Source code for pyretis.pyvisa.orderparam_density

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""Compiler of PyRETIS simulation data.

This module is part of the PyRETIS library and can be used both for compiling
the simulation data into a compressed file and/or load the data for later

Important classes defined here

Trajectory (:py:class:`.PathBase`)
    A base class to store trajectories composed by only orderp,
    collective variables and energies.

PathDensity (:py:class:`.PathBase`)
    A base class to assemble the data.

PathVisualize (:py:class:`.PathVisualize`)
    A base class to prepare for the visualization.

Important methods defined here

pyvisa_zip (:py:func: `.pyvisa_zip`)
    Compress the PyVisA output file in a .zip format.

pyvisa_unzip (:py:func: `.pyvisa_unzip`)
    Decompress the zip into PyVisA output.

remove_nan (:py:func: `.remove_nan`)
    Checks for the presence of nan values and replace them with a local,
    if available.

pyvisa_compress (:py:func: `.pyvisa_compress`)
    Compress PyRETIS outputs to a .hdf5 file.

import warnings
import os
import timeit
import zipfile
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
from pyretis.inout import print_to_screen
from pyretis.inout.settings import parse_settings_file
from pyretis.pyvisa.common import where_from_to, get_cv_names

# Hard-coded labels for energies and time/cycle steps
ENERGYLABELS = ['time', 'cycle', 'potE', 'kinE', 'totE']

[docs]def pyvisa_zip(input_file): """Zip compress file of simulation data. Parameters ---------- input_file : string The file to compress. """ with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file + '.zip', 'w') as zipped_file: zipped_file.write(input_file, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) os.remove(input_file)
[docs]def pyvisa_unzip(origin, destination=None): """Unzip compressed file before load in visualizer. Parameters ---------- origin : string Zipped file to unzip. destination : string, optional Unzipped file name. """ msg = '###################################################\n' msg += '# File type recognized as `.zip`, unzipping to tmp file \n' msg += f'# {destination} before loading.\n' msg += '###################################################\n' print_to_screen(msg, level='message') with zipfile.ZipFile(origin) as zipped: zipped.extractall(path=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(origin))) # We here assume that only a file is stored in 'zipped'. if destination is not None: os.rename(zipped.namelist()[0], destination)
[docs]def remove_nan(data): """Remove nan from data. The function shall remove initial nan, assuming that they are originated by incomplete initial conditions (e.g. no energy file). In the case that nan appears as last cycle, it will not be fixed and an error shall rise up later in the code. Parameters ---------- data : list Input list. If nan are present, they are replaced by the following entry. The method accounts for multiple consecutive nan occurrence. """ nan = True inan = -1 while nan: nan = False if type(data) in (dict, pd.DataFrame): for keys in data: remove_nan(data[keys]) break for idx, data_point in reversed(list(enumerate(data))): if type(data_point) in (list, np.ndarray): remove_nan(data_point) else: if np.isnan(data_point): nan = True inan = idx break if nan and inan == len(data) - 1: nan = False if nan and isinstance(data, pd.Series): data.iloc[inan] = data.iloc[inan + 1] elif nan: data[inan] = data[inan + 1]
[docs]def pyvisa_compress(runpath, input_file, pyvisa_dict): """Compress simulation data. Parameters ---------- runpath : string The execution folder where the input files are. input_file : string The input file for compression. pyvisa_dict : dict It determines the section of pyvisa to use. """ assert input_file, 'No input file' if input_file.endswith(('hdf5', 'zip')): msg = 'Cannot compress an already compressed file.' raise ImportError(msg) p_data = PathDensity(runpath, input_file) p_data.walk_dirs(only_ops=pyvisa_dict['only_order']) p_data.hdf5_data()
[docs]class Trajectory: """Class representing a simulation trajectory. This class defines the trajectories from the completed simulations, with all information available. The labels of the order parameter and collective variables will either be labeled in the fashion of opx, or from the names in the input file if the number of names given and number of descriptors in the system are equal. """
[docs] def __init__(self, frames, info): """Initialize the class. Parameters ---------- frames : pandas Dataframe or dict Dataframe/dict containing order parameter and energy-data for the trajectory. It contains: * `OP1`: string Order parameter. * `OP2`: string Collective variables, all other CV's will be named in increasing fashion, OP3, OP4 etc. * `PotE`: string Potential energy. * `KinE`: string Kinetic energy. * `TotE`: string Total energy. info : dict Dictionary containing information about the trajectory. It contains: * `ensemble_name`: string The name of the ensemble. * `cycle`: integer The cycle number. * `status`: string Status of accepted/rejected etc. * `MC-move`: string Generation move of the trajectory. * `MC-start`: string Generation starting point of the trajectory. * `ordermax`: int Max value of OP. * `ordermin`: int Min value of OP. * `stored`: boolean True if the trajectory has existing trajectory files. """ = info self.frames = frames
[docs]class PathDensity: """Perform the path density analysis. This class defines the path density analysis for completed simulations with several order parameters. """
[docs] def __init__(self, basepath='.', iofile=None): """Initialize the class. Parameters ---------- basepath : string, optional The path to the input file. iofile : string, optional The input file. Attributes ---------- traj_dict : dict Values of order params and energy in all ensembles and info about trajectories. To each key, ensemble_name (e.g. 000, 001, etc.) the value is the list of respective Trajectory objects. infos : dict Information about the simulation, it contains: * `ensemble_names`: list List of ensemble names. * `interfaces`: list List of interface positions. * `num_op`: int Number of order parameters. * `op_labels`: list List of order parameter names. * `energy_labels`: list List of energy entry labels. """ self.basepath = os.path.abspath(basepath) if isinstance(iofile, PathDensity): self.traj_dict = iofile.traj_dict self.infos = iofile.infos return self.iofile = os.path.join(self.basepath, iofile) if iofile.endswith('.hdf5'): self.initialize_compressed(iofile) return # Getting interfaces from iofile settings = parse_settings_file(self.iofile) interfaces = settings.get('simulation', {}).get('interfaces', []) assert interfaces, 'Input file does not contain interface setting' intnames = ['0$^{-}$', '0$^{+}$'] for i in range(1, len(interfaces) - 1): intnames.append(str(i) + '$^{+}$') path = [] # Getting ensembles/folders from directory for fol in sorted(os.listdir(basepath)): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(basepath, fol)) and fol.isdigit(): path.append(fol) assert path, 'No files to analyse.' # Getting order parameters from order-file of first folder in path. # Careful here because the order parameter function and/or the # collective variables ones can produce a LIST. In this case the # counting will not correspond. filename = os.path.join(basepath, path[0], 'order.txt') with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as figa: lines = len(figa.readlines()) assert lines > 3, f'File order.txt in {path[0]} empty.' # Crash-proof, num_op is the mode of length of the last lines. with open(os.path.join(basepath, path[0], 'order.txt'), encoding='utf-8') as temp: lasts = temp.readlines()[-10:] num_op = int(stats.mode([len(i.split()) for i in lasts])[0]) - 1 op_names = get_cv_names(settings) op_labels = op_names if len(op_names) == num_op else \ [f'op{i}' for i in range(1, num_op + 1)] self.traj_dict = {} self.order_parameter = op_labels[0] self.infos = {'ensemble_names': path, 'interfaces': interfaces, 'intf_names': intnames, 'num_op': num_op, 'op_labels': op_labels, 'energy_labels': ENERGYLABELS}
[docs] def walk_dirs(self, only_ops=False): """Create a lists in acc or rej dictionary for all order parameters. First generate list of folders/ensembles to iterate through. Then search for number of order parameters(columns) in file in one of the folders of path, and create lists in acc/rej dictionaries for all order parameters. Lastly iterate through all folders and files, filling in correct data to the lists and dictionaries. Parameters ---------- only_ops : boolean, optional If true, PathDensity will not collect data from energy files. """ tic = [timeit.default_timer(), None] print_to_screen('###################################################', level='message') print_to_screen('# PathDensity performing "walk" in \n# ' + f'{os.getcwd()}/', level='message') print_to_screen('# Number of subfolders (0**) = ' + str(len(self.infos['ensemble_names'])), level='message') print_to_screen((f'# Found {self.infos["num_op"]} order parameters in ' 'output'), level='message') print_to_screen('###################################################' + '\n', level='message') # Looping over folders, reading energy and orderP cmax, cmin = 0, 0 for ensemble_name in self.infos['ensemble_names']: tic[1] = timeit.default_timer() print_to_screen(f'Reading data from {ensemble_name}', level='message') self.get_traj_op(ensemble_name) if not only_ops: self.get_traj_energy(ensemble_name) # Sort traj_dict by cycle self.traj_dict[ensemble_name] = \ dict(sorted(self.traj_dict[ensemble_name].items())) for cyc in self.traj_dict[ensemble_name].keys(): traj = self.traj_dict[ensemble_name][cyc] if int(cyc) > cmax: cmax = cyc if self.order_parameter in traj.frames.columns:['ordermax'] = np.max( traj.frames[self.order_parameter])['ordermin'] = np.min( traj.frames[self.order_parameter])['length'] = len(traj.frames.index) line = ('Done with folder, time used: ' f'{timeit.default_timer() - tic[1]:4.4f}s, proceeding.\n') print_to_screen('=' * len(line) + '\n' + line, level='success') self.infos['cycles'] = [cmin, cmax] print_to_screen('###################################################', level='success') print_to_screen('# Data successfully retrieved, in cycles:', level='success') print_to_screen((f'# {self.infos["cycles"][0]} to ' f'{self.infos["cycles"][1]}'), level='success') print_to_screen( f'# Time spent: {timeit.default_timer() - tic[0]:.2f}s', level='success' ) print_to_screen('###################################################' + '\n', level='success')
[docs] def hdf5_data(self): """Compress the data to a .hdf5 file.""" print_to_screen('###################################################', level='message') print_to_screen('# Compress dictionaries to file', level='message') data = pd.Series(self.traj_dict) infos = pd.Series(self.infos) pfile = 'pyvisa_compressed_data.hdf5' warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=pd.errors.PerformanceWarning) data.to_hdf(pfile, key='data', mode='w') infos.to_hdf(pfile, key='infos') print_to_screen(f'# {pfile}', level='message') pyvisa_zip(pfile) print_to_screen(f'# {pfile}.zip', level='message') print_to_screen('###################################################' + '\n', level='message')
[docs] def get_traj_op(self, ensemble_name): """Read order.txt files and collects data OP data. Parameters ---------- ensemble_name : string Updates ------- traj_dict : dict Dictionary containing Trajectory objects from simulation with filled in OP-data. """ bad_characters = ["(", ")", ",", '"', "'"] self.traj_dict[ensemble_name] = {} weight = [] statw = [] frames = {} cycle = -1 info = {} with open(os.path.join(self.basepath, ensemble_name, 'order.txt'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as order: for idx, oline in enumerate(order): if oline.startswith('#') and 'Cycle' not in oline: continue if oline.startswith('#') and 'Cycle' in oline: if idx > 1: self.fill_op(frames, info, ensemble_name, cycle) text = oline.split() cycle = int(text[2].rstrip(',')) frames = {} info = {'ensemble_name': ensemble_name, 'cycle': cycle, 'status': text[4].rstrip(','), 'stored': False} # Check for stored trajectory-files if info['status'] == 'ACC': status_line = 'traj-acc' # Append statistical weights statw.append(1) weight.append(1) else: status_line = 'traj-rej' # Append statistical weights if weight: weight[-1] += 1 statw.append(0) path_to_cycles = ( f"{os.getcwd()}/{ensemble_name}/traj/{status_line}" ) info['stored'] = os.path.exists(path_to_cycles + f'/{cycle}/traj') if len(text) > 6: # For backward comparability # Add MC move info['MC-move'] = ''.join(filter( lambda i: i not in bad_characters, text[6])) else: # Read data line odata = oline.split() if not odata: continue frames[odata[0]] = {self.order_parameter: np.nan} # Fill in OP-data to the frame for label, data in zip(self.infos['op_labels'], odata[1:]): frames[odata[0]][label] = np.array(data) self.fill_op(frames, info, ensemble_name, cycle) # Give weights to the trajectories for cycle in self.traj_dict[ensemble_name].keys(): traj = self.traj_dict[ensemble_name][cycle] index = list(self.traj_dict[ensemble_name].keys()).index(cycle) if statw[index] == 1:['weight'] = weight[0] weight.pop(0) else:['weight'] = 0
[docs] def fill_op(self, frames, info, ensemble_name, cycle): """Fill in OP-data to a trajectory. Function that fills the dictionary traj_dict containing Trajectory objects with data from the order parameter and the collective variables from the simulation. Parameters ---------- frames: dict Dictionary containing energy-data for the trajectory. info : dict Information about the trajectory. ensemble_name : string The name of the ensemble. cycle : int Cycle number. Updates ------- traj_dict : Trajectory object Trajectory object with filled in OP-data. """ orderp = self.order_parameter frames = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( frames, orient='index', dtype=float) for var in frames.columns: remove_nan(frames[var]) if orderp in frames.columns and \ frames[orderp].isnull().sum() != len(frames[orderp].index): start_end = where_from_to(np.array(frames[orderp]), self.infos['interfaces'][0], self.infos['interfaces'][-1]) info['reactive'] = start_end[0] + start_end[1] == 'LR' self.traj_dict[ensemble_name][cycle] = Trajectory(frames, info)
[docs] def get_traj_energy(self, ensemble_name): """Read energy.txt files and collects energy-data. Function that fills the dictionary traj_dict containing Trajectory objects with energy data from the simulation. Parameters ---------- ensemble_name : string The name of the ensemble. Updates ------- traj_dict : dict Dictionary containing Trajectory objects from simulation with filled in energy-data. """ en_file = os.path.join(self.basepath, ensemble_name, 'energy.txt') if not os.path.exists(en_file): return cycle = 0 eframes = {} with open(en_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as energy: for idx, eline in enumerate(energy): if eline.startswith('#') and 'Time' in eline: continue if eline.startswith('#') and 'Cycle' in eline: if idx > 1: # Fill in energy data to the Trajectory if cycle in self.traj_dict[ensemble_name].keys(): self.fill_energy( self.traj_dict[ensemble_name][cycle], eframes, ensemble_name, cycle) cycle = int(eline.split()[2].rstrip(',')) eframes = {} else: edata = eline.split() if not edata: continue eframes[edata[0]] = {} # in case of missing lines in energy.txt if len(edata) < 3: eframes[edata[0]]['potE'] = np.nan eframes[edata[0]]['kinE'] = np.nan continue eframes[edata[0]]['potE'] = float(edata[1]) eframes[edata[0]]['kinE'] = float(edata[2]) # End of file # Fill in energy data to the Trajectory if cycle in self.traj_dict[ensemble_name].keys(): self.fill_energy(self.traj_dict[ensemble_name][cycle], eframes, ensemble_name, cycle)
[docs] def fill_energy(self, traj, eframes, ensemble_name, cycle): """Fill in energy-data to a trajectory. Parameters ---------- traj: Trajectory object Trajectory object to be filled in energy-data. eframes: dict Dictionary containing energy-data for the trajectory. ensemble_name : string The name of the ensemble. cycle : integer Cycle number. Updates ------- traj_dict : Trajectory object Trajectory object with filled in energy-data. """ if not eframes: return energy_frame = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( eframes, orient='index', dtype=float) for energy_term in energy_frame.columns: # If dataframe is only nan if energy_frame[energy_term].isnull().sum() == \ len(energy_frame[energy_term].index): return traj.frames[energy_term] = energy_frame[energy_term] remove_nan(traj.frames[energy_term]) traj.frames['totE'] = \ pd.to_numeric(traj.frames['potE']) + \ pd.to_numeric(traj.frames['kinE']) self.traj_dict[ensemble_name][cycle] = traj
[docs] def initialize_compressed(self, input_file): """Load PathDensity from a compressed file. Parameters ---------- input_file : string The input file. """ in_file = os.path.join(self.basepath, input_file) if os.path.isfile(in_file) and input_file.endswith('hdf5'): self.traj_dict = pd.read_hdf(in_file, key='data') self.infos = pd.read_hdf(in_file, key='infos') else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'File {in_file} not valid.')
[docs]class PathVisualize: """Class to define the visualization of data with PathDensity. Class definition of the visualization of data gathered from simulation directory using the PathDensity class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, basepath='.', pfile=None): """Initialize the PathVisualize class. If a supported compressed input file is present, loads the pre-compiled data from it. Else, must use specific functions explicitly. Parameters ---------- basepath : string, optional The path of the input file. pfile : string, optional The input file. """ self.infos, self.traj_data = {}, {} self.op_labels = [] self.x_list, self.y_list, self.z_list = [], [], [] self.data_origin = [] if pfile is None: self.pfile = None elif pfile.endswith('rst'): self.pfile = pfile else: self.pfile = os.path.join(basepath, pfile) self.load_whatever()
[docs] def load_whatever(self): """Load all possible supported files. This functions directs traffic towards the real loaders. Essentially, it does almost nothing. """ clean = False assert os.path.isfile(self.pfile), f'{self.pfile} does not exist.' if self.pfile.endswith('.zip'): origin = self.pfile self.pfile = self.pfile.rstrip('.zip') # If a zip file has been loaded through the file menu tmp = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(origin)), os.path.splitext(self.pfile)[0] + '.tmp' + os.path.splitext(self.pfile)[1]) self.pfile = tmp pyvisa_unzip(origin, tmp) clean = True if self.pfile.endswith('.hdf5'): self.load_hdf5() else: raise ValueError(f'Format of {self.pfile} not recognised') # If from zip, just keep the zip if clean: os.remove(tmp)
[docs] def load_hdf5(self): """Load precompiled data from a hdf5 file. Function that loads precompiled data from a .hdf5 file made using pandas. """ self.traj_data = pd.read_hdf(self.pfile, key='data') self.infos = pd.read_hdf(self.pfile, key='infos') self.op_labels = self.infos['op_labels']
[docs] def load_traj(self, criteria): """Load relevant data from Trajectories. Parameters ---------- criteria : dict Dictionary of the selection criteria for which data to load. It contains: * `x`: string Name of parameter to plot. * `y`: string Name of parameter to plot. * `z`: string Name of parameter to plot. * `ensemble_name`: string Name of ensemble to loop through. * `cycles`: tuple Cycles to loop over. * `status`: string Status of the path: accepted/rejected. * `MC-move`: string, optional Generation move of the trajectory. * `stored`: bool, optional True if the trajectory has available trajectory files. * `weights`: bool, optional Option to apply statistical weights to the trajectories, used in the weighted density plot. Returns ------- x_list : list List of data from chosen parameter. y_list : list List of data from chosen parameter. z_list : list List of data from chosen parameter, if required. data_origin: list List of ensemble_name and cycle for each point, if required. """ x_list, y_list, z_list, data_origin = [], [], [], [] for cyc in range(criteria['cycles'][0], criteria['cycles'][1] + 1): if cyc in self.traj_data[criteria['ensemble_name']].keys(): traj = self.traj_data[criteria['ensemble_name']][cyc] # If the trajectory is empty if 'length' not in continue # pragma: no cover stat_weight =['weight'] if criteria.get('weight', False) else 1 for key in criteria.keys(): # For different frequencies of outputs if key in ['x', 'y', 'z']: if criteria[key] not in ['time', 'cycle', 'None'] \ and criteria[key] not in traj.frames.columns: break # pragma: no cover if key in if key == 'status': if criteria[key] == 'BOTH': continue if criteria[key] == 'REJ' and \[key] != 'ACC': continue elif ((key == 'stored' and not criteria[key]) or (key == 'MC-move' and criteria[key] == 'All') or (key in ['x', 'y', 'z', 'cycles', 'weight'])): continue if criteria[key] !=[key]: break else: for _ in range(stat_weight): data_origin.extend([[['ensemble_name'],['cycle']]] *['length']) for xyz in {'x': x_list, 'y': y_list, 'z': z_list}.items(): if criteria[xyz[0]] == 'time': xyz[1].extend(range(0,['length'])) elif criteria[xyz[0]] == 'cycle': xyz[1].extend([['cycle']] *['length']) elif criteria[xyz[0]] == 'None': xyz[1].extend([1] *['length']) else: xyz[1].extend( traj.frames[criteria[xyz[0]]]) return x_list, y_list, z_list, data_origin