# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""Definition of a class for handling output related to simulations.
Important classes defined here
Task (:py:class:`.Task`)
Base class for tasks. This is used by :py:class:`.SimulationTask`
and :py:class:`.OutputTask`.
OutputTask (:py:class:`.OutputTask`)
A class representing a simulation output task.
Important methods defined here
get_task_type (:py:meth:`.get_task_type`)
Do additional handling for a path task.
get_file_mode (:py:meth:`.get_file_mode`)
Determine if we should append or backup existing files.
task_from_settings (:py:meth:`.task_from_settings`)
Create output task from simulation settings.
Important variables defined here
A dictionary defining the different output tasks known to PyRETIS.
import logging
from pyretis.core.common import initiate_instance
from pyretis.inout.common import generate_file_name
from pyretis.inout.formats import (
from pyretis.inout.fileio import FileIO
from pyretis.inout.screen import ScreenOutput
from pyretis.inout.archive import PathStorage
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Define a set of known output tasks.
The output tasks are defined as dictionaries with the following keys:
* target : string
"file" or "screen", defines where the task writes to.
* filename : string
A default file name for an output file if writing to a file.
* result : tuple of strings
Determines what item from the result dictionary we are outputting.
* when : string
Determines what input setting from the "output" section is used to
define the output frequency. Default values are defined by the
output section, see: py:mod:`pyretis.inout.settings.settings`.
* formatter : object like :py:class:`.OutputFormatter`
Selects the formatter for the output.
* writer : object like :py:class:`.OutputBase`
Selects the writer for the output.
* settings : tuple of strings, optional
A dict with additional settings which can be passed to the
formatter if needed. These settings can, for instance, be
defined in the output section of the input file.
The writer can be defined explicitly, or via the formatter. If a
formatter is given, then the generic :py:class:`.FileIO` will be used.
If no formatter is given, then the writer is assumed to be given.
OUTPUT_TASKS['energy'] = {
'target': 'file',
'filename': 'energy.txt',
'result': ('thermo',),
'when': 'energy-file',
'formatter': EnergyFormatter,
OUTPUT_TASKS['order'] = {
'target': 'file',
'filename': 'order.txt',
'result': ('order',),
'when': 'order-file',
'formatter': OrderFormatter,
OUTPUT_TASKS['cross'] = {
'target': 'file',
'filename': 'cross.txt',
'result': ('cross',),
'when': 'cross-file',
'formatter': CrossFormatter,
OUTPUT_TASKS['traj-txt'] = {
'target': 'file',
'filename': 'traj.txt',
'result': ('system',),
'when': 'trajectory-file',
'formatter': SnapshotFormatter,
OUTPUT_TASKS['traj-xyz'] = {
'target': 'file',
'filename': 'traj.xyz',
'result': ('system',),
'when': 'trajectory-file',
'formatter': SnapshotFormatter,
OUTPUT_TASKS['thermo-screen'] = {
'target': 'screen',
'result': ('thermo',),
'when': 'screen',
'formatter': ThermoTableFormatter,
OUTPUT_TASKS['thermo-file'] = {
'target': 'file',
'filename': 'thermo.txt',
'result': ('thermo',),
'when': 'energy-file',
'formatter': ThermoTableFormatter,
OUTPUT_TASKS['pathensemble'] = {
'target': 'file',
'filename': 'pathensemble.txt',
'result': ('pathensemble',),
'when': 'pathensemble-file',
'formatter': PathEnsembleFormatter,
OUTPUT_TASKS['pathensemble-screen'] = {
'target': 'screen',
'result': ('pathensemble',),
'when': 'screen',
'formatter': PathTableFormatter,
OUTPUT_TASKS['pathensemble-retis-screen'] = {
'target': 'screen',
'result': ('pathensemble',),
'when': 'screen',
'formatter': RETISResultFormatter,
OUTPUT_TASKS['path-order'] = {
'target': 'file',
'filename': 'order.txt',
'result': ('path', 'status'),
'when': 'order-file',
'formatter': OrderPathFormatter,
OUTPUT_TASKS['path-energy'] = {
'target': 'file',
'filename': 'energy.txt',
'result': ('path', 'status'),
'when': 'energy-file',
'formatter': EnergyPathFormatter,
OUTPUT_TASKS['path-traj-int'] = {
'target': 'file',
'filename': 'traj.txt',
'result': ('path', 'status'),
'when': 'trajectory-file',
'formatter': PathIntFormatter,
OUTPUT_TASKS['path-traj-ext'] = {
'target': 'file-archive',
'filename': 'traj.txt',
'result': ('path', 'status', 'pathensemble'),
'when': 'trajectory-file',
'writer': PathStorage,
[docs]class Task:
"""Base representation of a "task".
A task is just something that is supposed to be executed at
a certain point. This class will just set up functionality
that is common for output tasks and for simulation tasks.
when : dict
Determines when the task should be executed.
_ALLOWED_WHEN = {'every', 'at'}
[docs] def __init__(self, when):
"""Initialise the task.
when : dict, optional
Determines if the task should be executed.
self._when = None
self.when = when
def when(self):
"""Return the "when" property."""
return self._when
def when(self, when):
"""Update self to new value(s).
It will only update `self.when` for the keys given in the
input `when`.
when : dict
This dict contains the settings to update.
out : None
Returns `None` but modifies `self.when`.
if when is None:
self._when = when
if self._when is None:
self._when = {}
for key, val in when.items():
if key in self._ALLOWED_WHEN:
self._when[key] = val
'Ignoring unknown "when" setting: "%s"', key
[docs] def execute_now(self, step):
"""Determine if a task should be executed.
step : dict of ints
Keys are 'step' (current cycle number), 'start' cycle number at
start 'stepno' the number of cycles we have performed so far.
out : boolean
True of the task should be executed.
if self.when is None:
return True
exe = False
if 'every' in self.when:
exe = step['stepno'] % self.when['every'] == 0
if not exe and 'at' in self.when:
exe = step['step'] in self.when['at']
except TypeError:
exe = step['step'] == self.when['at']
return exe
[docs] def task_dict(self):
"""Return basic info about the task."""
return {'when': self.when}
[docs]class OutputTask(Task):
"""A base class for simulation output.
This class will handle an output task for a simulation. The
output task consists of one object which is responsible for
formatting the output data and one object which is responsible
for writing that data, for instance to the screen or to a file.
target : string
This string identifies what kind of output we are dealing with.
This will typically be either "screen" or "file".
name : string
This string identifies the task, it can, for instance, be used
to reference the dictionary used to create the writer.
result : tuple of strings
This string defines the result we are going to output.
writer : object like :py:class:`.OutputBase`
This object will handle the actual outputting
of the result.
when : dict
Determines if the task should be executed.
[docs] def __init__(self, name, result, writer, when):
"""Initialise the generic output task.
name : string
This string identifies the task, it can, for instance, be used
to reference the dictionary used to create the writer.
result : list of strings
These strings define the results we are going to output.
writer : object like :py:class:`.IOBase`
This object will handle formatting of the actual result and
output to screen or to a file.
when : dict
Determines when the output should be written. Example:
`{'every': 10}` will be executed at every 10th step.
self.target = writer.target
self.name = name
self.result = result
self.writer = writer
[docs] def output(self, simulation_result):
"""Output given results from simulation steps.
This will output the task using the result found in the
`simulation_result` which should be the dictionary returned
from a simulation object (e.g. object like
:py:class:`.Simulation`) after a step.
simulation_result : dict
This is the result from a simulation step.
out : boolean
True if the writer wrote something, False otherwise.
step = simulation_result['cycle']
if not self.execute_now(step):
return False
result = []
for res in self.result:
if res not in simulation_result:
return False # Requested result was not ready at this step.
if len(result) == 1:
return self.writer.output(step['step'], result[0])
return self.writer.output(step['step'], result)
[docs] def __str__(self):
"""Print information about the output task."""
msg = ['Output task {}'.format(self.name)]
msg += ['- Output frequency: {}'.format(self.when)]
msg += ['- Acting on result(s): {}'.format(self.result)]
msg += ['- Target is: {}'.format(self.target)]
msg += ['- Writer is: {}'.format(self.writer)]
return '\n'.join(msg)
[docs] def task_dict(self):
"""Return a dict with info about the task."""
return {'name': self.name,
'when': self.when,
'result': self.result,
'target': self.target,
'writer': self.writer.__class__,
'formatter': self.writer.formatter_info()}
[docs]def get_task_type(task, engine):
"""Do additional handling for a path task.
The path task is special since we do very different things for
external paths. The set-up required to do this is handled here.
task : dict
Settings related to the specific task.
engine : object like :py:class:`.EngineBase`
This object is used to determine if we need to do something
special for external engines. If no engine is given, we do
not do anything special.
out : string
The task type we are going to be creating for.
if task['type'] == 'path-traj-{}':
if engine is None or engine.engine_type in ('internal', 'openmm'):
fmt = 'int'
fmt = 'ext'
return task['type'].format(fmt)
return task['type']
[docs]def get_file_mode(settings):
"""Determine if we should append or backup existing files.
This method translates the backup settings into a file mode string.
We assume here that the file is opened for writing.
settings : dict
The simulation settings.
file_mode : string
A string representing the file mode to use.
file_mode = 'w'
old = settings['output']['backup'].lower()
if old == 'append':
logger.debug('Will append to existing files.')
file_mode = 'a'
except AttributeError:
logger.warning('Could not understand setting for "backup"'
' in "output" section.')
old = 'backup'
logger.warning('Handling of existing files is set to: "%s"', old)
settings['output']['backup'] = old
return file_mode
[docs]def task_from_settings(task, settings, directory, engine, progress=False):
"""Create output task from simulation settings.
task : dict
Settings for creating a task. This dict contains the type and
name of the task to create. It can also contain overrides to
the default settings in :py:data:`OUTPUT_TASKS`.
settings : dict
Settings for the simulation.
directory : string
The directory to write output files to.
engine : object like :py:class:`.EngineBase`
This object is used to determine if we need to do something
special for external engines. If no engine is given, we do
not do anything special.
progress : boolean, optional
For some simulations, the user may select to display a
progress bar. We will then just disable the other screen
out : object like :py:class:`.OutputTask`
An output task we can use in the simulation.
task_type = get_task_type(task, engine)
task_settings = OUTPUT_TASKS[task_type].copy()
# Override defaults if any:
for key in task_settings:
if key in task:
task_settings[key] = task[key]
when = {'every': settings['output'][task_settings['when']]}
if when['every'] < 1:
logger.info('Skipping output task %s (freq < 1)', task_type)
return None
target = task_settings['target']
if target == 'screen' and progress:
'Disabling output to screen %s since progress bar is ON',
return None
formatter = None
# Initiate the formatter, note that here we can customize the formatter
# by supplying arguments to it. This was supported in a previous version
# of PyRETIS, but for now, none of the formatters needs settings to be
# created.
if task_settings.get('formatter', None) is not None:
formatter = initiate_instance(
task_settings.get('formatter-settings', {}),
# Create writer:
writer = None
if target == 'screen':
klass = task_settings.get('writer', ScreenOutput)
writer = klass(formatter)
if target in ('file', 'file-archive'):
filename = generate_file_name(task_settings['filename'], directory,
file_mode = get_file_mode(settings)
if target == 'file':
klass = task_settings.get('writer', FileIO)
writer = klass(filename, file_mode, formatter, backup=True)
if target == 'file-archive':
klass = task_settings.get('writer', PathStorage)
writer = klass()
# Finally make the output task:
if writer is not None:
return OutputTask(task['name'], task_settings['result'], writer, when)
logger.warning('Unknown target "%s". Ignoring task: %s',
target, task_type)
return None