Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""Module for handling the output/input of trajectory data.

This module defines some classes for writing out and reading snapshots
and trajectories in a XYZ-like format. By XYZ-like we here mean
that we also include velocities as part of the file.

Important methods defined here

format_xyz_data (:py:func:`.format_xyz_data`)
    A method for formatting position/velocity data into a
    XYZ-like format. This can be used by external engines to
    convert to a standard format.

read_xyz_file (:py:func:`.read_xyz_file`)
    A method for reading snapshots from a XYZ file.

reverse_xyz_file (:py:func:`.reverse_xyz_file`)
    Method to read an XYZ-file in reverse, helps :py:func:`.xyz_merge`
    merge trajectories.

txt_to_xyz (:py:func:`.txt_to_xyz`)
    Method for converting/extracting paths from the internal trajectory
    format and writing them as a .xyz file.

write_xyz_file (:py:func:`.write_xyz_file`)
    Just a convenience method for writing to a new file.

write_xyz_trajectory (:py:func:`.write_xyz_trajectory`)
    A helper method to write xyz trajectories. This will
    also attempt to write box information to the XYZ-header.

xyz_merge (:py:func:`.xyz_merge`)
    A method to merge a forward and a backward XYZ trajectory. This
    method is mainly used when creating a whole trajectory for

import io
import logging
import numpy as np
from pyretis.inout.formats.snapshot import (
from pyretis.inout.formats.path import PathIntFormatter
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name


# define formats for the trajectory output:
_XYZ_FMT = '{0:5s} {1:8.3f} {2:8.3f} {3:8.3f}'
_XYZ_BIG_FMT = '{:5s}' + 3*' {:15.9f}'
_XYZ_BIG_VEL_FMT = _XYZ_BIG_FMT + 3*' {:15.9f}'

__all__ = [

[docs]def read_xyz_file(filename): """Read files in XYZ format. This method will read a XYZ file and yield the different snapshots found in the file. Parameters ---------- filename : string The file to open. Yields ------ out : dict This dict contains the snapshot. Examples -------- >>> from import read_xyz_file >>> for snapshot in read_xyz_file(''): ... print(snapshot['x'][0]) Note ---- The positions will **NOT** be converted to a specified set of units. """ xyz_keys = ('atomname', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz') for snapshot in read_txt_snapshots(filename, data_keys=xyz_keys): yield snapshot
[docs]def convert_snapshot(snapshot): """Convert a XYZ snapshot to numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- snapshot : dict The dict containing a snapshot read from a XYZ-file. Returns ------- box : numpy.array, 1D The box dimensions if we manage to read it. xyz : numpy.array The positions. vel : numpy.array The velocities. names : list of strings The atom names found in the file. """ names = snapshot['atomname'] box = snapshot.get('box', None) natom = len(names) xyz = np.zeros((natom, 3)) vel = np.zeros_like(xyz) for i, dim in enumerate(('x', 'y', 'z')): xyz[:, i] = snapshot[dim] key = f'v{dim}' if key in snapshot: vel[:, i] = snapshot[key] return box, xyz, vel, names
[docs]def format_xyz_data(pos, vel=None, names=None, header=None, fmt=None): """Format XYZ data for outputting. Parameters ---------- pos : numpy.array The positions to write. vel : numpy.array, optional The velocities to write. names : list, optional The atom names. header : string, optional Header to use for writing the XYZ-file. fmt : string, optional A format to use for the writing Yields ------ out : string The formatted lines. """ npart = len(pos) pos = adjust_coordinate(pos) if fmt is None: fmt = _XYZ_BIG_FMT if vel is None else _XYZ_BIG_VEL_FMT if vel is not None: vel = adjust_coordinate(vel) yield str(npart) if header is None: yield 'PyRETIS XYZ writer' else: yield str(header) if names is None: logger.warning('No atom name given. Using "X"') if vel is None: for i in range(npart): namei = 'X' if names is None else names[i] yield fmt.format(namei, pos[i, 0], pos[i, 1], pos[i, 2]) else: for i in range(npart): namei = 'X' if names is None else names[i] yield fmt.format(namei, pos[i, 0], pos[i, 1], pos[i, 2], vel[i, 0], vel[i, 1], vel[i, 2])
[docs]def write_xyz_file(filename, pos, vel=None, names=None, header=None): """Create a new XYZ file with the given file name. Parameters ---------- filename : string The file to create. pos : numpy.array The positions to write. vel : numpy.array, optional The velocities to write. names : list, optional The atom names. header : string, optional Header to use for writing the XYZ-file. Note ---- We will here just overwrite if the file already exists. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from import write_xyz_file >>> xyz = 10 * np.random.rand(10, 3) >>> write_xyz_file('', xyz) >>> vel = 10 * np.random.rand(10, 3) >>> write_xyz_file('', xyz, vel) """ with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as output_file: for line in format_xyz_data(pos, vel=vel, names=names, header=header): output_file.write(f'{line}\n')
[docs]def write_xyz_trajectory(filename, pos, vel, names, box, step=None, append=True): """Write XYZ snapshot to a trajectory. This is intended as a lightweight alternative for just dumping snapshots to a trajectory file. Parameters ---------- filename : string The file name to dump to. pos : numpy.array The positions we are to write. vel : numpy.array The velocities we are to write. names : list of strings Atom names to write. box : numpy.array The box dimensions/vectors step : integer, optional If the ``step`` is given, then the step number is written to the header. append : boolean, optional Determines if we append or overwrite an existing file. Note ---- We will here append to the file. """ npart = len(pos) filemode = 'a' if append else 'w' with open(filename, filemode, encoding='utf-8') as output_file: output_file.write(f'{npart}\n') header = ['#'] if step is not None: header.append(f'Step: {step}') if box is not None: header.append(f'Box: {" ".join([f"{i:9.4f}" for i in box])}') header.append('\n') header_str = ' '.join(header) output_file.write(header_str) for i in range(npart): line = _XYZ_BIG_VEL_FMT.format(names[i], pos[i, 0], pos[i, 1], pos[i, 2], vel[i, 0], vel[i, 1], vel[i, 2]) output_file.write(f'{line}\n')
[docs]def xyz_merge(backward, forward, merged): """Merge forward and backward trajectories into one. Parameters ---------- backward : string File path to the backward trajectory. forward : string File path to the forward trajectory. merged : string File path to the merged (output) trajectory. This will overwrite existing files with the same file path! Note ---- The velocities in the backward trajectory will not be reversed, the purpose of this method is mainly to make whole trajectories for visualisation purposes. """ reverse_xyz_file(backward, merged) with open(forward, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as infile, \ open(merged, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as output: for lines in infile: output.write(lines)
[docs]def _reverse_xyz_buffer(buff, output): """Reverse the order in a XYZ buffer and extract frames. Parameters ---------- buff : string A buffer read from a .xyz file. output : object like ``file object`` Where we write the reversed frames. Returns ------- out : string The left-over data which did not make a full frame. """ frame = [] finish_next = False for lines in reversed(buff.split('\n')): if not lines: continue frame.append(lines) if finish_next: output.write('\n'.join(frame[::-1])) output.write('\n') output.flush() frame = [] finish_next = False continue if lines.find('# Step') != -1: # need just one more line to complete the frame finish_next = True if not frame: return None return '\n'.join(frame[::-1])
[docs]def reverse_xyz_file(filename, outputfile): """Reverse the order for frames in a given XYZ-file. Parameters ---------- filename : string The input .xyz file to open. outputfile : string The .xyz file to write. Note ---- This method will *NOT* reverse velocities. """ buff_size = io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE left_over = None with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fileh, \ open(outputfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfh:, 2) # Go to the end current_pos = fileh.tell() done = False while current_pos >= 0 and not done: next_pos = current_pos - buff_size if next_pos > 0: buff = if left_over is not None: buff += left_over left_over = _reverse_xyz_buffer(buff, outfh) current_pos = fileh.tell() - buff_size else: # data < buff_size is left, just read it all: buff = if left_over is not None: buff += left_over left_over = _reverse_xyz_buffer(buff, outfh) done = True
def txt_to_xyz(inputfile, outputfile, atoms, selection=None, nzero=6): """Convert a .txt trajectory to a .xyz trajectory. The input trajectory is a trajectory in the internal trajectory format. Parameters ---------- inputfile : string The input trajectory file. outputfile : string A template name for output trajectories. atoms : list of strings Atom names to write to the XYZ-file. selection : string, optional The selection can be used to select trajectories for output based on the status. nzero : integer, optional The number of zeros we use to pad trajectory names. Returns ------- out : list of strings The files we created. """ all_output = [] out = ''.join([outputfile, '-{:0', f'{nzero}d', '}-{}.xyz']) for traj in PathIntFormatter().load(inputfile): split = traj['comment'][0].split() cycle = int(split[2][:-1]) status = split[4] if selection is not None and status.lower() != selection.lower(): continue output = out.format(cycle, status) all_output.append(output) with open(output, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outh: for j, snapshot in enumerate(traj['data']): for lines in format_xyz_data(snapshot['pos'], vel=snapshot['vel'], names=atoms, header=f'Snapshot: {j}'): outh.write(f'{lines}\n') return all_output