Source code for pyretis.setup.createforcefield
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""This module handles the creation of force fields from simulation settings.
Important methods defined here
create_potentials (:py:func:`.create_potentials`)
Method for creating potentials from a dictionary of settings.
Note that this method will make use of :py:func:`.create_potential`.
create_force_field (:py:func:`.create_force_field`)
Method to create a force field from input settings.
import logging
from pyretis.setup.common import create_potential
from pyretis.forcefield import ForceField
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
__all__ = ['create_force_field', 'create_potentials']
[docs]def create_potentials(settings):
"""Create potential functions from given simulations settings.
This method will basically loop over the given potential settings
and just run :py:func:`.create_potential` for each setting.
settings : dict
This dictionary contains the settings for the simulation.
out[0] : list
A list of potential functions.
out[1] : list
A list of parameters for the potential functions.
potentials = settings.get('potential', [])
ndim = settings['system']['dimensions']
except KeyError:
ndim = None
out_pot, out_par = [], []
for i, pot_settings in enumerate(potentials):
potential_function = create_potential(settings, pot_settings)
if potential_function is None:
msg = 'The following potential settings were ignored!\n{}'
msgtxt = msg.format(pot_settings)
pdim = getattr(potential_function, 'dim', None)
if pdim is not None and ndim is not None:
if ndim != pdim:
msg = ('Inconsistent dimensions in potential!'
'\nSettings gives: {}D, potential {} is {}D')
msgtxt = msg.format(ndim, i, pdim)
raise ValueError(msgtxt)
out_par.append(pot_settings.get('parameter', None))
return out_pot, out_par
[docs]def create_force_field(settings):
"""Create a force field from input settings.
This method will create the required potential functions with the
specified parameters from `settings`.
settings : dict
This dictionary contains the settings for a single potential.
out : object like :py:class:`.ForceField`
This object represents the force field.
desc = settings['forcefield']['description']
except KeyError:
desc = 'Generic force field'
potentials, pot_param = create_potentials(settings)
ffield = ForceField(desc, potential=potentials, params=pot_param)
msg = ['Created force field:', '{}'.format(ffield)]
msgtxt = '\n'.join(msg)
return ffield