settings from a given input file.

write_settings_file (:py:func:`.write_settings_file`)
    Method for writing settings from a simulation to a given file.
import ast
import copy
import logging
import os
import pprint
import re
from pyretis.inout.restart import read_restart_file
from pyretis.inout.common import create_backup, create_empty_ensembles
from pyretis.inout.formats.cp2k import cp2k_settings
from pyretis.inout.formats.gromacs import gromacs_settings
from import PROGRAM_NAME, URL
from pyretis.inout.checker import check_interfaces, check_for_bullshitt
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

__all__ = ['parse_settings_file', 'write_settings_file', 'SECTIONS',
           'fill_up_tis_and_retis_settings', 'add_default_settings',

TITLE = f'{PROGRAM_NAME} input settings'
HEADING = '{}\n{}\nFor more info, please see: {}\nHave Fun!'
SECTIONS['heading'] = {'text': HEADING.format(TITLE, '=' * len(TITLE), URL)}
HERE = os.path.abspath('.')

SECTIONS['simulation'] = {
    'endcycle': None,
    'exe_path': HERE,
    'flux': None,
    'interfaces': None,
    'restart': None,
    'rgen': 'rgen',
    'seed': None,
    'startcycle': None,
    'steps': None,
    'task': 'md',
    'zero_ensemble': None,
    'zero_left': None,
    'permeability': None,
    'swap_attributes': None,
    'priority_shooting': False,
    'umbrella': None,
    'overlap': None,
    'maxdx': None,
    'mincycle': None

SECTIONS['system'] = {
    'dimensions': 3,
    'input_file': None,
    'temperature': 1.0,
    'units': 'lj',

SECTIONS['unit-system'] = {
    'charge': None,
    'energy': None,
    'length': None,
    'mass': None,
    'name': None,

SECTIONS['engine'] = {
    'class': None,
    'exe_path': HERE,
    'module': None,
    'rgen': 'rgen',

SECTIONS['box'] = {
    'cell': None,
    'high': None,
    'low': None,
    'periodic': None,

SECTIONS['particles'] = {
    'mass': None,
    'name': None,
    'npart': None,
    'position': None,
    'ptype': None,
    'type': 'internal',
    'velocity': None,

SECTIONS['forcefield'] = {
    'description': None

SECTIONS['potential'] = {
    'class': None,
    'parameter': None

SECTIONS['orderparameter'] = {
    'class': None,
    'module': None,
    'name': 'Order Parameter'

SECTIONS['collective-variable'] = {
    'class': None,
    'module': None,
    'name': None

SECTIONS['output'] = {
    'backup': 'append',
    'cross-file': 1,
    'energy-file': 1,
    'pathensemble-file': 1,
    'prefix': None,
    'order-file': 1,
    'restart-file': 1,
    'screen': 10,
    'trajectory-file': 100,

SECTIONS['tis'] = {
    'allowmaxlength': False,
    'aimless': True,
    'ensemble_number': None,
    'detect': None,
    'freq': None,
    'maxlength': None,
    'nullmoves': None,
    'n_jumps': None,
    'high_accept': False,
    'interface_sour': None,
    'interface_cap': None,
    'relative_shoots': None,
    'rescale_energy': False,
    'rgen': 'rgen',
    'seed': None,
    'shooting_move': 'sh',
    'shooting_moves': [],
    'sigma_v': -1,
    'zero_momentum': False,
    'mirror_freq': 0,
    'target_freq': 0,
    'target_indices': [],

SECTIONS['initial-path'] = {
    'method': None

SECTIONS['retis'] = {
    'nullmoves': None,
    'relative_shoots': None,
    'rgen': None,
    'seed': None,
    'swapfreq': None,
    'swapsimul': None,

SECTIONS['repptis'] = {
    'memory': None

SECTIONS['ensemble'] = {
    'interface': None

SECTIONS['analysis'] = {
    'blockskip': 1,
    'bins': 100,
    'maxblock': 1000,
    'maxordermsd': -1,
    'ngrid': 1001,
    'plot': {'plotter': 'mpl', 'output': 'png',
             'style': 'pyretis'},
    'report': ['latex', 'rst', 'html'],
    'report-dir': None,
    'skipcross': 1000,
    'txt-output': 'txt.gz',
    'tau_ref_bin': [],
    'skip': 0

SPECIAL_KEY = {'parameter'}

# This dictionary contains sections where the keywords
# can not be defined before we parse the input. The reason
# for this is that we support user-defined external modules
# and that the user should have the freedom to define keywords
# for these modules:

# This dictionary contains sections that can be defined
# multiple times. When parsing, these sections will be
# prefixed with a number to distinguish them.

[docs]def parse_settings_file(filename, add_default=True): """Parse settings from a file name. Here, we read the file line-by-line and check if the current line contains a keyword, if so, we parse that keyword. Parameters ---------- filename : string The file to parse. add_default : boolean If True, we will add default settings as well for keywords not found in the input. Returns ------- settings : dict A dictionary with settings for PyRETIS. """ with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fileh: raw_sections = _parse_sections(fileh) settings = _parse_all_raw_sections(raw_sections) if add_default: logger.debug('Adding default settings') add_default_settings(settings) add_specific_default_settings(settings) if settings['simulation']['task'] in {'retis', 'tis', 'repptis', 'pptis', 'explore', 'make-tis-files'}: fill_up_tis_and_retis_settings(settings) # Set up checks before to continue. This section shall GROW. check_interfaces(settings) check_for_bullshitt(settings) return _clean_settings(settings)
def parse_primitive(text): """Parse text to Python using the ast module. Parameters ---------- text : string The text to parse. Returns ------- out[0] : string, dict, list, boolean, or other type The parsed text. out[1] : boolean True if we managed to parse the text, False otherwise. """ parsed = None success = False try: parsed = ast.literal_eval(text.strip()) success = True except SyntaxError: parsed = text.strip() success = True except ValueError: parsed = text.strip() success = True return parsed, success def look_for_keyword(line): """Search for a keyword in the given string. A string is assumed to define a keyword if the keyword appears as the first word in the string, ending with a `=`. Parameters ---------- line : string A string to check for a keyword. Returns ------- out[0] : string The matched keyword. It may contain spaces and it will also contain the matched `=` separator. out[1] : string A lower-case, stripped version of `out[0]`. out[2] : boolean `True` if we found a possible keyword. """ # Match a word followed by a '=': key = re.match(r'(.*?)=', line) if key: keyword = ''.join([, '=']) keyword_low = for i in SPECIAL_KEY: if keyword_low.startswith(i): return keyword, i, True # Here we assume that keys with len One or Two are Atoms names if len(keyword_low) <= 2: keyword_low = return keyword, keyword_low, True return None, None, False
[docs]def _parse_sections(inputtxt): """Find sections in the input file with raw data. This method will find sections in the input file and collect the corresponding raw data. Parameters ---------- inputtxt : list of strings or iterable file object The raw data to parse. Returns ------- raw_data : dict A dictionary with keys corresponding to the sections found in the input file. `raw_data[key]` contains the raw data for the section corresponding to `key`. """ multiple = {key: 0 for key in SPECIAL_MULTIPLE} raw_data = {'heading': []} previous_line = None add_section = 'heading' data = [] for lines in inputtxt: current_line, _, _ = lines.strip().partition('#') if not current_line: continue if current_line.startswith('---'): if previous_line is None: continue section_title = previous_line.split()[0].lower() if section_title in SPECIAL_MULTIPLE: new_section_title = f'{section_title}{multiple[section_title]}' multiple[section_title] += 1 section_title = new_section_title if section_title not in raw_data: raw_data[section_title] = [] raw_data[add_section].extend(data[:-1]) data = [] add_section = section_title else: data += [current_line] previous_line = current_line if add_section is not None: raw_data[add_section].extend(data) return raw_data
[docs]def _parse_section_heading(raw_section): """Parse the heading section. Parameters ---------- raw_section : list of strings The text data for a given section which will be parsed. Returns ------- setting : dict A dict with keys corresponding to the settings. """ if not raw_section: return None return {'text': '\n'.join(raw_section)}
[docs]def _merge_section_text(raw_section): """Merge text for settings that are split across lines. This method supports keyword settings that are split across several lines. Here we merge these lines by assuming that keywords separate different settings. Parameters ---------- raw_section : string The text we will merge. """ merged = [] for line in raw_section: _, _, found_keyword = look_for_keyword(line) if found_keyword or not merged: merged.append(line) else: merged[-1] = ''.join((merged[-1], line)) return merged
[docs]def _parse_section_default(raw_section): """Parse a raw section. This is the default parser for sections. Parameters ---------- raw_section : list of strings The text data for a given section which will be parsed. Returns ------- setting : dict A dict with keys corresponding to the settings. """ merged = _merge_section_text(raw_section) setting = {} for line in merged: match, keyword, found_keyword = look_for_keyword(line) if found_keyword: raw = line[len(match):].strip() parsed, success = parse_primitive(raw) if success: special = None for skey in SPECIAL_MULTIPLE: # To avoid a false True for ensemble_number if keyword.startswith(skey) and keyword[len(skey)] != '_': special = skey if special is not None: var = [''.join(line.split(keyword.split()[0])[1])] new_setting = _parse_section_default(var) var = line.split(special)[1].split()[0] num = 0 if not var.isdigit() else int(var) if special not in setting: setting[special] = [{}] while num >= len(setting[special]): setting[special].append({}) setting[special][num].update(new_setting) elif keyword in SPECIAL_KEY: if keyword not in setting: setting[keyword] = {} var = line.split(keyword)[1].split()[0] # Yes, in some cases we really want an integer. # Note: This will only work for positive numbers # (which we are assuming here). if var.isdigit(): setting[keyword][int(var)] = parsed else: setting[keyword][var] = parsed elif len(keyword.split()) > 1: key_0 = match.split()[0] var = [' '.join(line.split()[1:])] new_setting = _parse_section_default(var) if key_0 not in setting: setting[key_0] = {} for key, val in new_setting.items(): if key in setting[key_0]: setting[key_0][key].update(val) else: setting[key_0][key] = val else: setting[keyword] = parsed else: # pragma: no cover msg = [f'Could read keyword {keyword}'] msg += ['Keyword was skipped, please check your input!'] msg += [f'Input setting: {raw}'] msgtxt = '\n'.join(msg) logger.critical(msgtxt) return setting
[docs]def _parse_raw_section(raw_section, section): """Parse the raw data from a section. Parameters ---------- raw_section : list of strings The text data for a given section which will be parsed. section : string A text identifying the section we are parsing for. This is used to get a list over valid keywords for the section. Returns ------- out : dict A dict with keys corresponding to the settings. """ if section not in SECTIONS: # Unknown section, just ignore it and give a warning. msgtxt = f'Ignoring unknown input section "{section}"' logger.warning(msgtxt) return None if section == 'heading': return _parse_section_heading(raw_section) return _parse_section_default(raw_section)
[docs]def _parse_all_raw_sections(raw_sections): """Parse all raw sections. This method is helpful for running tests etc. Parameters ---------- raw_sections : dict The dictionary with the raw data in sections. Returns ------- settings : dict The parsed settings, with one key for each section parsed. """ settings = {} for key, val in raw_sections.items(): special = None for i in SPECIAL_MULTIPLE: if key.startswith(i): special = i if special is not None: new_setting = _parse_raw_section(val, special) if special not in settings: settings[special] = [] settings[special].append(new_setting) else: new_setting = _parse_raw_section(val, key) if new_setting is None: continue if key not in settings: settings[key] = {} for sub_key in new_setting: settings[key][sub_key] = new_setting[sub_key] return settings
[docs]def fill_up_tis_and_retis_settings(settings): """Make the life of sloppy users easier. The full input set-up will be here completed. Parameters ---------- settings : dict The current input settings. Returns ------- None, but this method might add data to the input settings. """ create_empty_ensembles(settings) ensemble_save = copy.deepcopy(settings['ensemble']) # The previously constructed dictionary is inserted in the settings. # This is done such that the specific input given per ensemble # OVERWRITES the general input. for i_ens, val in enumerate(ensemble_save): for key in settings: if key in val: if key not in SPECIAL_MULTIPLE: val[key] = {**copy.deepcopy(settings[key]), **copy.deepcopy(val[key])} else: for i_sub, sub in enumerate(settings[key]): while len(val[key]) < len(settings[key]): val[key].append({}) val[key][i_sub] = { **copy.deepcopy(sub), **copy.deepcopy(val[key][i_sub]) } ensemble_save[i_ens] = {**copy.deepcopy(settings), **copy.deepcopy(val)} del ensemble_save[i_ens]['ensemble'] for i_ens, ens in enumerate(ensemble_save): add_default_settings(settings) add_specific_default_settings(settings) settings['ensemble'][i_ens] = copy.deepcopy(ens) if 'make-tis-files' in settings['simulation']['task']: settings['ensemble'][i_ens]['simulation']['task'] = 'tis' if settings['tis'].get('shooting_moves', False): for i_ens, ens_set in enumerate(settings['ensemble']): ens_set['tis']['shooting_move'] = \ settings['tis']['shooting_moves'][i_ens]
[docs]def add_default_settings(settings): """Add default settings. Parameters ---------- settings : dict The current input settings. Returns ------- None, but this method might add data to the input settings. """ if settings.get('initial-path', {}).get('method') == 'restart': if settings['simulation'].get('restart') is None: settings['simulation']['restart'] = 'pyretis.restart' for sec, sec_val in SECTIONS.items(): if sec not in settings: settings[sec] = {} for key, val in sec_val.items(): if val is not None and key not in settings[sec]: settings[sec][key] = val to_remove = [key for key in settings if len(settings[key]) == 0] for key in to_remove: settings.pop(key, None)
[docs]def add_specific_default_settings(settings): """Add specific default settings for each simulation task. Parameters ---------- settings : dict The current input settings. Returns ------- None, but this method might add data to the input settings. """ task = settings['simulation'].get('task') if task not in settings: settings[task] = {} if 'exp' in task: settings['tis']['shooting_move'] = 'exp' if task in {'pptis', 'tis', 'make-tis-files'}: if 'flux' not in settings['simulation']: settings['simulation']['flux'] = False if 'zero_ensemble' not in settings['simulation']: settings['simulation']['zero_ensemble'] = False if task in {'repptis', 'retis'}: if 'flux' not in settings['simulation']: settings['simulation']['flux'] = True if 'zero_ensemble' not in settings['simulation']: settings['simulation']['zero_ensemble'] = True eng_name = settings['engine'].get('class', 'NoneEngine') if eng_name[:7].lower() in {'gromacs', 'cp2k', 'lammps'}: settings['particles']['type'] = 'external' settings['engine']['type'] = 'external' input_path = os.path.join(settings['engine'].get('exe_path', '.'), settings['engine'].get('input_path', '.')) engine_checker = {'gromacs': gromacs_settings, 'cp2k': cp2k_settings} # Checks engine specific settings if engine_checker.get(eng_name[:7].lower()): engine_checker[eng_name[:7].lower()](settings, input_path) else: settings['particles']['type'] = 'internal' settings['engine']['type'] = settings['engine'].get('type', 'internal')
def settings_from_restart(settings): """Overwrite the settings with restart info. Here, we attempt to remove unwanted stuff from the input settings. NOTE: This structure doesn't allow modifications to a simulation with a restart. That is, restart ONLY extends one simulation. Load should be used for any other purpose. Parameters ---------- settings : dict The current input settings that is going to be mostly overwritten. Returns ------- new_set : dict The current input settings with the restart info. restart_info : dict The info to restart the various simulation objects. """ cycle = settings['simulation']['steps'] exe_path = settings['simulation']['exe_path'] filename = os.path.join(settings['simulation']['exe_path'], settings['simulation']['restart']) restart = read_restart_file(filename) if settings.get('initial-path', {}).get('flexible_restart', False): new_set = copy_settings(settings) else: new_set = restart.pop('settings') new_set['restart'] = restart new_set['simulation']['startcycle'] = new_set['simulation']['steps'] new_set['simulation']['steps'] = cycle new_set['simulation']['restart'] = filename new_set['simulation']['exe_path'] = exe_path # This won't loop if it is an empty list for i in range(len(new_set.get('ensemble', []))): new_set['ensemble'][i]['simulation']['exe_path'] = exe_path new_set['ensemble'][i]['initial-path'] = {'method': 'restart'} new_set['ensemble'][i]['engine']['input_path'] = \ settings['ensemble'][i]['engine'].get('input_path', '.') # Priority shooting aims is to recover a failed job, so it must be # allowed here to interfere to the initial settings. new_set['simulation']['priority_shooting'] = settings['simulation'].get( 'priority_shooting', False) new_set['engine']['input_path'] = settings['engine'].get('input_path', '.') return new_set, restart def look_for_input_files(input_path, required_files, extra_files=None): """Check that required files for external engines are present. It will first search for the default files. If not present, it will search for the files with the same extension. In this search, if there are no files or multiple files for a required extension, the function will raise an Error. There might also be optional files which are not required, but might be passed in here. If these are not present we will not fail, but delete the reference to this file. Parameters ---------- input_path : string The path to the folder where the input files are stored. required_files : dict of strings These are the file names types of the required files. extra_files : list of strings, optional These are the file names of the extra files. Returns ------- out : dict The paths to the required and extra files we found. """ if not os.path.isdir(input_path): msg = f'Input path folder {input_path} not existing' raise ValueError(msg) # Get the list of files in the input_path folder files_in_input_path = \ [ for i in os.scandir(input_path) if i.is_file()] input_files = {} # Check if the required files are present for file_type, file_to_check in required_files.items(): req_ext = os.path.splitext(file_to_check)[1][1:].lower() if file_to_check in files_in_input_path: input_files[file_type] = os.path.join(input_path, file_to_check) logger.debug('%s input: %s', file_type, input_files[file_type]) else: # If not present, let's try to explore the folder by extension file_counter = 0 for file_input in files_in_input_path: file_ext = os.path.splitext(file_input)[1][1:].lower() if req_ext == file_ext: file_counter += 1 selected_file = file_input # Since we are guessing the correct files, give an error if # multiple entries are possible. if file_counter == 1: input_files[file_type] = os.path.join(input_path, selected_file) logger.warning(f'using {input_files[file_type]} ' + f'as "{file_type}" file') else: msg = f'Missing input file "{file_to_check}" ' if file_counter > 1: msg += f'and multiple files have extension ".{req_ext}"' raise ValueError(msg) # Check if the extra files are present. If so, add them to the input_files. # Gromacs engine takes a dictionary as extra_files, while cp2k takes a list # I'm not familiar with cp2k, so I'm assuming the list format is required. # Either way, both types have their merits, so I add a check for enginetype if extra_files: if isinstance(extra_files, dict): for file_type, file_to_check in extra_files.items(): logger.debug('Checking for key %s and file %s', file_type, file_to_check) if file_to_check in files_in_input_path: logger.debug('Found %s', file_to_check) input_files[file_type] = os.path.join(input_path, file_to_check) else: msg = f'Extra file {file_to_check} not present ' msg += f'in {input_path}' elif isinstance(extra_files, list): input_files['extra_files'] = [] for file_to_check in extra_files: if file_to_check in files_in_input_path: input_files['extra_files'].append(file_to_check) else: msg = f'Extra file {file_to_check} not present ' msg += f'in {input_path}' else: msg = 'Extra files should be given in a dict or list format' msg += f', but got {type(extra_files)}' raise ValueError(msg) return input_files
[docs]def _clean_settings(settings): """Clean up input settings. Here, we attempt to remove unwanted stuff from the input settings. Parameters ---------- settings : dict The current input settings. Returns ------- settingsc : dict The cleaned input settings. """ settingc = {} # Add other sections: for sec in settings: if sec not in SECTIONS: # Well, ignore unknown ones: msgtxt = f'Ignoring unknown section "{sec}"' logger.warning(msgtxt) continue if sec in SPECIAL_MULTIPLE: settingc[sec] = list(settings[sec]) else: settingc[sec] = {} if sec in ALLOW_MULTIPLE: # Here, just add multiple sections: for key in settings[sec]: settingc[sec][key] = settings[sec][key] else: for key in settings[sec]: if key not in SECTIONS[sec]: # Ignore junk: msgtxt = f'Ignoring unknown "{key}" in "{sec}"' logger.warning(msgtxt) else: settingc[sec][key] = settings[sec][key] to_remove = [key for key, val in settingc.items() if len(val) == 0] for key in to_remove: settingc.pop(key, None) return settingc
def settings_to_text(settings): """Turn settings into text usable for an output file. Parameters ---------- settings : dict The dictionary to write Returns ------ out : string Text representing the settings. """ txt = [] for section in SECTIONS: if section not in settings: continue if section in SPECIAL_MULTIPLE: for sec in settings[section]: title = section.capitalize() line = '-' * len(title) if section == 'ensemble': _, raw_data = multiple_section_to_text(sec, prefix=None, pure=True) else: raw_data = section_to_text(sec) txt.append(f'{title}\n{line}\n{raw_data}\n\n') elif section == 'heading': txt.append(f'{settings[section]["text"]}\n\n') else: if section in ('tis', 'retis'): title = f'{section.upper()} settings' else: title = f'{section.capitalize()} settings' line = '-' * len(title) raw_data = section_to_text(settings[section]) txt.append(f'{title}\n{line}\n{raw_data}\n\n') return ''.join(txt) def multiple_section_to_text(settings, prefix=None, pure=False): """Turn settings for the ensemble into text for output. Parameters ---------- settings : dict A dictionary with settings to transform. prefix : string, optional If this string is given, it will be prepended to the setting we are writing. pure: boolean, optional The flag is used to track if subroutine works on a main section (True) or in a sub section (False). In the first case, prefix has to be re-set. Returns ------- out[0] : string Formatted text representing the prefix to use in a recursive key-word search. out[1] : string Formatted text representing the settings. """ data = [] for key in settings: prefix = None if pure else prefix if key in SPECIAL_MULTIPLE: for i, entry in enumerate(settings[key]): temp_prefix = f'{key}{i:d}' _, txt = multiple_section_to_text(entry, prefix=temp_prefix) data.append(txt) elif key == 'interface': pretty = pprint.pformat(settings[key], width=67) pretty = pretty.replace('\n', '\n' + ' ' * 67) txt = f'{key} = {pretty}' data.append(txt) elif key == 'heading': txt = f'{key} = {settings[key]}' data.append(txt) elif isinstance(settings[key], dict): base = prefix if prefix is None: prefix = key else: base = prefix prefix += ' ' + key _, txt = multiple_section_to_text(settings[key], prefix=prefix) prefix = base data.append(txt) else: txt = f'{prefix} {key} = {settings[key]}' data.append(txt) return prefix, '\n'.join(data) def section_to_text(settings, prefix=None): """Turn settings for a section into text for output. Parameters ---------- settings : dict A dictionary with settings to transform. prefix : string, optional If this string is given, it will be prepended to the setting we are writing. Returns ------- out : string Formatted text representing the settings. """ data = [] for key in settings: if key == 'parameter': txt = section_to_text(settings[key], prefix='parameter') else: if prefix is not None: leng = len(str(key)) + 3 + len(prefix) + 1 else: leng = len(str(key)) + 3 pretty = pprint.pformat(settings[key], width=79-leng) pretty = pretty.replace('\n', '\n' + ' ' * leng) if prefix is not None: txt = f'{prefix} {key} = {pretty}' else: txt = f'{key} = {pretty}' if len(txt) >= 5: # Shortest text, e.g: "a = 1". data.append(txt) return '\n'.join(data)
[docs]def write_settings_file(settings, outfile, backup=True): """Write simulation settings to an output file. This will write a dictionary to an output file in the PyRETIS input file format. Parameters ---------- settings : dict The dictionary to write. outfile : string The file to create. backup : boolean, optional If True, we will backup existing files with the same file name as the provided file name. Note ---- This will currently fail if objects have made it into the supplied ``settings``. """ if backup: msg = create_backup(outfile) if msg: with open(outfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fileh: txt = settings_to_text(settings) fileh.write(txt.strip())
def copy_settings(settings): """Return a copy of the given settings. Parameters ---------- settings : dict of dicts A dictionary which we will return a copy of. Returns ------- lsetting : dict of dicts A copy of the settings. """ lsetting = {} for sec in settings: # this is common for all simulations: lsetting[sec] = {} if sec in SPECIAL_MULTIPLE: lsetting[sec] = [copy.deepcopy(j) for j in settings[sec]] else: for key in settings[sec]: lsetting[sec][key] = settings[sec][key] return lsetting