The PyRETIS application

The PyRETIS application, pyretisrun, is used to execute simulations defined in input files. The general syntax for executing is:

pyretisrun [-h] -i INPUT [-V] [-f LOG_FILE] [-l LOG_LEVEL] [-p]

where the different arguments are described in Table 42 and Table 43.

Example use

Here are some examples of the use of the application:

  • To run the simulation defined in a file named retis.rst, make a log file for output named retis.log and display a progress bar:

    pyretisrun -i retis.rst -f retis.log -p
  • To run the simulation defined in a file named test.rst and display debug messages:

    pyretisrun -i test.rst -l DEBUG
  • To run the simulation defined in a file named input.rst, display only critical messages, write to a log file named mylog.log and display a progress bar:

    pyretisrun -i input.rst -l CRITICAL -p -f mylog.log

The long version of the arguments may also be used, for instance, the previous example can also be written more verbose as

pyretisrun --input input.rst --log_level CRITICAL --progress --log_file mylog.log

Input arguments

Table 42 Description of input arguments for PyRETIS.
Argument Description
-h, –help Show the help message and exit
-i INPUT, –input INPUT Location of the input file.
-V, –version Show the version number and exit.
-f LOG_FILE, –log_file LOG_FILE Specify location of log file to write.
-l LOG_LEVEL, –log_level LOG_LEVEL Specify log level for the log file (see Table 43).
-p, –progress Display a progress meter instead of text output.
Table 43 Possible settings for the LOG_LEVEL.
LOG_LEVEL Description
CRITICAL Only display critical messages.
ERROR Display critical and error messages.
WARNING Display critical and error messages and warnings
INFO Display all of the above and some info messages.
DEBUG Display all of the above and additional debug messages.