Source code for pyretis.bin.pyretisrun

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""pyretisrun - An application for running PyRETIS simulations.

This script is a part of the PyRETIS library and can be used for
running simulations from an input script.

usage: [-h] -i INPUT [-V] [-f LOG_FILE] [-l LOG_LEVEL] [-p]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Location of PyRETIS input file
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -f LOG_FILE, --log_file LOG_FILE
                        Specify log file to write
  -l LOG_LEVEL, --log_level LOG_LEVEL
                        Specify log level for log file
  -p, --progress        Display a progress meter instead of text output for
                        the simulation

More information about running PyRETIS can be found at:
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
import argparse
import datetime
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import signal
import sys
import traceback
# Other libraries:
import tqdm  # For a progress bar
import colorama  # For coloring text
# PyRETIS library imports:
from pyretis import __version__ as VERSION
from pyretis.core.pathensemble import generate_ensemble_name
from pyretis.setup import create_simulation
from pyretis.inout.common import (
from pyretis.inout import print_to_screen
from pyretis.inout.formats.formatter import get_log_formatter
from pyretis.inout.settings import (

_DATE_FMT = '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S'
# Set up for logging:
logger = logging.getLogger('')
# Define a console logger. This will log to sys.stderr:
console = logging.StreamHandler()

[docs]def use_tqdm(progress): """Return a progress bar if we want one. Parameters ---------- progress : boolean If True, we should use a progress bar, otherwise not. Returns ------- out : object like :py:class:`tqdm.tqdm` The progress bar, if requested. Otherwise, just a dummy iterator. """ if progress: pbar = tqdm.tqdm else: def empty_tqdm(*args, **kwargs): """Return an iterator to replace tqdm.""" if args: return args[0] return kwargs.get('iterable', None) pbar = empty_tqdm return pbar
[docs]def hello_world(infile, rundir, logfile): """Print out a politically correct greeting for PyRETIS. Parameters ---------- infile : string String showing the location of the input file. rundir : string String showing the location we are running in. logfile : string The output log file """ timestart = pyversion = sys.version.split()[0] print_to_screen('\n'.join([LOGO]), level='message')'\n'.join([LOGO])) print_to_screen(f'{PROGRAM_NAME} version: {VERSION}', level='message')'%s version: %s', PROGRAM_NAME, VERSION) print_to_screen(f'Start of execution: {timestart}', level='message')'Start of execution: %s', timestart) print_to_screen(f'Python version: {pyversion}', level='message')'Python version: %s', pyversion) print_to_screen(f'\nRunning in directory: {rundir}')'Running in directory: %s', rundir) print_to_screen(f'Input file: {infile}')'Input file: %s', infile) print_to_screen(f'Log file: {logfile}')'Log file: %s', logfile)
[docs]def bye_bye_world(): """Print out the goodbye message for PyRETIS.""" timeend = msgtxt = f'End of {PROGRAM_NAME} execution: {timeend}' print_to_screen(msgtxt, level='info') # display some references: references = [f'{PROGRAM_NAME} references:'] references.append(('-')*len(references[0])) for line in CITE.split('\n'): if line: references.append(line) reftxt = '\n'.join(references) print_to_screen() print_to_screen(reftxt) urltxt = str(URL) print_to_screen() print_to_screen(urltxt, level='info')
[docs]def run_md_flux_simulation(sim, sim_settings, progress=False): """Run a MD-FLUX simulation. Parameters ---------- sim : object like :py:class:`.Simulation` This is the simulation to run. sim_settings : dict The simulation settings. progress : boolean, optional If True, we will display a progress bar, otherwise, we print results to the screen. """ print_to_screen('Starting MD-Flux simulation', level='info') tqd = use_tqdm(progress) sim.engine.exe_dir = sim_settings['simulation']['exe_path'] sim.set_up_output(sim_settings, progress=progress) for _ in tqd(, initial=sim.cycle['startcycle'], total=sim.cycle['endcycle'], desc='MD-flux'): pass # Write final restart file: sim.write_restart(now=True) return True
[docs]def run_md_simulation(sim, sim_settings, progress=False): """Run a MD simulation. Parameters ---------- sim : object like :py:class:`.Simulation` This is the simulation to run. sim_settings : dict The simulation settings. progress : boolean, optional If True, we will display a progress bar, otherwise, we print results to the screen. """ print_to_screen('Starting MD simulation', level='info') tqd = use_tqdm(progress) sim.engine.exe_dir = sim_settings['simulation']['exe_path'] sim.set_up_output(sim_settings, progress=progress) for _ in tqd(, initial=sim.cycle['startcycle'], total=sim.cycle['endcycle'], desc='MD step'): pass # Write final restart file: sim.write_restart(now=True) return True
[docs]def explore_simulation(sim, sim_settings, progress=False): """Run a RETIS simulation with PyRETIS. Parameters ---------- sim : object like :py:class:`.Simulation` This is the simulation to run. sim_settings : dict The simulation settings. progress : boolean, optional If True, we will display a progress bar, otherwise, we print results to the screen. """ sim.set_up_output( sim_settings, progress=progress ) logtxt = 'Load frames for free energy landscape exploration' print_to_screen(f'\n{logtxt}', level='info') # Make sure that the settings are correct. No users don't know better. for s_ens in sim_settings.get('ensemble', []): s_ens['tis']['freq'] = 0 s_ens['tis']['allowmaxlength'] = True # Here we do the initialisation: if not sim.initiate(sim_settings): print_to_screen('Initiation stopped, will exit now.')'Initiation stopped, will exit now.') return False sim.write_restart(now=True) logtxt = 'Initiation done. Exploring now.' print_to_screen(f'\n{logtxt}', level='success') tqd = use_tqdm(progress) desc = f'{sim_settings["simulation"]["task"]} Simulation' for _ in tqd(, initial=sim.cycle['startcycle'], total=sim.cycle['endcycle'], desc=desc): pass # Write final restart files: sim.write_restart(now=True) return True
[docs]def run_path_simulation(sim, sim_settings, progress=False): """Run a RETIS simulation with PyRETIS. Parameters ---------- sim : object like :py:class:`.Simulation` This is the simulation to run. sim_settings : dict The simulation settings. progress : boolean, optional If True, we will display a progress bar, otherwise, we print results to the screen. """ sim.set_up_output( sim_settings, progress=progress ) logtxt = f"Initialising {sim_settings['simulation']['task']} simulation. " print_to_screen(f'\n{logtxt}', level='info') logtxt = 'Initialising path ensembles:' print_to_screen(f'\n{logtxt}') # Here we do the initialisation: if not sim.initiate(sim_settings): print_to_screen('Initiation stopped, will exit now.')'Initiation stopped, will exit now.') return False sim.write_restart(now=True) logtxt = "Initiation done. " logtxt += f"Starting {sim_settings['simulation']['task']} simulation. " print_to_screen(f'\n{logtxt}', level='success') tqd = use_tqdm(progress) desc = f"{sim_settings['simulation']['task']} Simulation. " for _ in tqd(, initial=sim.cycle['startcycle'], total=sim.cycle['endcycle'], desc=desc): pass # Write final restart files: sim.write_restart(now=True) return True
[docs]def make_tis_files(_, settings, progress=False): """Create TIS simulations input files PyRETIS. It just writes out input files for single TIS simulations and exit without running a simulation. Parameters ---------- settings : list of dicts or Simulation objects The settings for the simulations. """ print_to_screen() logtxt = 'Input settings requests: TIS for multiple path ensembles.' print_to_screen(logtxt) logtxt = 'Will create input files for the TIS simulations and exit' print_to_screen(logtxt) print_to_screen() i_ens = 0 for i, ens_settings in enumerate(settings['ensemble']): i_ens += 1 if i == 0 and not settings['simulation']['zero_ensemble']: i_ens += 1 ens_settings['simulation']['zero_ensemble'] = False ens_settings['simulation']['task'] = 'tis' ensf = generate_ensemble_name(i_ens) logtxt = f'Creating input for TIS ensemble: {i_ens} ' print_to_screen(logtxt) infile = f'tis-{ensf}.rst' logtxt = f'Create file: "{infile}"' exe_dir_file = os.path.join(ens_settings['engine']['exe_path'], infile) write_settings_file(ens_settings, exe_dir_file, backup=False) logtxt = 'Command for executing:' print_to_screen(logtxt) logtxt = f'pyretisrun -i {infile} -p -f {ensf}.log' print_to_screen(logtxt, level='message') print_to_screen() return True
[docs]def run_generic_simulation(sim, sim_settings, progress=False): """Run a generic PyRETIS simulation. These are simulations that are just going to complete a given number of steps. Other simulation may consist of several simulations tied together and these are NOT handled here. Parameters ---------- sim : object like :py:class:`.Simulation` This is the simulation to run. sim_settings : dict The simulation settings. progress : boolean, optional If True, we will display a progress bar, otherwise, we print results to the screen. """ logtxt = 'Running simulation' print_to_screen(logtxt, level='info') tqd = use_tqdm(progress) sim.set_up_output(sim_settings, progress=progress) for _ in tqd(, desc='Step'): pass # Write final restart file: sim.write_restart(now=True) return True
_RUNNERS = {'md-flux': run_md_flux_simulation, 'md-nve': run_md_simulation, 'explore': explore_simulation, 'md': run_md_simulation, 'make-tis-files': make_tis_files, 'tis': run_path_simulation, 'retis': run_path_simulation, 'pptis': run_path_simulation, 'repptis': run_path_simulation}
[docs]def set_up_simulation(inputfile, runpath): """Run all the needed generic set-up. Parameters ---------- inputfile : string The input file which defines the simulation. runpath : string The base path we are running the simulation from. Returns ------- runner : method A method which can be used to execute the simulation. sim : object like :py:class:`.Simulation` The simulation defined by the input file. syst : object like :py:class:`.System` The system created. sim_settings : dict The input settings read from the input file. """ if not os.path.isfile(inputfile): raise ValueError(f'Input file "{inputfile}" NOT found!') print_to_screen(f'\nReading input settings from: {inputfile}', level='info')'Reading input settings from: %s', inputfile) print_to_screen('\nSetting up simulation', level='success') sim_settings = parse_settings_file(inputfile) # NB this is not transmitted to the ensembles sim_settings['simulation']['exe_path'] = runpath sim_settings['engine']['exe_path'] = runpath for ens in sim_settings.get('ensemble', []): ens['simulation']['exe_path'] = runpath ens['engine']['exe_path'] = runpath logtxt = 'Set up and create simulation.' print_to_screen(f'* {logtxt}') sim = create_simulation(sim_settings) task = sim_settings['simulation']['task'].lower() print_to_screen(f'\nWill run simulation "{task}".', level='success')'Setup for simulation "%s" is done.', task) runner = _RUNNERS.get(task, run_generic_simulation) return runner, sim, sim_settings
[docs]def store_simulation_settings(settings, indir, backup): """Store the parsed input settings. Parameters ---------- settings : dict The simulation settings. indir : string The directory which contains the input script. backup : boolean If True, an existing settings file will be backed up. """ out_file = os.path.join(indir, 'out.rst') rel_file = os.path.relpath(out_file) print_to_screen( f'\nFull settings used for simulation written to: {rel_file}', )'Full simulation settings written to: %s', out_file) write_settings_file(settings, out_file, backup=backup)
[docs]def soft_exit_ignore(turn_keyboard_interruption_off=True, exe_dir=None): """Manage the KeyboardInterrupt exception. Parameters ---------- turn_keyboard_interruption_off : boolean If True, instead of regular exiting from the program, the file 'EXIT' is created to stop the PyRETIS. exe_dir : string, optional The path where EXIT file is expected. """ def soft_exit_handler(signum, frame): # pragma: no cover """Handle with a keyboard interruption signal.""" # pylint: disable=unused-argument print_to_screen('Attempting soft exit - terminating soon...') pathlib.Path(os.path.join(exe_dir, 'EXIT')).touch(exist_ok=True) if turn_keyboard_interruption_off: return signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, soft_exit_handler) return signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.default_int_handler)
[docs]def main(infile, indir, exe_dir, progress, log_level): """Execute PyRETIS. Parameters ---------- infile : string The input file to open with settings for PyRETIS. indir : string The folder containing the settings file. exe_dir : string The directory we are working from. progress : boolean Determines if we should use a progress bar or not. log_level : integer Determines if we should display the error traceback or not. """ simulation = None settings = {} exit_file = os.path.join(exe_dir, 'EXIT') if os.path.isfile(exit_file):'Exit file found - Remove it before to execute PyRETIS.') print_to_screen(f'\n* {exit_file} file found *', level='error') print_to_screen('Remove the file to execute PyRETIS\n', level='error') bye_bye_world() return try: run, simulation, settings = set_up_simulation(infile, exe_dir) store_simulation_settings(settings, indir, True) # Run the simulation: soft_exit_ignore(turn_keyboard_interruption_off=True, exe_dir=exe_dir) run(simulation, settings, progress=progress) soft_exit_ignore(turn_keyboard_interruption_off=False, exe_dir=exe_dir) except Exception as error: # Exceptions should be subclass BaseException. logger.error('"%s: %s".', error.__class__.__name__, error.args) print_to_screen('ERROR - execution stopped.', level='error') print_to_screen( 'Please see the LOG for the error message and traceback.', level='error', ) # Print the traceback to the log-file, but not to the screen. screen = logger.handlers[0] lvl = screen.level screen.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL + 1) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) screen.setLevel(lvl) if log_level <= logging.DEBUG: raise finally: # Write out the simulation settings as they were parsed and # add some additional info: if simulation is not None: end = getattr(simulation, 'cycle', {'step': None})['step'] if end is not None: settings['simulation']['endcycle'] = end logtxt = f'Execution ended at step {end}' print_to_screen(logtxt) store_simulation_settings(settings, indir, False) bye_bye_world()
[docs]def entry_point(): # pragma: no cover """entry_point - The entry point for the pip install of pyretisrun.""" colorama.init(autoreset=True) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=PROGRAM_NAME) parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', help=f'Location of {PROGRAM_NAME} input file', required=True) parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=f'{PROGRAM_NAME} {VERSION}') parser.add_argument('-f', '--log_file', help='Specify log file to write', required=False, default=f'{PROGRAM_NAME.lower()}.log') parser.add_argument('-l', '--log_level', help='Specify log level for log file', required=False, default='INFO') parser.add_argument('-p', '--progress', action='store_true', help=('Display a progress meter instead of text ' 'output for the simulation')) args_dict = vars(parser.parse_args()) input_file = args_dict['input'] # Store directories: cwd_dir = os.getcwd() input_dir = os.path.dirname(input_file) if not os.path.isdir(input_dir): input_dir = os.getcwd() # Define a file logger: create_backup(args_dict['log_file']) fileh = logging.FileHandler(args_dict['log_file'], mode='a') log_levl = getattr(logging, args_dict['log_level'].upper(), logging.INFO) fileh.setLevel(log_levl) fileh.setFormatter(get_log_formatter(log_levl)) logger.addHandler(fileh) # Here, we just check the python version. PyRETIS should anyway # fail before this for python2. check_python_version() hello_world(input_file, cwd_dir, args_dict['log_file']) main(input_file, input_dir, cwd_dir, args_dict['progress'], log_levl)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover entry_point()