Source code for pyretis.bin.pyretisanalyse

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""pyretisanalyse - An application for analysing PyRETIS simulations.

This script is a part of the PyRETIS library and can be used for
analysing the result from simulations.

usage: [-h] -i INPUT [-V]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Location of PyRETIS input file
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
import argparse
import logging
import os
import sys
import traceback
import colorama
from pyretis import __version__ as VERSION
from pyretis.inout.common import create_backup
from pyretis.core.units import CONSTANTS
from pyretis.core.pathensemble import generate_ensemble_name
from pyretis.inout.analysisio.analysisio import run_analysis
from pyretis.inout.common import (
from pyretis.inout.formats.formatter import (
from pyretis.inout import print_to_screen
from import generate_report
from pyretis.inout.settings import parse_settings_file

# Set up for logging:
logger = logging.getLogger('')

runpath = os.getcwd()

# Hard-coded patters for report outputs:
    'md-flux': 'md_flux_report',
    'retis': 'retis_report',
    'make-tis-files': 'tis-multiple_report',
    'tis': 'tis_report',
    'repptis': 'repptis_report',

ERROR_FILE = 'error.txt'

[docs]def hello_world(infile, run_dir, report_dir): """Output a standard greeting for PyRETIS analysis. Parameters ---------- infile : string String showing the location of the input file. run_dir : string The location where we are executing the analysis. report_dir : string String showing the location of where we write the output. """ pyversion = sys.version.split()[0] msgtxt = [LOGO] msgtxt += [' Starting'] msgtxt += ['analysis tool!'] msgtxt += [f'{PROGRAM_NAME} version: {VERSION}'] msgtxt += [f'Python version: {pyversion}'] msgtxt += [f'Running in directory: {run_dir}'] msgtxt += [f'Report directory: {report_dir}'] msgtxt += [f'Input file: {infile}'] print_to_screen('\n'.join(msgtxt), level='message')'\n'.join(msgtxt))
[docs]def bye_bye_world(): """Print out the goodbye message for PyRETIS.""" msgtxt = f'End of {PROGRAM_NAME} analysis execution.' print_to_screen('') print_to_screen(msgtxt, level='info') # display some references: references = [f'{PROGRAM_NAME} references:'] references.append(('-') * len(references[0])) for line in CITE.split('\n'): if line: references.append(line) reftxt = '\n'.join(references) print_to_screen('') print_to_screen(reftxt) urltxt = f'{URL}' print_to_screen('') print_to_screen(urltxt, level='info')
[docs]def write_traceback(filename): """Write the error traceback to the given file.""" msg = create_backup(filename) if msg: logger.warning(msg) with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as out: out.write(traceback.format_exc())
[docs]def get_report_name(report_type, ext, prefix=None, path=None): """Generate file name for a report. Parameters ---------- report_type : string Identifier for the report we are writing. ext : string Extension for the file to write. prefix : string, optional A prefix to add to the file name. Usually just used to mark reports with ensemble number for `report_type` equal to 'tis-single' path : string A directory to use for saving the report to. Returns ------- out : string The name of the file written. """ name = REPORTFILES[report_type] if prefix is not None: name = f'{prefix}_{name}' return name_file(name, ext, path=path)
[docs]def write_file(outname, report_txt): """Write a generated report to a given file. Parameters ---------- outname : string The name of the file to write/create. report_txt : string This is the generated report as a string. Returns ------- out : string The name of the file written. """ with open(outname, 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as report_fh: report_fh.write(report_txt) return outname
[docs]def create_reports(settings, analysis_results, report_path): """Create some reports to display the output. Parameters ---------- settings : dict Settings for analysis (and the simulation). analysis_results : dict Results from the analysis. report_path : string The path to the directory where the reports should be saved. Yields ------ out : string The report files created. """ ens_list = settings.get('ensemble', []) if settings['simulation']['task'] == 'tis' and len(ens_list) == 1: task = 'tis' ens_n = settings['ensemble'][0]['tis'].get('ensemble_number', '1') pfix = generate_ensemble_name(ens_n) else: task = settings['simulation']['task'] pfix = None for report_type in settings['analysis']['report']: report, ext = generate_report(task, analysis_results, output=report_type) if report is not None: reportfile = get_report_name(task, ext, prefix=pfix, path=report_path) write_file(reportfile, report) yield reportfile
[docs]def main(input_file, run_path, report_dir): """Run the analysis. Parameters ---------- input_file : string The input file with settings for the analysis. run_path : string The location from which we are running the analysis. report_dir : string The location where we will write the report. """ try: if input_file is None: raise FileNotFoundError('Input file required (-i filename).') if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(run_path, input_file)): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Input file "{input_file}" NOT found!') # Run analysis print_to_screen(f'Reading input file "{input_file}"') settings = parse_settings_file(input_file) # override exe-path to the one we are executing in now: settings['simulation']['exe-path'] = run_path units = settings['system']['units'] # set derived properties: settings['system']['beta'] = (settings['system']['temperature'] * CONSTANTS['kB'][units]) ** -1 settings['analysis']['report-dir'] = report_dir msg_dir = make_dirs(report_dir) print_to_screen(msg_dir) task = settings['simulation']['task'] print_to_screen(f'Simulation task was: "{task}"') print_to_screen() results = run_analysis(settings) print_to_screen() for outfile in create_reports(settings, results, report_dir): relfile = os.path.relpath(outfile, start=run_path) print_to_screen(f'Report created: {relfile}', level='info') except Exception as error: # Exceptions should subclass BaseException. errtxt = f'{type(error).__name__}: {error.args}' print_to_screen(errtxt, level='error') print_to_screen('Execution failed!', level='error') print_to_screen(f'Error traceback is written to: {ERROR_FILE}', level='error') write_traceback(os.path.join(run_path, ERROR_FILE)) finally: bye_bye_world()
[docs]def entry_point(): # pragma: no cover """entry_point - The entry point for the pip install of pyretisanalyse.""" colorama.init(autoreset=True) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=PROGRAM_NAME) parser.add_argument( '-i', '--input', help=(f'Location of {PROGRAM_NAME} input file'), required=False, default=None ) parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=f'{PROGRAM_NAME} {VERSION}') args_dict = vars(parser.parse_args()) # Define a console logger. This will log to sys.stderr: console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.WARNING) console.setFormatter(PyretisLogFormatter(LOG_FMT)) logger.addHandler(console) check_python_version() inputfile = args_dict['input'] reportdir = os.path.join(runpath, 'report') hello_world(inputfile, runpath, reportdir) main(inputfile, runpath, reportdir)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover entry_point()