The RETIS section

The RETIS section specifies settings for RE(PP)TIS simulations. Note that the section for TIS also needs to be defined for a RE(PP)TIS simulation.

Example RETIS section:
RETIS settings
swapfreq = 0.5
relative_shoots = None
nullmoves = True
swapsimul = True
rgen = None
seed = None

Keywords for the RETIS section

The following keywords can be set for the RETIS section:

Table 29 Keywords for the RETIS section.
Keyword Description
nullmoves Determines if we do null moves or not.
relative_shoots Selects and defines relative shooting.
priority_shooting Prioritize the ensembles with less cycles.
rgen Determines the rgen to use in retis function.
seed Determines the seed for rgen in the retis function.
swapfreq Defines how often we perform swapping moves.
swapsimul Determines if we swap multiple path ensebles at the same time or not.

Keyword nullmoves

nullmoves = boolean

If True we perform null moves in the ensembles not included in a swapping move. Otherwise, no move is done in these ensembles.

No default, this setting must be specified.

Keyword relative_shoots

relative_shoots = None or list of floats

This keyword selects and defines relative shooting. Relative shooting means that we perform TIS moves in the ensembles with unequal frequencies. This is selected by specifying the relative frequency for each ensemble in a list, e.g. relative_shoots = [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.6] for four ensembles, where these numbers give the relative probability of choosing an ensemble. TIS moves are then carried out in the selected ensemble and a null move or no move is carried out in the other ensembles depending on the keyword setting for nullmove.

If relative_shoots = None we are not performing relative shooting and TIS moves are performed in all path ensembles.

No default, this setting must be specified.

Keyword priority_shooting

Priority_shooting = boolean

This keyword automatically and dynamically internally select the relative shooting such that ensembles with a lower cycle number, will be prioritized until they reach a cyclen number equal to the others. This setting simplify the use of PyRETIS in cluster environments in which walltime is rather short. Each ensemble can be, therefore, investigated also if launching several runs.

The default value is priority_shooting = False.

Keyword rgen

rgen = string

Select the function to use to generate the random number used in the retis function. That is, (1) the selection of the swap move vs shooting or time reversal, (2) detail balance for swap when Stone Skipping or Wire Fencing with high acceptance is used.

The default value is rgen = None.

Keyword seed

seed = integer

Select the seed for the random number generator to be used in the retis function.

The default value is seed = None.

Keyword swapfreq

swapfreq = float

This defines how often we perform swapping moves. This gives the percentage of swapping moves in the simulation, e.g.: swapfreq = 0.5 corresponds to 50% swapping moves, the 50% other moves will be TIS moves.

No default, this setting must be specified.

Keyword swapsimul

swapsimul = boolean

If True several swaps are performed at the same time, that is we attempt to swap several pairs of path ensembles. If this is False, we will only attempt to swap one pair.

No default, this setting must be specified.