Source code for pyretis.forcefield.forcefield

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""This file contains a class for a generic force field.

This module defines the class used for representing a force field.
The forcefield class is built up of potential functions.

Important classes defined here

ForceField (:py:class:`.ForceField`)
    A class representing a generic Force Field.
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

__all__ = ['ForceField']

[docs]class ForceField: """Represents a generic force field. This class described a generic Force Field. A force field is assumed to consist of a number of potential functions with parameters. Attributes ---------- desc : string Description of the force field. potential : list The potential functions that the force field is built up from. params : list The parameters for the corresponding potential functions. """
[docs] def __init__(self, desc, potential=None, params=None): """Initialise the force field object. Parameters ---------- desc : string Description of the force field. potential : list, optional Potential functions that the force field is built up from. params : list, optional Parameters for the potential(s). If too few parameters are given, we will just assume a `None`. """ self.desc = desc self.potential = [] self.params = [] if potential is not None: if params is None: for pot in potential: self.add_potential(pot) else: for i, pot in enumerate(potential): try: param = params[i] except IndexError: param = None msg = 'No parameters given for potential no. {} ({})' msgtxt = msg.format(i, pot) logger.warning(msgtxt) self.add_potential(pot, parameters=param)
[docs] def add_potential(self, potential, parameters=None): """Add a potential with parameters to the force field. Parameters ---------- potential : object like :py:class:`.PotentialFunction` Potential function to add. parameters : dict, optional Parameters for the potential. Returns ------- out : boolean Returns `True` and updates `self.potential` and `self.params` if the potential was added. Returns `False` otherwise. """ if potential is None: msg = ('Trying to add empty potential to force field.\n' 'This was ignored -- please check your settings.') logger.warning(msg) return False self.potential.append(potential) if parameters is not None: potential.set_parameters(parameters) self.params.append(parameters) return True
[docs] def remove_potential(self, potential): """Remove a selected potential from the force field. Parameters ---------- potential : object like :py:class:`.PotentialFunction` The potential function to remove. Returns ------- out : None or tuple Returns `None` if not potential was removed, otherwise it will return the removed potential and its parameters. """ if potential in self.potential: idx = self.potential.index(potential) potrm = self.potential.pop(idx) paramrm = self.params.pop(idx) return potrm, paramrm logger.warning('Potential not found in the force field functions') return None, None
[docs] def update_potential_parameters(self, potential, params): """Update the potential parameters of the given potential function. Parameters ---------- potential : object like :py:class:`.PotentialFunction` Potential to update. Should be in `self.potential`. params : dict The new parameters to set. Returns ------- out : None Returns `None` but will update parameters of the selected potential and modify the corresponding `self.params`. """ if potential in self.potential: potential.set_parameters(params) self.params[self.potential.index(potential)] = params else: logger.warning('Unknow potential. Will not update!')
[docs] def evaluate_force(self, system): """Evaluate the force on the particles. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system we evaluate the forces in. Returns ------- out[0] : numpy.array The forces on the particles. out[1] : numpy.array The virial. """ force = None virial = None for pot in self.potential: if force is None or virial is None: force, virial = pot.force(system) else: forcei, viriali = pot.force(system) force += forcei virial += viriali return force, virial
[docs] def evaluate_potential(self, system): """Evaluate the potential energy. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system we evaluate the potential in. Returns ------- out : float The potential energy. """ v_pot = None for pot in self.potential: if v_pot is None: v_pot = pot.potential(system) else: v_pot += pot.potential(system) return v_pot
[docs] def evaluate_potential_and_force(self, system): """Evaluate the potential energy and the force. Parameters ---------- system : object like :py:class:`.System` The system we evaluate the potential energy and force in. Returns ------- out[0] : float The potential energy. out[1] : numpy.array The calculated forces. out[2] : numpy.array The calculated virial. """ v_pot = None force = None virial = None for pot in self.potential: if v_pot is None or force is None or virial is None: v_pot, force, virial = pot.potential_and_force(system) else: v_poti, forcei, viriali = pot.potential_and_force(system) v_pot += v_poti force += forcei virial += viriali return v_pot, force, virial
[docs] def __str__(self): """Return a string representation of the force field. The string representation is built using the string descriptions of the potential functions. Returns ------- out : string Description of the force field and the potential functions included in the force field. """ msg = [f'Force field: {self.desc}'] if len(self.potential) < 1: msg.append('No potential functions added yet!') else: msg.append('Potential functions:') for i, pot in enumerate(self.potential): msg.append(f'{i + 1}: {pot}') return '\n'.join(msg)
[docs] def print_potentials(self): """Print information on potentials in the force field. This is intended as a lighter alternative to `self.__str__` which can be verbose. This function will not actually do the printing, but it returns a string which can be printed. Returns ------- out : string Description of the potential functions in this force field. """ msg = [f'Force field: {self.desc}'] for i, pot in enumerate(self.potential): msg.append(f'\t{i + 1}: {pot.desc}') return '\n'.join(msg)