# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""Module for handling the output/input of trajectory data.
This module defines some classes for writing out and reading snapshots
and trajectories in a XYZ-like format. By XYZ-like we here mean
that we also include velocities as part of the file.
Important methods defined here
format_xyz_data (:py:func:`.format_xyz_data`)
A method for formatting position/velocity data into a
XYZ-like format. This can be used by external engines to
convert to a standard format.
read_xyz_file (:py:func:`.read_xyz_file`)
A method for reading snapshots from a XYZ file.
reverse_xyz_file (:py:func:`.reverse_xyz_file`)
Method to read an XYZ-file in reverse, helps :py:func:`.xyz_merge`
merge trajectories.
txt_to_xyz (:py:func:`.txt_to_xyz`)
Method for converting/extracting paths from the internal trajectory
format and writing them as a .xyz file.
write_xyz_file (:py:func:`.write_xyz_file`)
Just a convenience method for writing to a new file.
write_xyz_trajectory (:py:func:`.write_xyz_trajectory`)
A helper method to write xyz trajectories. This will
also attempt to write box information to the XYZ-header.
xyz_merge (:py:func:`.xyz_merge`)
A method to merge a forward and a backward XYZ trajectory. This
method is mainly used when creating a whole trajectory for
import io
import logging
import numpy as np
from pyretis.inout.formats.snapshot import (
from pyretis.inout.formats.path import PathIntFormatter
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
# define formats for the trajectory output:
_XYZ_FMT = '{0:5s} {1:8.3f} {2:8.3f} {3:8.3f}'
_XYZ_BIG_FMT = '{:5s}' + 3*' {:15.9f}'
_XYZ_BIG_VEL_FMT = _XYZ_BIG_FMT + 3*' {:15.9f}'
__all__ = [
[docs]def read_xyz_file(filename):
"""Read files in XYZ format.
This method will read a XYZ file and yield the different snapshots
found in the file.
filename : string
The file to open.
out : dict
This dict contains the snapshot.
>>> from pyretis.inout.formats.xyz import read_xyz_file
>>> for snapshot in read_xyz_file('traj.xyz'):
... print(snapshot['x'][0])
The positions will **NOT** be converted to a specified set of units.
xyz_keys = ('atomname', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz')
for snapshot in read_txt_snapshots(filename, data_keys=xyz_keys):
yield snapshot
[docs]def convert_snapshot(snapshot):
"""Convert a XYZ snapshot to numpy arrays.
snapshot : dict
The dict containing a snapshot read from a XYZ-file.
box : numpy.array, 1D
The box dimensions if we manage to read it.
xyz : numpy.array
The positions.
vel : numpy.array
The velocities.
names : list of strings
The atom names found in the file.
names = snapshot['atomname']
box = snapshot.get('box', None)
natom = len(names)
xyz = np.zeros((natom, 3))
vel = np.zeros_like(xyz)
for i, dim in enumerate(('x', 'y', 'z')):
xyz[:, i] = snapshot[dim]
key = f'v{dim}'
if key in snapshot:
vel[:, i] = snapshot[key]
return box, xyz, vel, names
[docs]def write_xyz_file(filename, pos, vel=None, names=None, header=None):
"""Create a new XYZ file with the given file name.
filename : string
The file to create.
pos : numpy.array
The positions to write.
vel : numpy.array, optional
The velocities to write.
names : list, optional
The atom names.
header : string, optional
Header to use for writing the XYZ-file.
We will here just overwrite if the file already exists.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyretis.inout.formats.xyz import write_xyz_file
>>> xyz = 10 * np.random.rand(10, 3)
>>> write_xyz_file('conf.xyz', xyz)
>>> vel = 10 * np.random.rand(10, 3)
>>> write_xyz_file('confv.xyz', xyz, vel)
with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as output_file:
for line in format_xyz_data(pos, vel=vel, names=names,
[docs]def write_xyz_trajectory(filename, pos, vel, names, box, step=None,
"""Write XYZ snapshot to a trajectory.
This is intended as a lightweight alternative for just
dumping snapshots to a trajectory file.
filename : string
The file name to dump to.
pos : numpy.array
The positions we are to write.
vel : numpy.array
The velocities we are to write.
names : list of strings
Atom names to write.
box : numpy.array
The box dimensions/vectors
step : integer, optional
If the ``step`` is given, then the step number is
written to the header.
append : boolean, optional
Determines if we append or overwrite an existing file.
We will here append to the file.
npart = len(pos)
filemode = 'a' if append else 'w'
with open(filename, filemode, encoding='utf-8') as output_file:
header = ['#']
if step is not None:
header.append(f'Step: {step}')
if box is not None:
header.append(f'Box: {" ".join([f"{i:9.4f}" for i in box])}')
header_str = ' '.join(header)
for i in range(npart):
line = _XYZ_BIG_VEL_FMT.format(names[i], pos[i, 0], pos[i, 1],
pos[i, 2], vel[i, 0], vel[i, 1],
vel[i, 2])
[docs]def xyz_merge(backward, forward, merged):
"""Merge forward and backward trajectories into one.
backward : string
File path to the backward trajectory.
forward : string
File path to the forward trajectory.
merged : string
File path to the merged (output) trajectory. This will
overwrite existing files with the same file path!
The velocities in the backward trajectory will not be reversed,
the purpose of this method is mainly to make whole trajectories
for visualisation purposes.
reverse_xyz_file(backward, merged)
with open(forward, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as infile, \
open(merged, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as output:
for lines in infile:
[docs]def _reverse_xyz_buffer(buff, output):
"""Reverse the order in a XYZ buffer and extract frames.
buff : string
A buffer read from a .xyz file.
output : object like ``file object``
Where we write the reversed frames.
out : string
The left-over data which did not make a full frame.
frame = []
finish_next = False
for lines in reversed(buff.split('\n')):
if not lines:
if finish_next:
frame = []
finish_next = False
if lines.find('# Step') != -1:
# need just one more line to complete the frame
finish_next = True
if not frame:
return None
return '\n'.join(frame[::-1])
[docs]def reverse_xyz_file(filename, outputfile):
"""Reverse the order for frames in a given XYZ-file.
filename : string
The input .xyz file to open.
outputfile : string
The .xyz file to write.
This method will *NOT* reverse velocities.
buff_size = io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE
left_over = None
with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fileh, \
open(outputfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfh:
fileh.seek(0, 2) # Go to the end
current_pos = fileh.tell()
done = False
while current_pos >= 0 and not done:
next_pos = current_pos - buff_size
if next_pos > 0:
buff = fileh.read(buff_size)
if left_over is not None:
buff += left_over
left_over = _reverse_xyz_buffer(buff, outfh)
current_pos = fileh.tell() - buff_size
# data < buff_size is left, just read it all:
buff = fileh.read(current_pos)
if left_over is not None:
buff += left_over
left_over = _reverse_xyz_buffer(buff, outfh)
done = True
def txt_to_xyz(inputfile, outputfile, atoms, selection=None, nzero=6):
"""Convert a .txt trajectory to a .xyz trajectory.
The input trajectory is a trajectory in the internal
trajectory format.
inputfile : string
The input trajectory file.
outputfile : string
A template name for output trajectories.
atoms : list of strings
Atom names to write to the XYZ-file.
selection : string, optional
The selection can be used to select trajectories for output
based on the status.
nzero : integer, optional
The number of zeros we use to pad trajectory names.
out : list of strings
The files we created.
all_output = []
out = ''.join([outputfile, '-{:0', f'{nzero}d', '}-{}.xyz'])
for traj in PathIntFormatter().load(inputfile):
split = traj['comment'][0].split()
cycle = int(split[2][:-1])
status = split[4]
if selection is not None and status.lower() != selection.lower():
output = out.format(cycle, status)
with open(output, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outh:
for j, snapshot in enumerate(traj['data']):
for lines in format_xyz_data(snapshot['pos'],
header=f'Snapshot: {j}'):
return all_output