# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""Methods for analysis of path ensembles.
Important methods defined here
analyse_path_ensemble (:py:func:`.analyse_path_ensemble`)
Method to analyse a path ensemble, it will calculate crossing
probabilities and information about moves etc. This method
can be applied to files as well as path ensemble objects.
analyse_path_ensemble_object (:py:func:`.analyse_path_ensemble_object`)
Method to analyse a path ensemble, it will calculate crossing
probabilities and information about moves etc. This method is
intended to work directly on path ensemble objects.
match_probabilities (:py:func:`.match_probabilities`)
Match probabilities from several path ensembles and calculate
efficiencies and the error for the matched probability.
retis_flux (:py:func:`.retis_flux`)
Calculate the initial flux with errors for a RETIS simulation.
retis_rate (:py:func:`.retis_rate`)
Calculate the rate constant with errors for a RETIS simulation.
import os
import logging
import numpy as np
from pyretis.analysis.analysis import running_average, block_error_corr
from pyretis.analysis.histogram import histogram, histogram_and_avg
from pyretis.inout.formats import OrderPathFile
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
__all__ = ['analyse_path_ensemble', 'analyse_repptis_ensemble',
'match_probabilities', 'retis_flux', 'retis_rate',
'perm_calculations', 'skip_paths']
SHOOTING_MOVES = {'sh', 'ss', 'wt', 'wf', 'ts'}
INITIAL_MOVES = {'ki', 'ld', 'is', 're'}
[docs]def _pcross_lambda_cumulative(orderparam, ordermin, ordermax, ngrid,
weights=None, ha_weights=None):
"""Obtain crossing probability as a function of the order parameter.
It will do the actual calculation of the crossing probability as
a function of order parameter. It is split off from `pcross_lambda`
since the analysis is intended to be backward compatible with the
output/results from the old ``TISMOL FORTRAN`` program.
orderparam : numpy.array
Array containing the order parameters.
ordermin : float
Minimum allowed order parameter.
ordermax : float
Maximum allowed order parameter.
ngrid : int
This is the number of grid points.
weights : numpy.array, optional
The weight of each order parameter. This is used in order to
count a specific order parameter more than once. If not given,
the values in `orderparam` will be weighted equally.
ha_weights : numpy.array, optional
The weights of the high acceptance scheme (e.g. Stone Skipping)
lamb: numpy.array
The grid on which pcross is based.
pcross : numpy.array
Estimated crossing probability distribution.
lamb = np.linspace(ordermin, ordermax, ngrid)
pcross = np.zeros(ngrid)
delta_l = lamb[1] - lamb[0]
sumw = 0.0
for i, orderp in enumerate(orderparam):
idx = np.floor((orderp - ordermin) / delta_l)
idx = max(0, int(idx) + 1)
# +1: idx is here defined so that lamb[idx-1] <= orderp < lamb[idx]
# further this lambda will contribute up to and including lamb[idx]
# this is accomplished by the idx+1 when summing weights below
weight = 1. if weights is None else weights[i]
ha_weight = 1. if ha_weights is None else ha_weights[i]
sumw += weight*ha_weight
if idx >= ngrid:
pcross += weight*ha_weight
pcross[:idx + 1] += weight*ha_weight # +1 to include up to idx
pcross /= sumw # normalisation
return lamb, pcross
[docs]def _get_path_length(path, ensemble_number):
"""Return the path length for different moves.
Different moves may have a different way of obtaining the path
length. (Example: time-reversal vs. shooting move).
path : dict
This is the dict containing the information about the path.
It can typically be obtained by iterating over the path
ensemble object, e.g. with a
`for path in path_ensemble.get_paths():`.
ensemble_number : int
This integer identifies the ensemble. This is used for
the swapping moves in [0^-] and [0^+].
out : int
The path length
move = path['generated'][0]
return_table = {'tr': 0, 's+': 0, 's-': 0, '00': 0, 'mr': 0}
if move in return_table:
if move == 's+' and ensemble_number == 0:
return path['length'] - 2
if move == 's-' and ensemble_number == 1:
return path['length'] - 2
return return_table[move]
if move in SHOOTING_MOVES:
return path['length'] - 1
if move in INITIAL_MOVES:
logger.info('Skipped initial path (move "%s")', move)
return None
logger.warning('Skipped path with unknown mc move: %s', move)
return None
[docs]def _update_shoot_stats(shoot_stats, path):
"""Update the shooting statistics with the status of the given path.
shoot_stats : dict
This dict contains the results from the analysis of shooting
moves. E.g. `shoot_stats[key]` contain the order parameters
for the status `key` which can be the different statuses
defined in `pyretis.core.path._STATUS` or 'REJ' (for rejected).
path : dict
This is the path information, represented as a dictionary.
out : None
Returns `None` but will update `shoot_stats` for shooting moves.
move = path['generated'][0]
if move in SHOOTING_MOVES:
orderp = path['generated'][1]
status = path['status']
if status not in shoot_stats:
shoot_stats[status] = []
if status != 'ACC':
[docs]def _create_shoot_histograms(shoot_stats, bins):
"""Create histograms and scale for the shoot analysis.
shoot_stats : dict
This dict contains the results from the analysis of shooting
moves. E.g. `shoot_stats[key]` contain the order parameters
for the status `key` which can be the different statuses
defined in `pyretis.core.path._STATUS` or 'REJ' (for rejected).
bins : int
The number of bins to use for the histograms.
out[0] : dict
For each possible status ('ACC, 'BWI', etc.) this dict will
contain a histogram as returned by the histogram function.
It will also contain a 'REJ' key which is the concatenation of
all rejections and a 'ALL' key which is simply all the values.
out[1] : dict
For each possible status ('ACC, 'BWI', etc.) this dict will
contain the scale factors for the histograms. The scale factors
are obtained by dividing with the 'ALL' value.
See Also
:py:func:`.histogram` in :py:mod:`.histogram`.
histograms = {}
scale = {}
for key in shoot_stats:
if not shoot_stats[key]:
logger.warning('No shoots data found for %s (empty histogram)',
shoot_stats[key] = np.array([])
mind = 0.0
maxd = 0.1
shoot_stats[key] = np.array(shoot_stats[key])
mind = shoot_stats[key].min()
maxd = shoot_stats[key].max()
histograms[key] = histogram(shoot_stats[key], bins=bins,
limits=(mind, maxd), density=True)
scale[key] = (float(len(shoot_stats[key])) /
return histograms, scale
[docs]def analyse_path_ensemble(path_ensemble, settings):
"""Analyse a path ensemble.
This function will make use of the different analysis functions and
analyse a path ensemble. This function is more general than the
`analyse_path_ensemble_object` function in that it should work on
both `PathEnsemble` and `PathEnsembleFile` objects. The running
average is updated on-the-fly, see Wikipedia for
details [wikimov]_.
path_ensemble : object like :py:class:`.PathEnsemble`
This is the path ensemble to analyse.
settings : dict
This dictionary contains settings for the analysis.
We make use of the following keys:
* `ngrid`: The number of grid points for calculating the
crossing probability as a function of the order parameter.
* `maxblock`: The max length of the blocks for the block error
analysis. Note that this will maximum be equal the half of the
length of the data, see `block_error` in `.analysis`.
* `blockskip`: Can be used to skip certain block lengths.
A `blockskip` equal to `n` will consider every n'th block up
to `maxblock`, i.e. it will use block lengths equal to `1`,
`1+n`, `1+2n`, etc.
* `bins`: The number of bins to use for creating histograms.
out : dict
This dictionary contains the main results for the analysis which
can be used for plotting or other kinds of output.
See Also
:py:func:`._update_shoot_stats`, :py:func:`.pcross_lambda_cumulative`
and :py:func:`._create_shoot_histograms`.
.. [wikimov] Wikipedia, "Moving Average",
detect = settings['tis']['detect']
ens_number = path_ensemble.ensemble_number
if ens_number == 0:
return analyse_path_ensemble0(path_ensemble, settings)
result = {'cycle': [],
'detect': detect,
'ensemble': path_ensemble.ensemble_name,
'ensembleid': ens_number,
'interfaces': list(path_ensemble.interfaces)}
orderparam = [] # list of all accepted order parameters
weights = []
pdata = []
length_acc = []
length_all = []
shoot_stats = {'REJ': [], 'ALL': []}
ha_w = 0
nacc = 0
nacc_swap = 0
npath = 0
npath_swap = 0
skip_lines = settings.get("analysis", {}).get("skip", 0)
skip_weight = 0
production_run = False # True from the first ACC path not in I.M.
for i, path in enumerate(path_ensemble.get_paths()): # loop over all paths
if not production_run and path['status'] == 'ACC' and \
path['generated'][0] in SHOOTING_MOVES:
production_run = True
if not production_run:
npath += 1
if path['generated'][0] in ('s-', 's+'):
npath_swap += 1
if path['status'] == 'ACC':
nacc_swap += 1
if path['status'] == 'ACC':
nacc += 1
ha_w = 1./path.get('weight', 1.)
length_acc.append([path['length'], ha_w])
if ens_number != 0:
success = 1 if path['ordermax'][0] > detect else 0.
pdata.append([success, ha_w]) # Store data for block analysis
elif nacc != 0: # just increase the weights
weights[-1] += 1
if i < skip_lines:
skip_weight += 1
# we also update the running average of the probability here:
# get the length - note that this length depends on the type of move
# see the `_get_path_length` function.
length = _get_path_length(path, ens_number)
if length is not None:
length_all.append([length, ha_w])
# update the shoot stats, this will only be done for shooting moves
_update_shoot_stats(shoot_stats, path)
# Update the weights for skipped paths
weights, nacc = skip_paths(weights, nacc, skip_weight)
# Check if we have enough data to do analysis:
assert nacc != 0, f'No accepted paths to analyse in ensemble {ens_number}'
# When restarting a simulations, or by stacking together different
# simulations, the cycles might not be in order. We thus reset the counter.
result['cycle'] = np.arange(len(result['cycle']))
# 1) result['prun'] is already calculated.
pdata = np.array(pdata)
result['pdata'] = np.array(pdata)
# 2) lambda pcross:
analysis = settings['analysis']
if ens_number != 0:
# 1) result['prun'] is calculated here with the correct path weights.
result['prun'] = running_average(np.repeat(pdata, weights, axis=0))
result['pdata'] = np.array(pdata)
# 2) lambda pcross:
orderparam = np.array(orderparam)
ordermax = min(orderparam.max(), max(path_ensemble.interfaces))
result['pcross'] = _pcross_lambda_cumulative(
ha_weights=result['pdata'][:, 1])
# 3) block error analysis:
result['blockerror'] = block_error_corr(
data=np.repeat(pdata, weights, axis=0),
# 4) length analysis:
length_acc = np.array(length_acc)
length_all = np.array(length_all)
hist1 = histogram_and_avg(np.repeat(length_acc[:, 0], weights),
analysis['bins'], density=True,
weights=np.repeat(length_acc[:, 1], weights))
hist2 = histogram_and_avg(np.array(length_all[:, 0]),
analysis['bins'], density=True,
weights=length_all[:, 1])
result['pathlength'] = (hist1, hist2)
# 5) shoots analysis:
result['shoots'] = _create_shoot_histograms(shoot_stats,
# 6) Add some simple efficiency metrics:
result['tis-cycles'] = npath
result['efficiency'] = [float(nacc - nacc_swap) /
float(npath - npath_swap)]
if npath_swap == 0:
result['efficiency'].append(float(nacc_swap) / float(npath_swap))
# extra analysis for the [0^- and 0^+] ensembles in case we will determine
# the initial flux:
if ens_number in [0, 1]:
result['lengtherror'] = block_error_corr(
data=np.repeat(length_acc, weights, axis=0),
lenge2 = result['lengtherror'][4] * hist1[2][0] / (hist1[2][0]-2.)
result['fluxlength'] = [hist1[2][0]-2.0, lenge2,
lenge2 * (hist1[2][0]-2.)]
result['fluxlength'].append(result['efficiency'][1] * lenge2**2)
return result
def analyse_path_ensemble0(path_ensemble, settings):
"""Analyse the [0^-] ensemble.
path_ensemble : object like :py:class:`.PathEnsemble`
This is the path ensemble to analyse.
settings : dict
This dictionary contains settings for the analysis.
We make use of the following keys:
* `ngrid`: The number of grid points for calculating the
crossing probability as a function of the order parameter.
* `maxblock`: The max length of the blocks for the block error
analysis. Note that this will maximum be equal the half of the
length of the data, see `block_error` in `.analysis`.
* `blockskip`: Can be used to skip certain block lengths.
A `blockskip` equal to `n` will consider every n'th block up
to `maxblock`, i.e. it will use block lengths equal to `1`,
`1+n`, `1+2n`, etc.
* `bins`: The number of bins to use for creating histograms.
result : dict
The results from the analysis for the ensemble.
simulation_settings = settings.get('simulation', {})
permeability = simulation_settings.get('permeability', False)
detect = settings['tis']['detect']
ensemble_number = path_ensemble.ensemble_number
sub_cycles = settings.get('engine', {}).get('subcycles', 1)
timestep = settings.get('engine', {}).get('timestep', 1)*sub_cycles
if permeability:
path_ensemble.interfaces = (settings['simulation'].get('zero_left',
result = {'cycle': [],
'detect': detect,
'ensemble': path_ensemble.ensemble_name,
'ensembleid': ensemble_number,
'interfaces': list(path_ensemble.interfaces),
'permeability': permeability}
length_acc, length_all, weights = [], [], []
# Regular setting[analysis] is overwritten by the code that generates
# out.rst, but this one is complete
analysis = settings['analysis']
# Permeability analysis
bin_edges = analysis.get('tau_ref_bin', None)
end_acc, tau_acc, tau_ref_acc = [], [], []
tau_ref_bins = make_tau_ref_bins(list(path_ensemble.interfaces), nbins=10,
shoot_stats = {'REJ': [], 'ALL': []}
nacc, npath = 0, 0
nacc_swap, npath_swap = 0, 0
production_run = True
fn_op = path_ensemble.filename.rsplit("/", 1)[0]+"/order.txt"
o_ps = None
op_data = None
skip_lines = settings.get("analysis", {}).get("skip", 0)
skip_weight = 0
if os.path.isfile(fn_op):
op_file = OrderPathFile(fn_op, 'r')
o_ps = op_file.load()
for num, path in enumerate(path_ensemble.get_paths()): # loop over paths
if o_ps is not None:
err = False
o_p = next(o_ps)
except StopIteration:
o_ps = None
err = True
if not err:
cycle_comment = [i for i in o_p['comment'] if "Cycle" in i][-1]
op_cycle = int(
err = op_cycle != path['cycle']
if not err:
op_data = o_p['data'].T
if err:
op_data = None
msg = ("Order-file does not align with path-ensemble setting "
"op data to None")
if path['generated'][0] in INITIAL_MOVES:
production_run = False
if not production_run and path['status'] == 'ACC' and \
path['generated'][0] in SHOOTING_MOVES:
production_run = True
if not production_run:
npath += 1
if path['generated'][0] in ('s-', 's+'):
npath_swap += 1
if path['status'] == 'ACC':
nacc_swap += 1
if path['status'] == 'ACC':
nacc += 1
ha_w = 1./path.get('weight', 1.)
length_acc.append([path['length'], ha_w])
# Get the end point
# Calculate tau
tau_acc.append(_calc_tau(op_data, bin_edges, timestep=timestep))
[_calc_tau(op_data, edges, timestep=timestep)
for edges in tau_ref_bins]
elif nacc != 0: # just increase the weights
weights[-1] += 1
if num < skip_lines:
skip_weight += 1
length = _get_path_length(path, ensemble_number)
if length is not None:
ha_w = 1./path.get('weight', 1.)
length_all.append([length, ha_w])
# update the shoot stats, this will only be done for shooting moves
_update_shoot_stats(shoot_stats, path)
# Update the weights to skip properly
weights, nacc = skip_paths(weights, nacc, skip_weight)
length_acc = np.array(length_acc)
length_all = np.array(length_all)
# Check if we have enough data to do analysis:
ens_number = 0
assert nacc != 0, f'No accepted paths to analyse in ensemble {ens_number}'
# Perform the different analysis tasks:
result['cycle'] = np.array(result['cycle'])
# 1) length analysis:
hist1 = histogram_and_avg(np.repeat(length_acc[:, 0], weights),
analysis['bins'], density=True)
hist2 = histogram_and_avg(np.array(length_all[:, 0]),
analysis['bins'], density=True)
result['pathlength'] = (hist1, hist2)
# 2) block error of lengths:
result['lengtherror'] = block_error_corr(data=np.repeat(length_acc,
weights, axis=0),
# 3) shoots analysis:
result['shoots'] = _create_shoot_histograms(shoot_stats,
# 4) Add some simple efficiency metrics:
result['efficiency'] = [float(nacc - nacc_swap) /
float(npath - npath_swap)]
if npath_swap == 0:
result['efficiency'].append(float(nacc_swap) / float(npath_swap))
lenge2 = result['lengtherror'][4] * hist1[2][0] / (hist1[2][0]-2.)
result['fluxlength'] = [hist1[2][0]-2.0, lenge2, lenge2 * (hist1[2][0]-2.)]
result['fluxlength'].append(result['efficiency'][1] * lenge2**2)
result['tis-cycles'] = npath
# 5) optional, do the permeability analysis
if permeability:
end_acc = [1 if i == 'R' else 0 for i in end_acc]
# Xi is 1/running average
result['xi'] = running_average(np.repeat(end_acc, weights))
result['xierror'] = block_error_corr(result['xi'],
result['tau'] = running_average(np.repeat(tau_acc, weights))
result['tauerror'] = block_error_corr(result['tau'],
result['tau_bin'] = bin_edges
result['tau_ref'] = running_average(np.repeat(tau_ref_acc,
result['tau_ref_bins'] = tau_ref_bins
return result
[docs]def analyse_repptis_ensemble(path_ensemble, settings):
"""Analyse a repptis path ensemble.
This function is a modification of analyse_path_ensemble(), which
make use of the different analysis functions and analyse a repptis
path ensemble.
path_ensemble : object like :py:class:`.PathEnsemble`
This is the path ensemble to analyse.
settings : dict
This dictionary contains settings for the analysis.
We make use of the following keys:
* `ngrid`: The number of grid points for calculating the
crossing probability as a function of the order parameter.
* `maxblock`: The max length of the blocks for the block error
analysis. Note that this will maximum be equal the half of the
length of the data, see `block_error` in `.analysis`.
* `blockskip`: Can be used to skip certain block lengths.
A `blockskip` equal to `n` will consider every n'th block up
to `maxblock`, i.e. it will use block lengths equal to `1`,
`1+n`, `1+2n`, etc.
* `bins`: The number of bins to use for creating histograms.
out : dict
This dictionary contains the main results for the analysis which
can be used for plotting or other kinds of output.
detect = settings['tis']['detect']
ens_number = path_ensemble.ensemble_number
if ens_number == 0:
return analyse_path_ensemble0(path_ensemble, settings)
result = {'cycle': [],
'detect': detect,
'ensemble': path_ensemble.ensemble_name,
'ensembleid': ens_number,
'interfaces': list(path_ensemble.interfaces)}
orderparam = [] # list of all accepted order parameters
weights = []
nacc_sl, nacc_sr = 0, 0
weights_sl, weights_sr = [], []
pdata = []
pdata_sl = [] # start left
pdata_sr = [] # start right
length_acc = []
length_all = []
shoot_stats = {'REJ': [], 'ALL': []}
ha_w = 0
nacc = 0
nacc_swap = 0
npath = 0
npath_swap = 0
skip_lines = settings.get("analysis", {}).get("skip", 0)
skip_weight = 0
production_run = False # True from the first ACC path not in I.M.
lmrs = [] # keep track of a path's left, middle and right
ordermin = []
intfs000 = path_ensemble.interfaces
ptypes = [[0, 0, 0, 0]] # LML, LMR, RMR, RML amounts
for i, path in enumerate(path_ensemble.get_paths()): # loop over all paths
# we skip the first number of lines that should not be part of
# the analysis.
if i < skip_lines:
if not production_run and path['status'] == 'ACC' and \
path['generated'][0] in SHOOTING_MOVES:
production_run = True
if not production_run:
npath += 1
if path['generated'][0] in ('s-', 's+'):
npath_swap += 1
if path['status'] == 'ACC':
nacc_swap += 1
if path['status'] == 'ACC':
nacc += 1
ha_w = 1./path.get('weight', 1.)
length_acc.append([path['length'], ha_w])
if ens_number != 0:
success = 1 if path['ordermax'][0] > detect else 0.
pdata.append([success, ha_w]) # Store data for block analysis
if lmrs[-1][0] == 'L':
nacc_sl += 1
success_sl = 1 if path['ordermax'][0] > intfs000[2] else 0.
pdata_sl.append([success_sl, ha_w])
ptype = [0, 1, 0, 0] if success_sl == 1 else [1, 0, 0, 0]
elif lmrs[-1][0] == 'R':
nacc_sr += 1
success_sr = 1 if path['ordermin'][0] < intfs000[0] else 0.
pdata_sr.append([success_sr, ha_w])
ptype = [0, 0, 0, 1] if success_sr == 1 else [0, 0, 1, 0]
elif nacc != 0: # just increase the weights
weights[-1] += 1
if ens_number != 0:
if lmrs[-1][0] == 'L':
weights_sl[-1] += 1
elif lmrs[-1][0] == 'R':
weights_sr[-1] += 1
if i < skip_lines:
skip_weight += 1
# Update ptypes with the last ptype
# we also update the running average of the probability here:
# get the length - note that this length depends on the type of move
# see the `_get_path_length` function.
length = _get_path_length(path, ens_number)
if length is not None:
length_all.append([length, ha_w])
# update the shoot stats, this will only be done for shooting moves
_update_shoot_stats(shoot_stats, path)
# save the ptypes, which will be used for recursive block analysis
result['ptypes'] = np.cumsum(np.array(ptypes), axis=0)
# Check if we have enough data to do analysis:
assert nacc != 0, f'No accepted paths to analyse in ensemble {ens_number}'
# When restarting a simulations, or by stacking together different
# simulations, the cycles might not be in order. We thus reset the counter.
result['cycle'] = np.arange(len(result['cycle']))
# 1) result['prun'] is already calculated.
pdata = np.array(pdata)
result['pdata'] = np.array(pdata)
# 2) lambda pcross:
analysis = settings['analysis']
if ens_number != 0:
# 1) result['prun'] is calculated here with the correct path weights.
result['prun_sl'] = running_average(np.repeat(pdata_sl,
result['prun_sr'] = running_average(np.repeat(pdata_sr,
result['pdata'] = np.array(pdata)
# 2) lambda pcross:
orderparam = np.array(orderparam)
ordermax = min(orderparam.max(), max(path_ensemble.interfaces))
result['pcross'] = _pcross_lambda_cumulative(
ha_weights=result['pdata'][:, 1])
# 3) block error analysis:
# if we get here, it means that either pdata_sl and/or pdata_sr is not
# empty. So we set the non-empty one first, and then equate the empty
# one to zeros and copy the blockerror of the non-empty one.
if len(pdata_sl) > 0:
result['blockerror_sl'] = block_error_corr(
data=np.repeat(pdata_sl, weights_sl, axis=0),
if len(pdata_sr) > 0:
result['blockerror_sr'] = block_error_corr(
data=np.repeat(pdata_sr, weights_sr, axis=0),
if len(pdata_sl) == 0:
result['blockerror_sl'] = result['blockerror_sr']
result['prun_sl'] = np.zeros_like(result['prun_sr'])
if len(pdata_sr) == 0:
result['blockerror_sr'] = result['blockerror_sl']
result['prun_sr'] = np.zeros_like(result['prun_sl'])
# PPRETIS analysis
pp_dic = {'lmrs': np.array(lmrs),
'interfaces': path_ensemble.interfaces,
'weights': np.array(weights),
'ordermin': np.array(ordermin),
'ordermax': np.array(orderparam)}
pptup = cross_dist_distr(pp_dic)
result['repptis'] = pptup
# 4) length analysis:
length_acc = np.array(length_acc)
length_all = np.array(length_all)
hist1 = histogram_and_avg(np.repeat(length_acc[:, 0], weights),
analysis['bins'], density=True,
weights=np.repeat(length_acc[:, 1], weights))
hist2 = histogram_and_avg(np.array(length_all[:, 0]),
analysis['bins'], density=True,
weights=length_all[:, 1])
result['pathlength'] = (hist1, hist2)
# 5) shoots analysis:
result['shoots'] = _create_shoot_histograms(shoot_stats,
# 6) Add some simple efficiency metrics:
result['tis-cycles'] = npath
result['efficiency'] = [float(nacc - nacc_swap) /
float(npath - npath_swap)]
swap_acc_ratio = float(nacc_swap) / float(npath_swap) if npath_swap > 0 \
else np.nan
# extra analysis for the [0^- and 0^+] ensembles in case we will determine
# the initial flux:
if ens_number in [0, 1]:
result['lengtherror'] = block_error_corr(
data=np.repeat(length_acc, weights, axis=0),
lenge2 = result['lengtherror'][4] * hist1[2][0] / (hist1[2][0]-2.)
result['fluxlength'] = [hist1[2][0]-2.0, lenge2,
lenge2 * (hist1[2][0]-2.)]
result['fluxlength'].append(result['efficiency'][1] * lenge2**2)
return result
[docs]def match_probabilities(path_results, detect, settings=None):
"""Match probabilities from several path ensembles.
It calculates the efficiencies and errors for the matched
path_results : list
These are the results from the path analysis. `path_results[i]`
contains the output from `analyse_path_ensemble` applied to
ensemble no. `i`. Here we make use of the following keys from
* `pcross`: The crossing probability.
* `prun`: The running average of the crossing probability.
* `blockerror`: The output from the block error analysis.
* `efficiency`: The output from the efficiency analysis.
detect : list of floats
These are the detect interfaces used in the analysis.
settings : dict, optional
This dictionary contains settings for the analysis.
Here we make use of the following keys from the
analysis section:
* `ngrid`: The number of grid points for calculating the
crossing probability as a function of the order parameter.
* `maxblock`: The max length of the blocks for the block error
analysis. Note that this will maximum be equal the half of the
length of the data, see `block_error` in `.analysis`.
* `blockskip`: Can be used to skip certain block lengths.
A `blockskip` equal to `n` will consider every n'th block up
to `maxblock`, i.e. it will use block lengths equal to `1`,
`1+n`, `1+2n`, etc.
* `bins`: The number of bins to use for creating histograms.
results : dict
These are results for the over-all probability and error
and also some over-all TIS efficiencies.
results = {'matched-prob': [],
'overall-prun': [],
'overall-err': [],
'overall-prob': [[], []]}
accprob = 1.0
accprob_err = 0.0
minlen_pdata, minlen_prun = float('inf'), float('inf')
for idet, result in zip(detect, path_results):
# do match only in part left of idetect:
idx = np.where(result['pcross'][0] <= idet)[0]
results['overall-prob'][1].extend(result['pcross'][1][idx] * accprob)
# update probabilities, error and efficiency:
mat = np.column_stack((result['pcross'][0], result['pcross'][1]))
mat[:, 1] *= accprob
accprob *= result['prun'][-1]
accprob_err += result['blockerror'][4]**2
# Find the maximum number of cycles for ensemble
minlen_pdata = min(minlen_pdata, len(result['pdata']))
minlen_prun = min(minlen_prun, len(result['prun']))
# Finally Construct the cumulative output now
results['overall-cycle'] = np.arange(minlen_prun)
results['overall-prun'] = [1]*minlen_prun
results['overall-pdata'] = [[1, 1]]*minlen_pdata
for result in path_results:
results['overall-prun'] = np.multiply(result['prun'][-minlen_prun:],
results['overall-pdata'] = np.multiply(result['pdata'][-minlen_pdata:],
if settings is not None:
analysis = settings['analysis']
results['overall-error'] = block_error_corr(results['overall-pdata'],
results['overall-prob'] = np.transpose(results['overall-prob'])
results['prob'] = accprob
results['relerror'] = np.sqrt(accprob_err)
return results
[docs]def retis_flux(results0, results1, timestep):
"""Calculate the initial flux for RETIS.
results0 : dict
Results from the analysis of ensemble [0^-]
results1 : dict
Results from the analysis of ensemble [0^+]
timestep : float
The simulation timestep.
flux : float
The initial flux.
flux_error : float
The relative error in the initial flux.
flux0 = results0['fluxlength']
flux1 = results1['fluxlength']
tsum = flux0[0] + flux1[0]
flux = 1.0 / (tsum * timestep)
flux_error = (np.sqrt((flux0[1]*flux0[0])**2 + (flux1[1]*flux1[0])**2) /
return flux, flux_error
[docs]def retis_rate(pcross, pcross_relerror, flux, flux_relerror):
"""Calculate the rate constant for RETIS.
pcross : float
Estimated crossing probability
pcross_relerror : float
Relative error in crossing probability.
flux : float
The initial flux.
flux_relerror : float
Relative error in the initial flux.
rate : float
The rate constant
rate_error : float
The relative error in the rate constant.
rate = pcross * flux
rate_error = np.sqrt(pcross_relerror**2 + flux_relerror**2)
return rate, rate_error
[docs]def perm_calculations(results0, pcross, pcross_err):
"""Calculate the permeability.
This function collects the relevant permeability properties from the output
data. It then calculates the permeability and its error based on the values
of xi, tau, and the crossing probability pcross.
results0 : dict
Results from the analysis of ensemble [0^-]
pcross : float
Estimated crossing probability
pcross_err : float
Relative error in crossing probability.
xxi : float
The value of xi
tau : float
The value of tau
perm : float
The value of the permeability
xi_err : float
The error in xi
tau_err : float
The error in tau
perm_err : float
The error in permeability
out = results0['out']
permeability = out.get("permeability", False)
xxi, tau, perm, xi_err, tau_err, perm_err = (
None, None, None, float('inf'), float('inf'), float('inf'))
if permeability:
xxi = out['xi'][-1]
xi_err = out['xierror'][4]
tau = out['tau'][-1]
tau_err = out['tauerror'][4]
perm = xxi * (1 / tau) * pcross
perm_err = np.sqrt(xi_err**2+tau_err**2+pcross_err**2)
return xxi, tau, perm, xi_err, tau_err, perm_err
[docs]def _calc_tau(op_data, bin_edges=None, timestep=1):
"""Calculate the value of tau.
This function calculates tau, a measure of time spent within a certain
interval (bin) in the [0^-'] ensemble. It does so by counting the number
of times the order parameter falls within this interval defined by the
bin_edges. It then multiplies this count by the timestep and divides by
the width of the interval. If bin_edges is None or not a 2-element list,
or if the order parameter data op_data is None, it just returns 0.
op_data : list
The order parameter data from the [0^-'] ensemble.
bin_edges : list, optional
The edges of the bin to calculate tau for. If None, it returns 0.
timestep : float, optional
The simulation timestep. Default is 1.
tau : float
The value of tau.
if bin_edges is None or len(bin_edges) != 2 or op_data is None:
return 0
order = op_data[1]
bin_l, bin_r = tuple(bin_edges)
delta = bin_r-bin_l
count = sum([1 for i in order if bin_l < i <= bin_r])
return count*timestep/delta
def make_tau_ref_bins(interfaces, nbins=10, tau_region=None):
"""Make the reference bins for calculating tau.
This function makes reference bins for calculating tau based on the [0^-']
interfaces and a number of bins. If the left interface is -inf and no
tau region is provided, it returns a list with None. If a tua region is
provided, it adjusts the left interface accordingly. It then divides the
range from left to right interface into nbins equal parts and returns
these as a list of tuples.
interfaces : list
The interfaces from the [0^-'] ensemble.
nbins : int, optional
The number of bins to divide the range into. Default is 10.
tau_region : list, optional
The region to calculate tau for. If None, it uses the whole range.
ref_bins : list of tuples
The reference bins for calculating tau.
left, _, right = interfaces
if left == float('-inf') and (tau_region is None or tau_region == []):
return [None]
if left == float('-inf'):
# Take the left of the tau_region to be the middle
left = right-2*(right-tau_region[0])
diff = (right-left)/nbins
return [(left+diff*i, left+diff*(i+1)) for i in range(nbins)]
[docs]def skip_paths(weights, nacc, nskip):
"""Skips not counted paths.
weights : array of integers
The weights of the paths.
nacc : integer
Number of accepted paths.
nskip : integer
Number of paths to skip.
new_weights : array of integers
The new weights of the paths once skipped the nskip ones.
new_acc : integer
Recomputed number of accepted paths.
new_weights = []
new_acc = nacc
i = 0
while nskip > 0:
weight = weights[i]
except IndexError as err:
raise RuntimeError("Skipping more trajs than available") from err
new_weight = max(weight-nskip, 0)
diff = weight-new_weight
new_acc -= 1
nskip -= diff
i += 1
# Slicing on an index that does not exist gives an empty list
# and always works
new_weights += weights[i:]
return new_weights, new_acc
def cross_dist_distr(pp_dic):
"""Return the distribution of lambda values for the LMR and RML paths.
It calculates the distribution of lambda_max values for LM* paths, and
the distribution of lambda_min values for RM* paths.
pp_dic : dict
The partial-path dictionary. It contains the following keys:
'lmrs' : array of strings (type of paths: "LML", "LMR", ...)
'weights' : array of integers (weights of the paths)
'interfaces' : array of floats (interfaces of the pathensemble)
'ordermin' : array of floats (lambda_mins of the paths)
'ordermax' : array of floats (lambda_maxs of the paths)
left : float
The left interface of the pathensemble.
middle : float
The middle interface of the pathensemble.
right : float
The right interface of the pathensemble.
percents : array of floats
The distribution of lambda_max values for LM* paths, given at lambda
values 'lambs' between middle and right interfaces.
lambs : array of floats
The lambda values at which the lambda_max distribution is given.
percents2 : array of floats
The distribution of lambda_min values for RM* paths, given at lambda
values 'lambs2' between left and middle interfaces.
lambs2 : array of floats
The lambda values at which the lambda_min distribution is given.
lmrs = pp_dic['lmrs']
weights = pp_dic['weights']
interfaces = pp_dic['interfaces']
ordermin = pp_dic['ordermin']
ordermax = pp_dic['ordermax']
# LM*:
paths = select_with_or_masks(ordermax, [lmrs == "LML", lmrs == "LMR"])
repeat = np.repeat(paths,
[lmrs == "LML", lmrs == "LMR"]))
left, middle, right = interfaces[0], interfaces[1], interfaces[2]
percents = []
lambs = np.linspace(middle, np.max(paths), 100) if paths.size != 0 else \
np.linspace(middle, right, 100)
for i in lambs:
percents.append(np.sum(repeat >= i))
percents = percents / percents[0] if percents else percents
# RM*:
paths2 = select_with_or_masks(ordermin, [lmrs == "RMR",
lmrs == "RML"])
repeat2 = np.repeat(paths2,
select_with_or_masks(weights, [lmrs == "RMR",
lmrs == "RML"]))
percents2 = []
lambs2 = np.linspace(np.min(paths2), middle, 100) if paths2.size != 0 \
else np.linspace(left, middle, 100)
for i in lambs2:
percents2.append(np.sum(repeat2 <= i))
percents2 = percents2 / percents2[-1] if percents2 else percents2
return left, middle, right, percents, lambs, percents2, lambs2
def select_with_or_masks(array, masks):
"""Select elements of array that are True in at least one of the masks.
array : np.array
Array to select elements from
masks : list of masks
where each mask is a boolean array with the same shape as array.
A new array with the elements of A that are True in at least one of the
# first check whether masks have the same shape as A
for mask in masks:
assert mask.shape == array.shape
# now we can use the masks to select the elements of A
union_mask = np.any(masks, axis=0).astype(bool)
return array[union_mask]