Source code for pyretis.analysis.energy_analysis
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""Methods for analysing energy data from simulations.
Important methods defined here
analyse_energies (py:func:`.analyse_energies`)
Run the analysis for energies (kinetic, potential etc.).
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import gamma
from pyretis.analysis.analysis import analyse_data
from pyretis.core.units import CONSTANTS
__all__ = ['analyse_energies']
[docs]def analyse_energies(energies, settings):
"""Run the energy analysis on several energy types.
The function will run the energy analysis on several energy types
and collect the energies into a structure which is convenient for
plotting the results.
energies : dict
This dict contains the energies to analyse.
settings : dict
This dictionary contains settings for the analysis.
results : dict
For each energy key `results[key]` contains the result from the
energy analysis.
See Also
:py:func:`.analyse_data` in :py:mod:``.
results = {}
for key in energies:
results[key] = analyse_data(energies[key], settings)
# For the energy analysis it is also useful to add some
# theoretical distributions:
# Guess n particles, but overwrite it if explicitly stated.
npart = len(settings['particles'].get('mass', []))
npart = settings['particles'].get('npart', npart)
alp = 0.5 * npart * settings['system']['dimensions']
beta = settings['system'].get('beta')
if beta is None:
beta = (1.0 / (settings['system']['temperature'] *
CONSTANTS['kB'][settings['system'].get('units', 'lj')]))
scale = {'ekin': 1.0 / beta,
'temp': settings['system']['temperature'] / alp}
for key, value in scale.items():
if key in results:
dist = results[key]['distribution']
pos = np.linspace(min(0.0, dist[1].min()), dist[1].max(), 1000)
tdist = gamma.pdf(pos, alp, loc=0, scale=value)
results[key]['boltzmann-dist'] = [tdist, pos, (0.0, value)]
return results