Source code for pyretis.inout.plotting.mpl_plotting

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""Functions for generating plots using matplotlib.

This module defines a plotter class for matplotlib and it also defines
some standard plots that are used in the analysis.

Important classes defined here

MplPlotter (:py:class:`.MplPlotter`)
    A class for plotting with matplotlib.

Important methods defined here

mpl_set_style (:py:func:`.mpl_set_style`)
    Method for setting the style for the plots, typically used here to
    load the *PyRETIS style*.
import os
import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from pyretis.inout.plotting.plotting import Plotter
from pyretis.inout.common import create_backup, name_file
from pyretis.inout.common import (ENERFILES, ENERTITLE, FLUXFILES,
                                  ORDERFILES, PATHFILES, PATH_MATCH)


logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

__all__ = ['MplPlotter']

# Define default style file:
_STYLEFILE = 'pyretis.mplstyle'
_MPL_STYLE_FILE = os.sep.join([os.path.dirname(__file__), 'styles',
_TITLE_SETTINGS = {'loc': 'right'}

[docs]class MplPlotter(Plotter): """A plotter using matplotlib. This class defines a plotter which makes use of matplotlib and it can be used as a starting point to create other plotters for PyRETIS bases on other tools (e.g. gnuplot etc.). Attributes ---------- style : string Defines what style to use for the plotting. out_fmt : string Selects format for output plots. """
[docs] def __init__(self, out_fmt, backup=False, style=None, out_dir=None): """Initiate, set style and check output format. Parameters ---------- out_fmt : string This is the format to use for the images. backup : boolean, optional Determines if we should overwrite or backup old files. style : string, optional This selects the style to use, it can be a file path or the string with the style name. out_dir : string, optional Determines if we should write the files to a particular directory. """ super().__init__(backup=backup, plotter_type='matplotlib', out_dir=out_dir) = style mpl_set_style( # Check if the requested file format is something we can do: fig = Figure() canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) supported = canvas.get_supported_filetypes() if out_fmt not in supported: msg = [f'Output format "{out_fmt}" is not supported.', 'Please try:'] for key in supported: msg.append(key) raise ValueError(' '.join(msg)) self.out_fmt = out_fmt del fig del canvas
[docs] def _print_figures_to_file(self, canvas): """Save figure(s) to file(s). This function will save figures to files. It will add a file format extension to the files when writing. Parameters ---------- canvas : dict of :class:`matplotlib.backend_bases.FigureCanvasBase` ``canvas[key]`` is assumed to define a figure which we will save to a file with a file name defined by ``key`` and the extension defined by ``self.out_fmt``. Returns ------- out : dict The files written. """ outputfiles = {} for key, val in canvas.items(): local_file = name_file(key, self.out_fmt, path=None) full_path = name_file(key, self.out_fmt, self.out_dir) outputfiles[key] = local_file mpl_savefig(val, full_path, self.backup) return outputfiles
[docs] def output_flux(self, results): """Plot flux results using py:func:`.mpl_plot_flux`. The parameters for this method is described in :py:func:`.mpl_plot_flux`. Returns ------- outputfile : list of dicts A list containing the files created for the flux and for the error in the flux. Note ---- The returned list is used to plot the figures in *pairs*. """ canvas_run, canvas_err = mpl_plot_flux(results) # Restructure output files for reporting outputfiles = [] for run, err in zip(canvas_run, canvas_err): local_run = name_file(run['name'], self.out_fmt, path=None) local_err = name_file(err['name'], self.out_fmt, path=None) full_run = name_file(run['name'], self.out_fmt, path=self.out_dir) full_err = name_file(err['name'], self.out_fmt, path=self.out_dir) mpl_savefig(run['canvas'], full_run, self.backup) mpl_savefig(err['canvas'], full_err, self.backup) outputfiles.append({'runflux': local_run, 'errflux': local_err}) return outputfiles
[docs] def output_energy(self, results, energies): """Plot energy results using :py:func:`.mpl_plot_energy`. The parameters for this method is described in :py:func:`.mpl_plot_energy`. Returns ------- out : dict This dict contains the files created by the plotting. """ canvas = mpl_plot_energy(results, energies) return self._print_figures_to_file(canvas)
[docs] def output_orderp(self, results, orderdata): """Plot order parameter data using :py:func:`.mpl_plot_orderp`. The parameters for this method is described in :py:func:`.mpl_plot_orderp`. Returns ------- out : dict This dict contains the files created by the plotting. """ canvas = mpl_plot_orderp(results, orderdata) return self._print_figures_to_file(canvas)
[docs] def output_path(self, results, path_ensemble): """Plot path results using :py:func:`.mpl_plot_path`. The parameters for this method is described in :py:func:`.mpl_plot_path`. Returns ------- out : dict This dict contains the files created by the plotting. """ canvas = mpl_plot_path(results, path_ensemble) return self._print_figures_to_file(canvas)
[docs] def output_pppath(self, results, path_ensemble): """Plot repptis path results using :py:func:`.mpl_plot_pppath`. The parameters for this method is described in :py:func:`.mpl_plot_pppath`. Returns ------- out : dict This dict contains the files created by the plotting. """ canvas = mpl_plot_pppath(results, path_ensemble) return self._print_figures_to_file(canvas)
[docs] def output_pp_global_cross(self, pp): """Plot repptis global cross prob using :py:func:`.mpl_plot_path`. The parameters for this method is described in :py:func:`.mpl_plot_path`. Returns ------- out : dict This dict contains the files created by the plotting. """ series = [{'type': 'xy', 'x': list(range(len(pp))), 'y': pp}] figset = {'xlabel': r'$\lambda_i$', 'ylabel': r'$P_A^{(\lambda_i|\lambda_A)}$', 'title': 'Global crossing probability', 'yscale': 'log'} canvas = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) return self._print_figures_to_file({'pp_Pc': canvas})
[docs] def output_matched_probability(self, path_ensembles, detect, matched, reptis=False): """Plot matched probabilities using :py:func:`.mpl_plot_matched`. The parameters for this method is described in :py:func:`.mpl_plot_matched`. Returns ------- out : dict This dict contains the files created by the plotting. """ canvas = mpl_plot_matched(path_ensembles, detect, matched, reptis) return self._print_figures_to_file(canvas)
[docs] def output_xi(self, xi, xierror): """Plot Xi and Xi error using :py:func:`.mpl_plot_xi`. The parameters for this method is described in :py:func:`.mpl_plot_xi`. Returns ------- out : dict This dict contains the files created by the plotting. """ canvas_run, canvas_err = mpl_plot_xi(xi, xierror) local_run = name_file(canvas_run[0]['name'], self.out_fmt, path=None) full_run_path = name_file(canvas_run[0]['name'], self.out_fmt, self.out_dir) mpl_savefig(canvas_run[0]['canvas'], full_run_path, self.backup) local_err = name_file(canvas_err[0]['name'], self.out_fmt, path=None) full_err_path = name_file(canvas_err[0]['name'], self.out_fmt, self.out_dir) mpl_savefig(canvas_err[0]['canvas'], full_err_path, self.backup) return {"xirun": local_run, "xierror": local_err}
[docs] def output_tau(self, tau, tauerror, bins, tau_ref, tau_ref_bins): """Plot Tau, Tau error, and tau reference histogram. The parameters for this method is described in :py:func:`.mpl_plot_tau` and :py:func:`.mpl_plot_tau_ref`. Returns ------- out : dict This dict contains the files created by the plotting. """ canvas_run, canvas_err = mpl_plot_tau(tau, tauerror) canvas_ref = mpl_plot_tau_ref(tau_ref, tau_ref_bins, bins) local_run = name_file(canvas_run[0]['name'], self.out_fmt, path=None) full_run_path = name_file(canvas_run[0]['name'], self.out_fmt, self.out_dir) mpl_savefig(canvas_run[0]['canvas'], full_run_path, self.backup) local_err = name_file(canvas_err[0]['name'], self.out_fmt, path=None) full_err_path = name_file(canvas_err[0]['name'], self.out_fmt, self.out_dir) mpl_savefig(canvas_err[0]['canvas'], full_err_path, self.backup) local_ref = name_file(canvas_ref['name'], self.out_fmt, path=None) full_ref_path = name_file(canvas_ref['name'], self.out_fmt, self.out_dir) mpl_savefig(canvas_ref['canvas'], full_ref_path, self.backup) return {"taurun": local_run, "tauerror": local_err, "tauref": local_ref}
[docs]def _mpl_read_style_file(filename): """Read style files for old versions of matplotlib. This function is just intended for old versions of matplotlib where we have to read parameters and set them ourselves. Parameters ---------- filename : string This is the matplotlib rc file to open. Returns ------- out : None Returns None, but modifies `matplotlib.rcParams`. """ with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as fileh: for lines in fileh: linesc = lines.strip().split('#')[0] loc = linesc.find(':') if loc != -1: key = linesc[:loc].strip() value = linesc[loc+1:].strip() if key.find('color') != -1: value = f'#{value}' try: matplotlib.rcParams[key] = value except KeyError: logger.warning(('Unknown setting "%s". ' 'Please update matplotlib'), key)
def mpl_set_style(style='pyretis'): """Set the plotting style for matplotlib. This will set up the plotting according to some given style. Styles can be given as string, for instance 'ggplot', 'bmh', 'grayscale' (i.e. one of the styles in ``) or as a file (full path is needed). The default PyRETIS style is stored in `_MPL_STYLE_FILE` and can be selected with 'pyretis'. Style equal to None is just the default matplotlib style. Parameters ---------- style : string, optional This selects the style to use, it can be a file path or the string with the style name. """ if style == 'pyretis': style = _MPL_STYLE_FILE if style in'Loading matplotlib style: %s', style) else: # assume this is just a file'Loading matplotlib style from file: %s', style) rcpar = matplotlib.rc_params_from_file( style, use_default_template=False ) matplotlib.rcParams.update(rcpar) def mpl_savefig(canvas, outputfile, backup=False): """Write/save matplotlib figures to files. Parameters ---------- canvas : object like :class:`matplotlib.backend_bases.FigureCanvasBase` This is the figure to be written to the file by using ``canvas.print_figure()``. outputfile : string This is the name of the output file to create. backup : boolean, optional This determines if we should try to back-up old versions of the figures. """ if backup: msg = create_backup(outputfile) if msg: logger.warning(msg) canvas.print_figure(outputfile) def mpl_plot_in_chunks(axs, series, chunksize=20000): """Plot a series in chunks using matplotlib. When plotting 'large' datasets, matplotlib might give an ``OverflowError: Allocated too many blocks`` error. Here we avoid this error by plotting the data in chunks. We could also downsample the data, but this is perhaps something best left to the user. Parameters ---------- axs : Axes object from matplotlib Where to do the plotting series : dict Represents the data to be plotted. chunksize : int This is the maximum size we will try to plot in one go. """ color = None line = None leny = min(len(series['y']), len(series['x'])) if leny > chunksize: nchunk, rest = divmod(leny, chunksize) for i in range(nchunk): low = i * chunksize high = low + chunksize line = _mpl_plot_xy_chunk(axs, series, low=low, high=high, color=color) color = line.get_color() if rest > 0: # We want 1 less to force line overlap, # We want positive low in case x and y length don't overlap line = _mpl_plot_xy_chunk(axs, series, low=nchunk*chunksize-1, high=None, color=color) else: line = _mpl_plot_xy_chunk(axs, series) return line
[docs]def _mpl_plot_xy_chunk(axs, series, low=0, high=None, color=None): """Do the actual plotting in chunks for ``x`` vs ``y`` data. Parameters ---------- axs : Axes object from matplotlib Where to do the plotting. series : dict Represents the data to be plotted. low : int, optional Lower index to start plotting. `low` can be negative. high : int, optional Index where to end the plotting, this index is not plotted. `high` is assumed to always be > 0 or None. color : string, optional A string representing the color to use. Returns ------- handle : object like :py:class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D` A handle for the plotted line. """ # pick out just a few keys - we want to limit what we change here: kwargs = {'linestyle': series.get('ls', '-'), 'alpha': series.get('alpha', 1.0), 'linewidth': series.get('lw', 2.0)} if color is not None: kwargs['color'] = color elif 'color' in series: kwargs['color'] = series['color'] if high is None: high = min(len(series['x']), len(series['y'])) else: high = min(len(series['x']), len(series['y']), high) handle, = axs.plot(series['x'][low:high], series['y'][low:high], **kwargs) return handle
def mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=None): """Plot simple time series data (i.e. ``x`` vs ``y`` data). Parameters ---------- series : list of dicts `series[i]` is the dict which contains the data to be plotted. fig_settings : dict, optional This dict contains settings for the figure, keys are: * `xlabel`: string, the label to use for the x-axis. * `ylabel`: string, the label to use for the y-axis. * `title`: string, title to use for the figure. * `yscale`: string, to change the scale for the y-axis. Returns ------- out : object like :class:`matplotlib.backend_bases.FigureCanvasBase` This is the figure we create here. """ fig = Figure() canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) axs = fig.add_subplot(111) handles = [] labels = [] for seri in series: handle = None if seri['type'] == 'xy': handle = mpl_plot_in_chunks(axs, seri) elif seri['type'] == 'bar': handle = mpl_plot_bar(axs, seri) elif seri['type'] == 'vline': handle = axs.axvline(x=seri['x'], ls=seri.get('ls', '-'), alpha=seri.get('alpha', 1.0), lw=seri.get('lw', 2.0)) elif seri['type'] == 'hline': handle = axs.axhline(y=seri['y'], ls=seri.get('ls', '-'), alpha=seri.get('alpha', 1.0), lw=seri.get('lw', 2.0)) legend = seri.get('label', None) if legend is not None and handle is not None: handles.append(handle) labels.append(legend) if 'xlabel' in fig_settings: axs.set_xlabel(fig_settings['xlabel']) if 'ylabel' in fig_settings: axs.set_ylabel(fig_settings['ylabel']) if 'title' in fig_settings: axs.set_title(fig_settings['title'], **_TITLE_SETTINGS) if len(labels) == len(handles) and len(labels) >= 1: ncol, rest = divmod(len(labels), 10) if rest > 0: ncol += 1 if ncol <= 2: axs.legend(handles, labels, ncol=ncol) if 'yscale' in fig_settings: axs.set_yscale(fig_settings['yscale']) return canvas def mpl_linecollection_gradient(axs, series): """Plot a line with a color gradient along the line. The line is split into segments and each segment is colored according to it's "location" along the line. By "location" we here mean the order of the segments. Parameters ---------- axs : Axes object from matplotlib Where to do the plotting. series : dict Represents the data to be plotted. Returns ------- handle : object like :class:`matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` A handle for the plotted line. """ # pick out just a few keys - we want to limit what we change here: kwargs = {'linestyle': series.get('ls', '-'), 'alpha': series.get('alpha', 1.0), 'linewidth': series.get('lw', 2.0)} points = np.array([series['x'], series['y']]).T.reshape((-1, 1, 2)) segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) values = np.linspace(0, 1, len(series['x'])) linec = LineCollection(segments, array=values, norm=matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=1), **kwargs) handle = axs.add_collection(linec) return handle def mpl_chunks_gradient(axs, series, chunksize=20000): """Plot a line gradient in chunks. Here we will plot a line in chunks and color each chunk with one color. This function can be used as an alternative to :py:func:`.mpl_linecollection_gradient` when the number of points to plot is very large. Typically the chunk size here will be small compared to the size of the data to be plotted, so that each chunk, if plotted with :py:func:`.mpl_linecollection_gradient`, would have approximately the same color anyway. Parameters --------- axs : Axes object from matplotlib Where to do the plotting. series : dict Represents the data to be plotted. chunksize : int, optional This is the maximum size (number of points) we will try to plot in one go. Returns ------- handle : object like :class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D` A handle for the plotted line. Note ---- Color maps in matplotlib will typically have 256 colors. The number of different colors we can get is currently limited to 256. """ kwargs = {'linestyle': series.get('ls', '-'), 'alpha': series.get('alpha', 1.0), 'linewidth': series.get('lw', 2.0)} line = None lenx = len(series['x']) nchunk, rest = divmod(lenx, chunksize) cnorm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=nchunk+1) color_map = for i in range(nchunk): low = i * chunksize high = low + chunksize line, = axs.plot(series['x'][low:high], series['y'][low:high], **kwargs) line.set_color(color_map.to_rgba(i)) if rest > 0: last = rest + 1 line, = axs.plot(series['x'][-last:], series['y'][-last:], **kwargs) line.set_color(color_map.to_rgba(nchunk)) return line def mpl_line_gradient(series, fig_settings): """Plot time series with a color gradient. This function will plot time series data and color the lines with a gradient according to 'time' Parameters ---------- series : list of dicts `series[i]` is the dict which contains the data to be plotted. fig_settings : dict This dict contains settings for the figure, keys are: * `xlabel`: string, the label to use for the x-axis. * `ylabel`: string, the label to use for the y-axis. * `title`: string, title to use for the figure. * `yscale`: string, to change the scale for the y-axis. Returns ------- out : object like :class:`matplotlib.backend_bases.FigureCanvasBase` This is the figure we create here. Notes ----- This function is based on the matplotlib example from: """ fig = Figure() canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) axs = fig.add_subplot(111) handles = [] labels = [] for seri in series: lenx = len(seri['x']) if lenx >= 10**6: # plot in chunks'Line gradient: LARGE dataset - plotting in chunks') handle = mpl_chunks_gradient(axs, seri) else: # just plot it all handle = mpl_linecollection_gradient(axs, seri) legend = seri.get('label', None) if legend is not None and handle is not None: handles.append(handle) labels.append(legend) axs.autoscale_view() if 'xlabel' in fig_settings: axs.set_xlabel(fig_settings['xlabel']) if 'ylabel' in fig_settings: axs.set_ylabel(fig_settings['ylabel']) if 'title' in fig_settings: axs.set_title(fig_settings['title'], **_TITLE_SETTINGS) if len(labels) == len(handles) and len(labels) >= 1: axs.legend(handles, labels) return canvas def mpl_error_plot(series, fig_settings): """Plot series with errors. Plot a series with error values displayed as a filled region. Parameters ---------- series : list of tuples `series[i]` is the tuple which will be plotted. It is assumed to be on the form (x-values, y-values, y-error, legend). fig_settings : dict This dict contains settings for the figure, keys are: * `xlabel`: string, the label to use for the x-axis. * `ylabel`: string, the label to use for the y-axis. * `title`: string, title to use for the figure. Returns ------- out : object like :class:`matplotlib.backend_bases.FigureCanvasBase` This is the figure we create here. """ fig = Figure() canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) axs = fig.add_subplot(111) handles = [] labels = [] for seri in series: try: add_legend = seri[3] is not None except IndexError: add_legend = False handle, = axs.plot(seri[0], seri[1]) axs.fill_between(seri[0], seri[1] + seri[2], seri[1] - seri[2], facecolor=handle.get_color(), alpha=0.3) if add_legend: handles.append(handle) labels.append(seri[3]) if 'xlabel' in fig_settings: axs.set_xlabel(fig_settings['xlabel']) if 'ylabel' in fig_settings: axs.set_ylabel(fig_settings['ylabel']) if 'title' in fig_settings: axs.set_title(fig_settings['title'], **_TITLE_SETTINGS) if len(labels) == len(handles) and len(labels) >= 1: axs.legend(handles, labels) return canvas
[docs]def _mpl_shoots_histogram(histograms, ensemble): """Plot the histograms from the shoots analysis. Parameters ---------- histograms : dict These are the histograms obtained in the shoots analysis. ensemble : string This is the ensemble identifier, e.g. 001, 002, etc. Returns ------- out : object like :class:`matplotlib.backend_bases.FigureCanvasBase` This is the unscaled histogram. """ series = [] for key in ['ACC']: try: mid = histograms[key][2] hist = histograms[key][0] series.append({'type': 'xy', 'x': mid, 'y': hist, 'alpha': 0.8}) except KeyError: continue figset = {'xlabel': 'Order parameter', 'ylabel': 'Probability density', 'title': f'Ensemble ${ensemble}$'} canvas = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) return canvas
def mpl_plot_path(results, path_ensemble): """Plot all figures from the path analysis. Parameters ---------- results : dict This dict contains the result from the analysis. path_ensemble : object like :py:class:`.PathEnsemble` This is the path ensemble we have analyzed. Returns ------- canvas : dict This dictionary contains the different canvases we have created. """ ens = path_ensemble.ensemble_name ens_simplified = path_ensemble.ensemble_name_simple detect = results['detect'] canvas = {} out = {} for key, item in PATHFILES.items(): out[key] = item.format(ens_simplified) if 'pcross' in results: # First plot `pcross` vs `lambda` with the `detect` surface: series = [ {'type': 'xy', 'x': results['pcross'][0], 'y': results['pcross'][1]}, {'type': 'vline', 'x': detect, 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}, ] figset = {'xlabel': r'Order parameter ($\lambda$)', 'ylabel': 'Crossing probability', 'title': f'Ensemble ${ens}$'} canvas[out['pcross']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) if 'prun' in results: # Next plot running ` pcross`: series = [ {'type': 'xy', 'x': results['cycle'], 'y': results['prun']}, {'type': 'hline', 'y': results['prun'][-1], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}, ] figset = {'xlabel': 'Cycle number', 'ylabel': 'Running estimate', 'title': f'Ensemble ${ens}$'} canvas[out['prun']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) if 'blockerror' in results: # Plot results of block-error analysis: series = [ {'type': 'xy', 'x': results['blockerror'][0], 'y': results['blockerror'][3]}, {'type': 'hline', 'y': results['blockerror'][4], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}, ] title = r'Ensemble ${0}$: Rel. err.: {1:9.6e}, Ncor: {2:9.6f}' figset = {'xlabel': 'Block length', 'ylabel': 'Estimated error', 'title': title.format(ens, results['blockerror'][4], results['blockerror'][6])} canvas[out['perror']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) if 'lengtherror' in results: # Plot results of length-error analysis: series = [ {'type': 'xy', 'x': results['lengtherror'][0], 'y': results['lengtherror'][3]}, {'type': 'hline', 'y': results['lengtherror'][4], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}, ] title = r'Ensemble ${0}$: Rel. err.: {1:9.6e}, Ncor: {2:9.6f}' figset = {'xlabel': 'Block length', 'ylabel': 'Estimated error', 'title': title.format(ens, results['lengtherror'][4], results['lengtherror'][6])} canvas[out['lengtherror']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) # Plot length-histogram: labfmt = r'Avg. {0:6.2f} {1:6.2f}' series = [ {'type': 'xy', 'x': results['pathlength'][0][1], 'y': results['pathlength'][0][0], 'label': labfmt.format(results['pathlength'][0][2][0], results['pathlength'][0][2][1])}, ] figset = {'xlabel': 'No. of PyRETIS engine steps', 'ylabel': 'Probability', 'title': f'Ensemble ${ens}$'} canvas[out['pathlength']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) # Plot shoots-histogram can_tmp = _mpl_shoots_histogram(results['shoots'][0], ens) canvas[out['shoots']] = can_tmp return canvas def mpl_plot_pppath(results, path_ensemble): """Plot all figures from the repptis path analysis. Parameters ---------- results : dict This dict contains the result from the analysis. path_ensemble : object like :py:class:`.PathEnsemble` This is the path ensemble we have analyzed. Returns ------- canvas : dict This dictionary contains the different canvases we have created. """ ens = path_ensemble.ensemble_name ens_simplified = path_ensemble.ensemble_name_simple canvas = {} out = {} colors = get_color_map(10) for key, item in PATHFILES.items(): out[key] = item.format(ens_simplified) if 'pp_Pc' in results: # First plot `pcross` vs `lambda` with the `detect` surface: series = [ {'type': 'xy', 'x': list(range(len(results['pp_Pc']))), 'y': results['pp_Pc']}, ] figset = {'xlabel': r'intf', 'ylabel': r'$P_a(\lambda_i/\lambda_A)$', 'title': r''} canvas[out['pp_Pc']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) if 'pcross' in results: L, M, R, lmlpercs, lmllambs, rmrpercs, rmrlambs = results['repptis'] # First plot `pcross` vs `lambda` with the `detect` surface: series = [ {'type': 'xy', 'x': lmllambs, 'y': lmlpercs, 'color': colors[0]}, {'type': 'xy', 'x': rmrlambs, 'y': rmrpercs, 'color': colors[1]}, {'type': 'vline', 'x': L, 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}, {'type': 'vline', 'x': M, 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}, {'type': 'vline', 'x': R, 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}, ] figset = {'xlabel': r'Order parameter ($\lambda$)', 'ylabel': 'Crossing probability', 'title': f'Ensemble ${ens}$' + f', L = {L}, M = {M}, R = {R}'} canvas[out['pcross']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) if 'prun_sl' in results: # Next plot running ` pcross`: series = [ {'type': 'xy', 'x': results['cycle'], 'y': results['prun_sl'], 'color': colors[0]}, {'type': 'hline', 'y': results['prun_sl'][-1], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}, ] figset = {'xlabel': 'Cycle number', 'ylabel': 'Running estimate', 'title': f'Ensemble ${ens}$' + f", {results['prun_sl'][-1]}"} canvas[out['prun_sl']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) if 'prun_sr' in results: # Next plot running ` pcross`: series = [ {'type': 'xy', 'x': results['cycle'], 'y': results['prun_sr'], 'color': colors[1]}, {'type': 'hline', 'y': results['prun_sr'][-1], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}, ] figset = {'xlabel': 'Cycle number', 'ylabel': 'Running estimate', 'title': f'Ensemble ${ens}$' + f", {results['prun_sr'][-1]}"} canvas[out['prun_sr']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) if 'blockerror_sl' in results: # Plot results of block-error analysis: series = [ {'type': 'xy', 'x': results['blockerror_sl'][0], 'y': results['blockerror_sl'][3], 'color': colors[0]}, {'type': 'hline', 'y': results['blockerror_sl'][4], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}, ] title = r'Ensemble ${0}$: Rel. err.: {1:9.6e}, Ncor: {2:9.6f}' figset = {'xlabel': 'Block length', 'ylabel': 'Estimated error', 'title': title.format(ens, results['blockerror_sl'][4], results['blockerror_sl'][6])} canvas[out['perror_sl']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) if 'blockerror_sr' in results: # Plot results of block-error analysis: series = [ {'type': 'xy', 'x': results['blockerror_sr'][0], 'y': results['blockerror_sr'][3], 'color': colors[1]}, {'type': 'hline', 'y': results['blockerror_sr'][4], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}, ] title = r'Ensemble ${0}$: Rel. err.: {1:9.6e}, Ncor: {2:9.6f}' figset = {'xlabel': 'Block length', 'ylabel': 'Estimated error', 'title': title.format(ens, results['blockerror_sr'][4], results['blockerror_sr'][6])} canvas[out['perror_sr']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) if 'lengtherror' in results: # Plot results of length-error analysis: series = [ {'type': 'xy', 'x': results['lengtherror'][0], 'y': results['lengtherror'][3]}, {'type': 'hline', 'y': results['lengtherror'][4], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}, ] title = r'Ensemble ${0}$: Rel. err.: {1:9.6e}, Ncor: {2:9.6f}' figset = {'xlabel': 'Block length', 'ylabel': 'Estimated error', 'title': title.format(ens, results['lengtherror'][4], results['lengtherror'][6])} canvas[out['lengtherror']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) # Plot length-histogram: labfmt = r'Avg8 {0:6.2f} {1:6.2f}' series = [ {'type': 'xy', 'x': results['pathlength'][0][1], 'y': results['pathlength'][0][0], 'label': labfmt.format(results['pathlength'][0][2][0], results['pathlength'][0][2][1])}, ] figset = {'xlabel': 'No. of PyRETIS engine steps', 'ylabel': 'Crossing probability', 'title': f'Ensemble ${ens}$'} canvas[out['pathlength']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) # Plot shoots-histogram can_tmp = _mpl_shoots_histogram(results['shoots'][0], ens) canvas[out['shoots']] = can_tmp return canvas def mpl_plot_orderp(results, orderdata): """Plot the output from the order parameter analysis using matplotlib. Parameters ---------- results : dict Each item in `results` contains the results for the corresponding order parameter. orderdata : list of numpy.arrays This is the raw data for the order parameter analysis. Returns ------- canvas : dict The different plots created by this function. Note ---- We are here only outputting results for the first order parameter. I.e. other order parameters or velocities are not written here. This will be changed when the structure of the output order parameter file has been fixed. Also note that, if present, the first order parameter will be plotted against the second one - i.e. the second one will be assumed to represent the velocity here. """ canvas = {} time = orderdata[:, 0] series = [{'type': 'xy', 'x': time, 'y': orderdata[:, 1]}] figset = {'xlabel': 'Time', 'ylabel': 'Order parameter'} canvas[ORDERFILES['order']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) # make running average plot of the energies as function of time series = [{'type': 'xy', 'x': time, 'y': results[0]['running'], 'label': 'Running average'}] canvas[ORDERFILES['run_order']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) # plot block-error results: block = results[0]['blockerror'] series = [ {'type': 'xy', 'x': block[0], 'y': block[3]}, {'type': 'hline', 'y': block[4], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8} ] title = 'Order parameter. Rel. err.: {0:9.6e}, Ncor: {1:9.6f}' figset = {'xlabel': 'Block length', 'ylabel': 'Estimated error', 'title': title.format(block[4], block[6])} canvas[ORDERFILES['block']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) # plot distributions dist = results[0]['distribution'] series = [{'type': 'xy', 'x': dist[1], 'y': dist[0]}] title = '{0}. Average: {1:9.6e}, std: {2:9.6f}' title = title.format('Order parameter', dist[2][0], dist[2][1]) figset = {'title': title} canvas[ORDERFILES['dist']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) # also try a orderp vs ordervel plot: _, col = orderdata.shape if col >= 3: series = [{'type': 'xyc', 'x': orderdata[:, 1], 'y': orderdata[:, 2]}] figset = {'xlabel': r'$\lambda$', 'ylabel': r'$\dot{\lambda}$', 'title': 'Order parameter vs velocity'} plot = ORDERFILES['ordervel'] canvas[plot] = mpl_line_gradient(series, fig_settings=figset) # output msd if it was calculated: if 'msd' in results[0]: msd = results[0]['msd'] series = [(np.arange(len(msd)), msd[:, 0], msd[:, 1])] figset = {'xlabel': 'Time', 'ylabel': 'MSD'} canvas[ORDERFILES['msd']] = mpl_error_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) return canvas def mpl_plot_energy(results, energies): """Plot the output from the energy analysis using matplotlib. Parameters ---------- results : dict Each item in `results` contains the results for the corresponding energy. It is assumed to contains the keys 'vpot', 'ekin', 'etot', 'ham', 'temp', 'elec'. energies : dict of numpy.arrays This is the raw data for the energy analysis. Returns ------- canvas : dict The output figures created by this function. """ canvas = {} time = energies['time'] # make time series plot of the energies series = [] for key in ['vpot', 'ekin', 'etot', 'ham']: if key not in energies: continue series.append({'type': 'xy', 'x': time, 'y': energies[key], 'label': ENERTITLE[key]}) figset = {'xlabel': 'Time', 'ylabel': 'Energy'} canvas[ENERFILES['energies']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) # make running average plot of the energies as function of time series = [] for key in ['vpot', 'ekin', 'etot', 'ham']: if key not in results: continue series.append({'type': 'xy', 'x': time, 'y': results[key]['running'], 'label': ENERTITLE[key]}) canvas[ENERFILES['run_energies']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) # plot temperature series = [{'type': 'xy', 'x': time, 'y': energies['temp']}] figset = {'xlabel': 'Time', 'ylabel': 'Temperature'} canvas[ENERFILES['temperature']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) # and running average for temperature series = [{'type': 'xy', 'x': time, 'y': results['temp']['running']}] figset = {'xlabel': 'Time', 'ylabel': 'Temperature', 'title': 'Running average'} canvas[ENERFILES['run_temp']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) # plot block-error results: title = r'{0}: Rel. err.: {1:9.6e}, Ncor: {2:9.6f}' for key in ['vpot', 'ekin', 'etot', 'temp']: if key not in results: continue plot = ENERFILES['block'].format(key) block = results[key]['blockerror'] series = [ {'type': 'xy', 'x': block[0], 'y': block[3]}, {'type': 'hline', 'y': block[4], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8} ] figset = {'xlabel': 'Block length', 'ylabel': 'Estimated error', 'title': title.format(ENERTITLE[key], block[4], block[6])} canvas[plot] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) # plot distributions for key in ['vpot', 'ekin', 'etot', 'temp']: if key not in results: continue dist = results[key]['distribution'] series = [{'type': 'xy', 'x': dist[1], 'y': dist[0], 'label': ENERTITLE[key]}] title = '{0}. Average: {1:9.6e}, std: {2:9.6f}' title = title.format(ENERTITLE[key], dist[2][0], dist[2][1]) if 'boltzmann-dist' in results[key]: series.append({'type': 'xy', 'x': results[key]['boltzmann-dist'][1], 'y': results[key]['boltzmann-dist'][0], 'label': 'Boltzmann distribution'}) plot = ENERFILES['dist'].format(key) canvas[plot] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings={'title': title}) return canvas def mpl_plot_flux(results): """Plot the output from the flux analysis using matplotlib. Parameters ---------- results : dict This is the dict with the results from the flux analysis. Returns ------- out[0] : list of dicts The output figures created by this function for running averages. `out[0][i]['name']` is the name of the figure and `out[0][i]['canvas']` is the corresponding canvas object. out[1] : list of dicts The output figures created by this function for block errors. `out[0][i]['name']` is the name of the figure and `out[0][i]['canvas']` is the corresponding canvas object. """ canvas_run = [] canvas_err = [] for i in range(len(results['flux'])): # Plot running average: flux = results['flux'][i] runflux = results['runflux'][i] series = [{'type': 'xy', 'x': flux[:, 0], 'y': runflux, 'label': 'Running average'}] title = f'Flux for interface no. {i + 1}' figset = {'xlabel': 'Time', 'ylabel': 'Flux / internal units', 'title': title} canvas = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) canvas_run.append({'name': FLUXFILES['runflux'].format(i + 1), 'canvas': canvas}) # Plot error results: errflux = results['errflux'][i] title = r'Block error: {0}: Rel. err.: {1:9.6e}, Ncor: {2:9.6f}' series = [{'type': 'xy', 'x': errflux[0], 'y': errflux[3]}, {'type': 'hline', 'y': errflux[4], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}] figset = {'xlabel': 'Block length', 'ylabel': 'Estimated error', 'title': title.format(i + 1, errflux[4], errflux[6])} canvas = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) canvas_err.append({'name': FLUXFILES['block'].format(i + 1), 'canvas': canvas}) return canvas_run, canvas_err def mpl_plot_xi(xi, xierror): """Plot the output from the Xi analysis using matplotlib. Parameters ---------- xi: array-like The running average of xi xierror: tuple The results from the blockerror analysis of xi Returns ------- out[0] : list of dicts The output figures created by this function for running averages. `out[0][i]['name']` is the name of the figure and `out[0][i]['canvas']` is the corresponding canvas object. out[1] : list of dicts The output figures created by this function for block errors. `out[0][i]['name']` is the name of the figure and `out[0][i]['canvas']` is the corresponding canvas object. """ canvas_run = [] canvas_err = [] series = [{'type': 'xy', 'x': range(len(xi)), 'y': xi, 'label': 'Running average'}, {'type': 'hline', 'y': xi[-1], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}] title = r'$\xi={}$:' figset = {'xlabel': 'cycles', 'ylabel': r'$\xi$', 'title': title.format(xi[-1])} canvas = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) canvas_run.append({'name': "xirun", 'canvas': canvas}) # Plot error results: title = r"relative $\xi$ error: Rel. err.: {0:9.6e}, Ncor: {1:9.6f}" series = [{'type': 'xy', 'x': xierror[0], 'y': xierror[3]}, {'type': 'hline', 'y': xierror[4], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}] figset = {'xlabel': 'Block length', 'ylabel': 'Estimated error', 'title': title.format(xierror[4], xierror[6])} canvas = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) canvas_err.append({'name': "xierr", 'canvas': canvas}) return canvas_run, canvas_err def mpl_plot_tau(tau, tauerror): """Plot the output from the Tau analysis using matplotlib. Parameters ---------- tau: array-like The running average of tau. tauerror: tuple The results from the blockerror analysis of tau. Returns ------- out[0] : list of dicts The output figures created by this function for running averages. `out[0][i]['name']` is the name of the figure and `out[0][i]['canvas']` is the corresponding canvas object. out[1] : list of dicts The output figures created by this function for block errors. `out[0][i]['name']` is the name of the figure and `out[0][i]['canvas']` is the corresponding canvas object. """ canvas_run = [] canvas_err = [] if not tau.any(): str_in = "no" else: str_in = "in" series = [{'type': 'xy', 'x': range(len(tau)), 'y': tau, 'label': 'Running average'}, {'type': 'hline', 'y': tau[-1], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}] title = (r'$\frac{\tau}{dz}$ ' f"({str_in} " r'selected $\tau$ region)$= $') figset = {'xlabel': 'cycles', 'ylabel': r'$\frac{\tau}{dz}$', 'title': title+f"${tau[-1]}$"} canvas = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) canvas_run.append({'name': "taurun", 'canvas': canvas}) # Plot error results: title = (r"relative error $\frac{\tau}{dz}$ " f"({str_in} " r"selected $\tau$ region):") title2 = r"Rel. err.: {0:9.6e}, Ncor: {1:9.6f}" series = [{'type': 'xy', 'x': tauerror[0], 'y': tauerror[3]}, {'type': 'hline', 'y': tauerror[4], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8, 'label': title2.format(tauerror[4], tauerror[6])}] figset = {'xlabel': 'Block length', 'ylabel': 'Estimated error', 'title': title} canvas = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) canvas_err.append({'name': "tauerr", 'canvas': canvas}) return canvas_run, canvas_err def mpl_plot_tau_ref(tau_ref, tau_ref_bins, bins): """Plot a histogram of the Tau reference bins using matplotlib. Parameters ---------- tau_ref: array-like The final running average of all tau ref bins. tau_ref_bins: list of tuple The (L,R) bin edges of the reference bins. bins: tuple The (L,R) bin edges of the region used to calculate tau. Returns ------- out : dict The output figure created by this function for histograming the tau reference bins. dict['name']` is the name of the figure and `dict['canvas']` is the corresponding canvas object. """ x = [i[0] for i in tau_ref_bins] width = x[1]-x[0] series = [{'type': 'bar', 'x': x, 'height': tau_ref, 'width': width, 'align': 'edge'}] if len(bins) == 2: series.append( {'type': 'vline', 'x': bins[0], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8, 'label': r'selected $\tau$ region'} ) series.append( {'type': 'vline', 'x': bins[1], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8} ) title = r'$\frac{\tau}{dz}$ reference bins' figset = {'xlabel': 'Orderparameter', 'ylabel': r'$\frac{\tau}{dz}$ count', 'title': title} canvas = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) return {"name": "tauref", "canvas": canvas} def get_color_map(ncolors): """Return a color map with at least n colors.""" if ncolors <= 10: name = 'tab10' elif 10 < ncolors <= 20: name = 'tab20' else: name = None if name is None:'Using default color map.') else:'Using color map %s', name) cmap = matplotlib.colormaps[name] return cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, ncolors)) def mpl_plot_matched(path_ensembles, detect, matched, reptis=False): """Plot matched probabilities using matplotlib. This function will plot the matched probabilities for the different ensembles and also make a plot with just the over-all matched probability. Parameters ---------- path_ensembles : list of strings This is the name of the path ensembles we have calculated the probability for. detect : list of floats These are the detect interfaces used in the analysis. matched : dict This dict contains the results from the matching of the probabilities: `matched['overall-prob']`, and `matched['overall-prun']` or `matched['overall-rrun']` (if exists) are used here. Returns ------- canvas : dict The output figures created by this function. """ canvas = {} # Also make a plot with the overall matched probability: series = [] for idetect in detect: series.append({'type': 'vline', 'x': idetect, 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8, 'lw': 1}) if reptis: matched['overall-prob'] = np.array([detect, matched['pcross']]).T series.append({'type': 'xy', 'x': matched['overall-prob'][:, 0], 'y': matched['overall-prob'][:, 1], 'lw': 3}) figset = {'xlabel': r'Order parameter ($\lambda$)', 'ylabel': 'Crossing probability', 'title': 'Matched probability', 'yscale': 'log'} canvas[PATH_MATCH['match']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) # Also make a plot with the TIME evolution of the overall # probability or rate: if 'overall-rrun' in matched: title = 'Time evolution of the overall Rate' ylabel = 'Rate (running estimate)' data = matched['overall-rrun'] label = 'overall-rrun' elif 'overall-prun' in matched: title = 'Time evolution of the overall crossing probability' ylabel = 'Crossing probability (running estimate)' data = matched['overall-prun'] label = 'overall-prun' else: return canvas series = [{'type': 'xy', 'x': matched['overall-cycle'], 'y': data}, {'type': 'hline', 'y': data[-1], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}] figset = {'xlabel': 'Cycle number', 'ylabel': ylabel, 'title': title} canvas[label] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) # and finish with the block error analysis. series = [{'type': 'xy', 'x': matched['overall-error'][0], 'y': matched['overall-error'][3]}, {'type': 'hline', 'y': matched['overall-error'][4], 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8}] if reptis: title = 'Relative error of the running crossing probability' else: title = r'Overall: Rate Rel. err.: {0:9.6e}, Ncor: {1:9.6e}' title.format(matched['overall-error'][4], matched['overall-error'][6]) figset = {'xlabel': 'Block length', 'ylabel': 'Estimated error', 'title': title} canvas[PATH_MATCH['error']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) if reptis: # reptis does not deal with .. return canvas # First plot the matched probabilities for each ensemble: series = [] for idetect in detect: series.append({'type': 'vline', 'x': idetect, 'ls': '--', 'alpha': 0.8, 'lw': 1}) # color_cycle was deprecated in matplotlib 1.5, but to support old # versions: if 'axes.prop_cycle' in matplotlib.rcParams: ckey = 'axes.prop_cycle' else: ckey = 'axes.color_cycle' # Check if we need to have more colors: if len(matplotlib.rcParams[ckey]) < len(path_ensembles):'Overriding color cycle.') colors = get_color_map(len(path_ensembles)) else: colors = None new_series = {'type': 'xy', 'x': matched['overall-prob'][:, 0], 'y': matched['overall-prob'][:, 1], 'alpha': 0.8, 'lw': 9, 'label': 'Overall', 'color': '#262626'} series.append(new_series) for i, (prob, path_e) in enumerate(zip(matched['matched-prob'], path_ensembles)): new_series = {'type': 'xy', 'x': prob[:, 0], 'y': prob[:, 1], 'lw': 3, 'label': f'${path_e}$'} if colors is not None: new_series['color'] = colors[i] series.append(new_series) figset = {'xlabel': r'Order parameter ($\lambda$)', 'ylabel': 'Probability', 'title': 'Overall probabilities', 'yscale': 'log'} canvas[PATH_MATCH['total']] = mpl_simple_plot(series, fig_settings=figset) return canvas def mpl_plot_bar(axs, seri): del seri['type'] return**seri)