Source code for pyretis.inout.formats.path

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""Module for formatting path-trajectory data from PyRETIS.

Important classes defined here

PathExtFormatter (:py:class:`.PathExtFormatter`)
    A class for formatting external trajectories. Since this format
    is intended for paths created by an external software it will
    simply contain locations for the files where the snapshots are

PathIntFormatter (:py:class:`.PathIntFormatter`)
    A class for formatting internal trajectories. The format used is
    relatively simple and does not contain information about atoms,
    just the coordinates. The output for n-dimensional system contains
    2n columns (positions and velocities). This formatter is intended
    for use with objects like :py:class:`.Path`.

PathExtFile (:py:class:`.PathExtFile`)
    A class for writing path data for external paths.

PathIntFile (:py:class:`.PathIntFile`)
    A class for writing path data for internal paths.

import logging
import os
import numpy as np
from pyretis.inout.formats.formatter import OutputFormatter
from pyretis.inout.fileio import FileIO, read_some_lines
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name


__all__ = [

[docs]class PathIntFormatter(OutputFormatter): """A class for formatting internal trajectories.""" _FMT = '{:15.9f}'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initialise the PathIntFormatter formatter.""" super().__init__('PathIntFormatter', header=None) self.print_header = False self.fmt = None
[docs] def format(self, step, data): """Format path data for internal paths. Parameters ---------- step : integer The current simulation step. data : list Here, ``data[0]`` is assumed to be an object like :py:class:`.Path` and ``data[1]`` a string containing the status of this path. Yields ------ out : string The trajectory (positions & velocities). """ path, status = data[0], data[1] if not path: # E.g. when null-moves are False. return yield f'# Cycle: {step}, status: {status}' for i, phasepoint in enumerate(path.phasepoints): yield f'Snapshot: {i}' pos = phasepoint.particles.get_pos() vel = phasepoint.particles.get_vel() for posj, velj in zip(pos, vel): if self.fmt is None: self.fmt = ' '.join([self._FMT] * len(posj)) yield ' '.join([self.fmt.format(*posj), self.fmt.format(*velj)])
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(line): """Parse positions and velocities from a single line. Parameters ---------- line : string The line to parse. Returns ------- pos : list of floats The positions read from the file. vel : list of floats The velocities read from the file. """ raw = [float(i) for i in line.split()] dim = len(raw) // 2 if not 1 <= dim <= 3: raise ValueError(f'Malformed trajectory data: dim = {dim}?') pos = raw[:dim] vel = raw[dim:2*dim] return pos, vel
[docs] def read_snapshots(self, data): """Read snapshots from data. Parameters ---------- data : list of strings The data we are reading into snapshots. Yields ------ out : dict A dict representing the snapshot with positions and velocities. """ pos, vel = [], [] for line in data: if line.startswith('Snapshot'): # A new snapshot, store the old one: if pos: yield {'pos': np.array(pos), 'vel': np.array(vel)} pos, vel = [], [] else: new_pos, new_vel = self.parse(line) pos.append(new_pos) vel.append(new_vel) if pos: yield {'pos': np.array(pos), 'vel': np.array(vel)}
[docs] def load(self, filename): """Load trajectories from a path file. Parameters ---------- filename : string The path/file name of the file we want to open. Yields ------ data : dict The trajectory & comment read from the path file. """ for trajectory in read_some_lines(filename, line_parser=None): # These trajectories are just raw text, # convert to snapshots: traj = list(self.read_snapshots(trajectory['data'])) data = {'comment': trajectory['comment'], 'data': traj} yield data
[docs]class PathExtFormatter(OutputFormatter): """A class for formatting external trajectories. The external trajectories as stored as files and this path formatter includes the location of these files. Attributes ---------- FMT : string The string to use for the formatting. """ FMT = '{:>10} {:>20s} {:>10} {:>5}'
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initialise the PathExtFormatter formatter.""" header = {'labels': ['Step', 'Filename', 'index', 'vel'], 'width': [10, 20, 10, 5], 'spacing': 2} super().__init__('PathExtFormatter', header=header) self.print_header = False
[docs] def format(self, step, data): """Format path data for external paths. Parameters ---------- step : integer The current simulation step. data : list Here, ``data[0]`` is assumed to be an object like :py:class:`.Path`` and ``data[1]`` a string containing the status of this path. Yields ------ out : string The trajectory as references to files. """ path, status = data[0], data[1] if not path: # E.g. when null-moves are False. return yield f'# Cycle: {step}, status: {status}' yield self.header for i, phasepoint in enumerate(path.phasepoints): filename, idx = phasepoint.particles.get_pos() filename_short = os.path.basename(filename) if idx is None: idx = 0 vel = -1 if phasepoint.particles.get_vel() else 1 yield self.FMT.format(i, filename_short, idx, vel)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(line): """Parse the line data by splitting text on spaces. Parameters ---------- line : string The line to parse. Returns ------- out : list The columns of data. """ return list(line.split())
[docs]class PathExtFile(FileIO): """A class for writing path data."""
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, file_mode, backup=True): """Create the path writer with correct format for external paths.""" super().__init__(filename, file_mode, PathExtFormatter(), backup=backup)
[docs]class PathIntFile(FileIO): """A class for writing path data."""
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, file_mode, backup=True): """Create the path writer with correct format for internal paths.""" super().__init__(filename, file_mode, PathIntFormatter(), backup=backup)