Source code for pyretis.inout.plotting.plotting
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""Definition of the base class for the plotter.
This module just defines a base class for plotters. This is just to
ensure that all plotters at least implement some functions and that we
can make use of them.
Important classes defined here
Plotter (:py:class:`.Plotter`)
A generic class for creating plots.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
__all__ = ['Plotter']
[docs]class Plotter(metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""Base class for PyRETIS plotters.
This class defines a plotter. A plotter is just an object
that supports certain functions which can be called by analysis
output functions. It should define certain plots and the
``Plotter`` class is an abstract class just to make sure that
all plotters define the needed plots.
backup : boolean
Determines if we overwrite old files or try to back them up.
plotter_type : string
Defines a name for the plotter, in case we want to identify it.
out_dir : string, optional
Defines an output directory for the plotter.
[docs] def __init__(self, backup=True, plotter_type=None, out_dir=None):
"""Initialise the plotting object.
backup : boolean, optional
Determines if we overwrite old files or not.
plotter_type : string, optional
A name for the plotter.
out_dir : string, optional
A string which can be used to set an output directory
for the plotter.
self.plotter_type = plotter_type
self.backup = backup in (True, 'yes', 'True')
self.out_dir = out_dir
[docs] @abstractmethod
def output_flux(self, results):
"""Plot flux results."""
[docs] @abstractmethod
def output_energy(self, results, energies):
"""Plot energy results."""
[docs] @abstractmethod
def output_orderp(self, results, orderdata):
"""Plot order parameter results."""
[docs] @abstractmethod
def output_path(self, results, path_ensemble):
"""Plot results for each path ensemble."""
[docs] @abstractmethod
def output_matched_probability(self, path_ensembles, detect, matched):
"""Plot the overall probability for path ensembles."""
[docs] def __str__(self):
"""Print out the basic info."""
return f'Plotter: {self.plotter_type}'