# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023, PyRETIS Development Team.
# Distributed under the LGPLv2.1+ License. See LICENSE for more info.
"""Definitions of simulation objects for path sampling simulations.
This module defines simulations for performing path sampling
Important classes defined here
PathSimulation (:py:class:`.PathSimulation`)
The base class for path simulations.
SimulationTIS (:py:class:`.SimulationSingleTIS`)
Definition of a TIS simulation for a single path ensemble.
SimulationRETIS (:py:class:`.SimulationRETIS`)
Definition of a RETIS simulation.
SimulationPPRETIS (:py:class:`.SimulationPPRETIS`)
Definition of a PPRETIS simulation.
import logging
import os
import numpy as np
from pyretis.core.common import soft_partial_exit, priority_checker
from pyretis.core.random_gen import create_random_generator
from pyretis.core.retis import make_retis_step
from pyretis.core.tis import make_tis
from pyretis.initiation import initiate_path_simulation
from pyretis.inout.common import make_dirs
from pyretis.inout.restart import write_ensemble_restart
from pyretis.inout.screen import print_to_screen
from pyretis.inout.simulationio import task_from_settings
from pyretis.simulation.simulation import Simulation
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
__all__ = ['PathSimulation', 'SimulationTIS', 'SimulationRETIS']
[docs]class PathSimulation(Simulation):
"""A base class for TIS/RETIS simulations.
ensembles : list of dictionaries of objects
Each contains:
* `path_ensemble`: objects like :py:class:`.PathEnsemble`
This is used for storing results for the different path ensembles.
* `engine`: object like :py:class:`.EngineBase`
This is the integrator that is used to propagate the system in time.
* `rgen`: object like :py:class:`.RandomGenerator`
This is a random generator used for the generation of paths.
* `system`: object like :py:class:`.System`
This is the system the simulation will act on.
settings : dict
A dictionary with TIS and RETIS settings. We expect that
we can find ``settings['tis']`` and possibly
``settings['retis']``. For ``settings['tis']`` we further
expect to find the keys:
* `aimless`: Determines if we should do aimless shooting
(True) or not (False).
* `sigma_v`: Scale used for non-aimless shooting.
* `seed`: A integer seed for the random generator used for
the path ensemble we are simulating here.
Note that the
:py:func:`pyretis.core.tis.make_tis_step_ensemble` method
will make use of additional keys from ``settings['tis']``.
Please see this method for further details. For the
``settings['retis']`` we expect to find the following keys:
* `swapfreq`: The frequency for swapping moves.
* `relative_shoots`: If we should do relative shooting for
the path ensembles.
* `nullmoves`: Should we perform null moves.
* `swapsimul`: Should we just swap a single pair or several pairs.
required_settings : tuple of strings
This is just a list of the settings that the simulation
requires. Here it is used as a check to see that we have
all we need to set up the simulation.
required_settings = ('tis', 'retis')
name = 'Generic path simulation'
simulation_type = 'generic-path'
simulation_output = [
'type': 'pathensemble',
'name': 'path_ensemble',
'result': ('pathensemble-{}',),
'type': 'path-order',
'name': 'path_ensemble-order',
'result': ('path-{}', 'status-{}'),
'type': 'path-traj-{}',
'name': 'path_ensemble-traj',
'result': ('path-{}', 'status-{}', 'pathensemble-{}'),
'type': 'path-energy',
'name': 'path_ensemble-energy',
'result': ('path-{}', 'status-{}'),
[docs] def __init__(self, ensembles, settings, controls):
"""Initialise the path simulation object.
ensembles : list of dicts
Each contains:
* `path_ensemble`: object like :py:class:`.PathEnsemble`
This is used for storing results for the simulation. It
is also used for defining the interfaces for this simulation.
* `system`: object like :py:class:`.System`
This is the system we are investigating.
* `order_function`: object like :py:class:`.OrderParameter`
The object used for calculating the order parameter.
* `engine`: object like :py:class:`.EngineBase`
This is the integrator that is used to propagate the
system in time.
* `rgen`: object like :py:class:`.RandomGenerator`
This is the random generator to use in the ensemble.
settings : dict
This dictionary contains the settings for the simulation.
controls: dict of parameters to set up and control the simulations
It contains:
* `steps`: int, optional
The number of simulation steps to perform.
* `startcycle`: int, optional
The cycle we start the simulation on, useful for restarts.
* `rgen`: object like :py:class:`.RandomGenerator`
This object is the random generator to use in the simulation.
super().__init__(settings, controls)
self.ensembles = ensembles
self.settings = settings
self.rgen = controls.get('rgen', create_random_generator())
for key in self.required_settings:
if key not in self.settings:
logtxt = 'Missing required setting "{}" for simulation "{}"'
logtxt = logtxt.format(key, self.name)
raise ValueError(logtxt)
self.settings[key] = settings[key]
# Additional setup for shooting:
for i, ensemble in enumerate(ensembles):
if self.settings['ensemble'][i]['tis']['sigma_v'] < 0.0:
self.settings['ensemble'][i]['tis']['aimless'] = True
logger.debug('%s: aimless is True', self.name)
logger.debug('Path simulation: Creating sigma_v.')
sigv = (self.settings['ensemble'][i]['tis']['sigma_v'] *
logger.debug('Path simulation: sigma_v created and set.')
self.settings['ensemble'][i]['tis']['sigma_v'] = sigv
self.settings['ensemble'][i]['tis']['aimless'] = False
logger.debug('Path simulation: aimless is False')
[docs] def restart_info(self):
"""Return restart info.
The restart info for the path simulation includes the state of
the random number generator(s).
info : dict,
Contains all the updated simulation settings and counters.
info = super().restart_info()
info['simulation']['rgen'] = self.rgen.get_state()
# Here we store only the necessary info to initialize the
# ensemble objects constructed in `pyretis.setup.createsimulation`
# Note: these info are going to be stored in restart.pyretis
if hasattr(self, 'ensembles'):
info['ensemble'] = []
for ens in self.ensembles:
{'restart': os.path.join(
return info
[docs] def load_restart_info(self, info):
"""Load restart information.
Note: This method load the info for the main simulation, the actual
ensemble restart is done in initiate_restart.
info : dict
The dictionary with the restart information, should be
similar to the dict produced by :py:func:`.restart_info`.
self.rgen = create_random_generator(info['simulation']['rgen'])
[docs] def create_output_tasks(self, settings, progress=False):
"""Create output tasks for the simulation.
This method will generate output tasks based on the tasks
listed in :py:attr:`.simulation_output`.
settings : dict
These are the simulation settings.
progress : boolean
For some simulations, the user may select to display a
progress bar, we then need to disable the screen output.
logging.debug('Clearing output tasks & adding pre-defined ones')
self.output_tasks = []
for ensemble in self.ensembles:
path_ensemble = ensemble['path_ensemble']
directory = path_ensemble.directory['path_ensemble']
idx = path_ensemble.ensemble_number
logger.info('Creating output directories for path_ensemble %s',
for dir_name in path_ensemble.directories():
msg_dir = make_dirs(dir_name)
logger.info('%s', msg_dir)
for task_dict in self.simulation_output:
task_dict_ens = task_dict.copy()
if 'result' in task_dict_ens:
task_dict_ens['result'] = \
[key.format(idx) for key in task_dict_ens['result']]
task = task_from_settings(task_dict_ens, settings, directory,
ensemble['engine'], progress)
if task is not None:
logger.debug('Created output task:\n%s', task)
[docs] def write_restart(self, now=False):
"""Create a restart file.
now : boolean, optional
If True, the output file will be written irrespective of the
step number.
if now or (self.restart_freq is not None and
self.cycle['stepno'] % self.restart_freq == 0):
for ens, e_set in zip(self.ensembles, self.settings['ensemble']):
write_ensemble_restart(ens, e_set)
[docs] def initiate(self, settings):
"""Initialise the path simulation.
settings : dictionary
The simulation settings.
init = initiate_path_simulation(self, settings)
for i_ens, (accept, path, status, path_ensemble) in enumerate(init):
f'Found initial path for {path_ensemble.ensemble_name}:',
level='success' if accept else 'warning',
for line in str(path).split('\n'):
print_to_screen(f'- {line}')
logger.info('Found initial path for %s',
logger.info('%s', path)
idx = path_ensemble.ensemble_number
path_ensemble_result = {
f'pathensemble-{idx}': path_ensemble,
f'path-{idx}': path,
f'status-{idx}': status,
'cycle': self.cycle,
'system': self.system,
# If we are doing a restart, we do not print out at the
# "restart" step as we assume that this is already
# outputted in the "previous" simulation (the one
# we restart from):
if settings['initial-path']['method'] != 'restart':
for task in self.output_tasks:
write_ensemble_restart({'path_ensemble': path_ensemble},
if self.soft_exit():
return False
return True
[docs] def step(self):
"""Perform a TIS/RETIS/PPRETIS simulation step.
out : dict
This list contains the results of the defined tasks.
sim_type = self.settings['simulation']['task'].lower()
sim_map = {'explore': make_tis,
'tis': make_tis,
'pptis': make_tis,
'retis': make_retis_step,
'repptis': make_retis_step,
prio_skip = priority_checker(self.ensembles, self.settings)
if True not in prio_skip:
self.cycle['step'] += 1
self.cycle['stepno'] += 1
msgtxt = f' {sim_type} step. Cycle {self.cycle["stepno"]}'
prepare = sim_map[sim_type]
runner = prepare(self.ensembles, self.rgen,
self.settings, self.cycle['step'])
results = {}
for i_ens, res in enumerate(runner):
if prio_skip[i_ens]:
idx = res['ensemble_number']
result = {'cycle': self.cycle}
result[f'move-{idx}'] = res['mc-move']
result[f'status-{idx}'] = res['status']
result[f'path-{idx}'] = res['trial']
result[f'accept-{idx}'] = res['accept']
result[f'all-{idx}'] = res
# This is to fix swaps needs
idx_ens = i_ens if sim_type in {'pptis', 'tis', 'explore'} else idx
result[f'pathensemble-{idx}'] = \
for task in self.output_tasks:
if self.settings['ensemble'][idx_ens]['simulation'].get(
'remove_generate', True):
logger.debug("Removing generate/ files:")
logger.debug("self.ensembles[i_ens]['path_ensemble'] = %s",
if soft_partial_exit(self.settings['simulation']['exe_path']):
self.cycle['endcycle'] = self.cycle['step']
return results
[docs] def run(self):
"""Run a path simulation.
The intended usage is for simulations where all tasks have
been defined in :py:attr:`self.tasks`.
This function will just run the tasks via executing
:py:meth:`.step` In general, this is probably too generic for
the simulation you want, if you are creating a custom simulation.
Please consider customizing the :py:meth:`.run` (or the
:py:meth:`.step`) method of your simulation class.
out : dict
This dictionary contains the results from the simulation.
while not self.is_finished():
result = self.step()
if self.soft_exit():
yield result
yield result
[docs]class SimulationTIS(PathSimulation):
"""A TIS simulation.
This class is used to define a TIS simulation where the goal is
to calculate crossing probabilities for a single path ensemble.
required_settings = ('tis',)
name = 'TIS simulation'
simulation_type = 'tis'
simulation_output = PathSimulation.simulation_output + [
'type': 'pathensemble-screen',
'name': 'path_ensemble-screen',
'result': ('pathensemble-{}',),
[docs] def __str__(self):
"""Just a small function to return some info about the simulation."""
msg = ['TIS simulation']
msg += ['Ensembles:']
for ensemble in self.ensembles:
path_ensemble = ensemble['path_ensemble']
msg += [f'Path ensemble: {path_ensemble.ensemble_number}']
msg += [(f'{path_ensemble.ensemble_name}: '
f'Interfaces: {path_ensemble.interfaces}')
msg += [f'Engine: {ensemble["engine"]}']
nstep = self.cycle['endcycle'] - self.cycle['startcycle']
msg += [f'Number of steps to do: {nstep}']
return '\n'.join(msg)
[docs]class SimulationRETIS(PathSimulation):
"""A RETIS simulation.
This class is used to define a RETIS simulation where the goal is
to calculate crossing probabilities for several path ensembles.
The attributes are documented in the parent class, please see:
required_settings = ('retis',)
name = 'RETIS simulation'
simulation_type = 'retis'
simulation_output = PathSimulation.simulation_output + [
'type': 'pathensemble-retis-screen',
'name': 'path_ensemble-retis-screen',
'result': ('pathensemble-{}',),
[docs] def __str__(self):
"""Just a small function to return some info about the simulation."""
msg = ['RETIS simulation']
msg += ['Ensembles:']
for ensemble in self.ensembles:
path_ensemble = ensemble['path_ensemble']
msgtxt = (f'{path_ensemble.ensemble_name}: '
f'Interfaces: {path_ensemble.interfaces}')
msg += [msgtxt]
nstep = self.cycle['endcycle'] - self.cycle['startcycle']
msg += [f'Number of steps to do: {nstep}']
return '\n'.join(msg)